

Jun 27, 2008
Does anyone actually use him?
His sphere grid position means you take him into anyone's, but is there any point?
I mean you have a character that go into there and is specialized in it. Is there any need for another character?
Me personally I've never used him except for when I've had to. Such as the fight on Gagazet.
Other than that fight you have to use him, nope I don't. Ever. I do try to train all my characters equally, but he is down there with Lulu. I use afew others moderately , like Rikku and Tidus have the whole underwater benefit so I used them in Gagazzet and Shinryu in the battle arena, and then there are my 3 main dudes Yuna Wakka and Auron

But Khimarhi, I think I wrote him off before I gave up on Lulu....stupid lightning bolts......Oh, I made sure I got all his lancets, but that was more for completion rather than actually wanting to use him
Yeah, I never even bothered to get his lancets seeing as i wasn't going to use him.
I didn't honestly see a point in him.
My main party was always tidus, yuna and auron, kimhari didn't really fit into the story in opinion, he was just there. The only backstory he had to Yuna was a childhood friend i belive. Correct me if im wrong :)
I use everyone and try to get each person involved in every battle so they all gain AP at the same time. With Kimarhi, Lulu, Rikku and maybe sometimes Yuna, when they have nothing to contribute to a battle, I just switch them in, press triangle so they defend, then when it comes back to their turn, I switch them back out. That way they gain the AP.

Kimarhi can be quite usefull though, his piercing weapons can help, having an extra person besides Auron who can deal decent damage to armoured foes.
Yeah, I never even bothered to get his lancets seeing as i wasn't going to use him.
I didn't honestly see a point in him.
My main party was always tidus, yuna and auron, kimhari didn't really fit into the story in opinion, he was just there. The only backstory he had to Yuna was a childhood friend i belive. Correct me if im wrong :)

Didnt he find a 10 year old Yuna in...Bevelle or something and just became her Guardian from then on?

My memory is abit fuzzy so Im not too sure. It seems abit random that she would just suddenly latch onto a Ronso and he become her guardian -shrugs-

He looks pretty baddass, it's just a shame he's not....well, not on my file anyway, even with his armour peircing ability he always seemed to do significantly less damage than anyone else
that's true to be honest. Not sure about the 10 year old one. Because to be honest if you we're 10 and you saw a blue lion thing would you latch onto it?
Auron told Kimarhi to find her and watch over her after he confronted Yunalesca after Jecht became the Fayth for Braska's final summoning.

Auron managed to get out alive and made his way to Mt Gagazet, where he met Kimarhi. Auron then died but was never sent.
i never used Kimahri except for story battle purposes and to unlock his part of the sphere grid faster. i never got all of his lancets, mainly because i found out i missed the ones you can only get from his brothers. so once i found that out, i never used him, even when i was mastering the sphere grid with everyone else.
I used him, just because I like blue mages. He's far from useless, but he is pretty much an extra character. Having an extra character than can use time magic earlier in the game is pretty awesome though.
I've never got him using the time magic, Tidus was there for that. But then again, i see why some people do, but he seems useless to me :/
This post seems very similar to that on neoseeker.

Somebody stated how no one ever used Kimahri and compared his stats to Auron's; a desperate attempt to make an extra character seem meaningful

Still I like using Kimahri, overdrives are useful and his stats are fairly decent
Kimahri Is A Great Character.

What You Gotta DO Is.. After You Get So Far In The Game, Let Him Become A "Loner" And Always Let Kimahri Battle Alone..

My Kimahri Is The Strongest In My Party Now..Next To Auron, WHo I Have Set Under "Loner" Also..
Kimahri's OK, I suppose. I wanted him to be this brilliant strong character, but he really wasn't, which disappointed me. I do try and use him, but it's not worth it when he keeps missing/gets confused etc
I never cared for Kimahri. Everytime I want on the sphere grid with him, I end up taking him to the Black Mage side. He ends up being my weakest character in the game because of that. I do love his vocabulary though, makes me giggle at times.
Kimahri does have Lancet abilities that no one else has. Plus, with the Sphere Grid, anyone can be the strongest character in the game with a maxxed out 255 stats for the respective catagories.

I use him here and there, but not in my main party of 3. He's not useless at all, he just gets the short end of the stick because fans like the other characters so much better. Kimahri is probably the least in-depth character in the game in terms of how Square presents him to you in-game. They do hint at what he has done in his life and his connections to Yuna and Auron before the game, but it's something many people can easily overlook while playing through the game.
Kimahri does have Lancet abilities that no one else has. Plus, with the Sphere Grid, anyone can be the strongest character in the game with a maxxed out 255 stats for the respective catagories.

I use him here and there, but not in my main party of 3. He's not useless at all, he just gets the short end of the stick because fans like the other characters so much better. Kimahri is probably the least in-depth character in the game in terms of how Square presents him to you in-game. They do hint at what he has done in his life and his connections to Yuna and Auron before the game, but it's something many people can easily overlook while playing through the game.


He's not "weak" it's how you develope him, where he starts on the Sphere Grid you get to chose the first path he takes, where as everyone else has a only one path at the beginning until you get the key spheres. He can be as weak or strong as you want him to be in whichever field you like. He's alot more versatile that way.

As for him as a character, I like him. I like the strong silent type. The way he just stands there watching Yuna's every move incase any danger comes her way he can be straight in to protect her. He's probably the best guardian she has.

I also laugh at him in the earlier parts of the game, when he's on screen and you take Tidus over to him, press X to talk, and he just looks at him then looks away lol.
I gotta say i didn't really like him much to start of with but the fight on Mt.Gagazet(i think that's how it's spelt) really got me liking him, i didn't really use him much tho but i finished to sphere grid with him and he was a pretty good character but to me not as good as the others.
BustaMo said:
Kimahri does have Lancet abilities that no one else has. Plus, with the Sphere Grid, anyone can be the strongest character in the game with a maxxed out 255 stats for the respective catagories.
Once everyone has their stats maxed out, you compare everyone's overdrives, in which case Kimarhi's pales in comparison to the likes of Tidus', Wakka's and Lulu's. He's useless against the Dark Aeons and Penance.

However, for most of the game, he's a useful member in battle; Some of the effects of Blue Magic can help you greatly, and he's fairly versatile.
Actually I used Kimahri the most. To me he is the most powerful character in the game. His HP is very high, his strength, defence etc.
His overdrives are useful when I wish to defend my party.