Kei's Photoshop Works

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I now have a lot of characters and they are rendered but I need Backgrounds I'm out of C4Ds and those stuff
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Whoa, that tag is pretty hawt.
I like the effects and the coloring.

I need Backgrounds I'm out of C4Ds and those stuff
Here's one.

I'll get more later.
I swear the regular ones that made by brushes are cooler than the C4D ones.
L i g h t ♥ said:

Whoa, that tag is pretty hawt.
I like the effects and the coloring.

Thanks ;)
by the way I do the same stuff with different things, but still I'm practicing

Here are few more:

I think the lighting is too much here

This one was a request, but I'll just add it:

This is a wallpaper but since it's first time for me doing one of course it's going to be a simple one:

I think I will fix the my first sigs now =D

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i think that the two latest sigs are cool and the wallpaper looks really good, you seem to be fairly good at doing this for someone who has just started...keep up the good work
Thanks mate, by the way why don't you show us some of your works Dante? :monster:

by the way I'll update my first page with my recent works
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I swear the regular ones that made by brushes are cooler than the C4D ones.

Lol I actually find that quite true myself. I prefer using brushes more than anything. C4D's are just for cool effects, but it's the brushes that do the real magic. That's what I think anyway based on experience.

And there's no problem with trying out different styles. I do the same as well. I like to explore the possibilities and playing around with the program, so if a sig turns out to be different from your typical work, then good! You don't really want to make your style all the same and similar, so practicing (even if it turns out to be not so great) is very important. You've gotten much better, so keep it up!
Thanks, but since my tools and brushes are limited I don't think I'll be making new signature until Monday and that's when I get my copy of CS2
Here is another signature but I made 2 of it one with a text and the other without the text:



So which one is better the one with text or the one without the text?
Without the text, considerably. I can't give any pointers on text, seeing as I haven't quite mastered the basics myself. The coloring is very interesting, but what can be improved upon is lighting and depth. Everything is the same throughout and leaves much to be desired.

Still, very nice.
Well I dunno how to improve that yet :sad:
well here's another sig:

well duh it's not finished yet

Try to do something about the stock, cause you can see that it was cut out with the Magnetic Lasso tool. Just blur out the edges or something... Other then that, good work, keep em commin ;)
Yea I know that's what I had in mind but I was too busy to finish it >_<

well this is it now:
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I really like this one. It's probably the best one you've done so far as everything in general is just clean-looking. The background's a bit on the plain side, but that's okay. Sometimes with sigs, plain is better than having too many things going on.
Thanks ^^ here's another one:

It's not pretty good, I made others but I'm saving them for the next SOTW that have the same theme
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