Just the ladies

(going movie noir)

a killing maniac justwhat I thought
I have seen it before but this
noo first cute lil fluffy puffy kitten
and now this women of naughty delight
we have to negotiate we cannot let her die
i agree. shes proberly scabby and deasese ridden (like the pidgeons) so yeah get rid of her befor we all catch something!
Depends if she is ugly or good looking. If she is skanky and scabby i say be done with it :) Lol

Hmmm...let's see, well, she looks kinda nice, but kinda not-nice, she looks okay to touch, but your hand would get sticky.....so...uh....I guess her hooker rank is a C+, but if you're a little generous, she'd havta be.....a B+ ranked hooker.
Another useless hostage.....*Shoots filthy hooker* better think fast.....*Grabs President Bush* Yes! You don't know how hard this was to do, the secret service was really on guard today, but I've still managed to snag the prez! This is my best hostage attempt yet! Hahahahahaaaa!!!
ok JUST SHOOT THE GIT AND PUT US ALL OUT OF OUR MISERY!!! and while your at it do you think you could shoot tony blair too??