
I actually started him on about 4 characters' paths in a desperate attempt to make him stronger. Yuna => Tidus => Wakka => Auron
Kimahri = most useless character ever for fight or plot. He served no purpose at all. If he was an optional character, he might at least have had some "cool" factor. He's just a waste of space. I figured he was just some kind of blue pack... lion or something.
i think Square tried to make him a kind of jack-of-all trades right from the start
but it kind of fizzled out cause the only time he is useful is for his piercing in battles before you get Auron

...such a shame, he was so cool looking
I hardly ever used Kimahri, i just wasnt to appealed to him as a characters, he and rikku were my most misused characters.
I think that Kimahri has so much potential, it's just that some people don't take advantage of him. I brought him towards Lulu's portion of the sphere grid, and it really works out well for me. I also had him learn some white magic as well, and he's proven to be extremely useful.
At the moment on my latest game, he's equal with Auron in Strength. I took him right round in a circle from where he starts, then up to where Tidus starts and with the Strength Sphere from winning the Blitzball game against the Goers, right now Tidus' strength is ony 1 point behind Auron's, and Kimarhi also using the node is equal to Auron. This also means Kimarhi's agility and accuracy are quite high, so right now I don't need to use Wakka for every flying type fiend, as Kimarhi can strike them down with ease.

He's a pretty handy character.
Well actually Kimahri is cool because all I actually do with him is copy other monster abilities. But I do find it stupid that he can lear self-destruct. Kimahri is an ok character for a fight I guess......
I typically believe that blue magic characters are some of the most effective warriors in Final Fantasy games. Having said that, Kimahri came up far short of that expectation. I think I disliked him even moreso than normal because he fucked up my favorite jobclass.
Most Blue Mages are like...random characters that either get used or get dropped off the deep end. lol.


I think Quistis is the most popular out of the 3.
I actually liked Kimahri because he was so versatile.

The first time i played the game i took him on Lulu's path and basically broke him. Second time i ran him down Tidus' path then towards Auron's and he was great.

He was basically Auron, with higher speed, and the trump card of having Blue Magic. Not to mention the coolness of having spears, as well as his Ultimate Weapon being pretty easy to get and upgrade.

Thats my two cents anyway, the 3 characters you ended up using would have been the ones you liked the most, since everybody can use anything, you can justify your choice basically by saying its the ones you liked the most.

I ended up using Tidus, Yuna and Kimahri and forgot the rest after beating up Yunalesca. :P
Kimahri was just that extra character I had if another party member died. I used him for backup when I needed him and that was it. In fact, I stopped leveling him up after awhile. I always saw Tidus, Yuna, Lulu, and Auron as my 'big hitters' so I spent most of my time getting them as beefed up as I could. Rikku, Wakka, and Kimahri just kind of took the back seat.
I think on my second playthrough of FFX, I really tried to use Kimarhi. It was like when I played through FFIX, I made Quina a big part of the game... but I just couldn't do it in FFX. His blue magic could only be used in Overdrives and his regular attacks were too infrequent and never dealt enough damage. He was always the weak party member. After awhile, I had to switch Auron in to win battles. I think I managed to make it to Macalania with Kimarhi before I finally gave up on him...
I never really used him. I stayed with the typical party: Tidus, Auron and Yuna (sometimes Rikku). BUT Kimahri was able to learn...I think it was called Nova when he learned used lancet and that turns out to be one of the strongest attcks in the game. So I tried to use him....but later gave up.
There could have been a much better character to fill Kimahri's space. There were no special Ronso abilities he could've came up with? It wasn't a smart idea for him to only use his blue magic in overdrive. Seriously? I'm gonna wait that long just so I can deal 200 dp to each fiend? I'll pass.
As far as I'm concerned. Kimahri had zero story and was just annoying. I used him 0 %.

I like Dragoons. But Kimahri was not a dragoon exactly... he was a blue mage with a polearm...

And the blue mage spells didn't seem all that useful =\

He just didn't seem to have a good nitche anywhere, so he got left behind.

I do want to try to use him though. Recently I have been thinking of playing through VII-XII again, and I was thinking of using all those character no one really uses, just to see if they are really that bad. Obviouslly Kimahri would be one of those character too :lol:
This Kimahri threads are starting to get annoying. :monster:

I actually did use him (sometimes >.>), I thought he was pretty cool, some blue gorilla thing with half a horn on his head, doesn't that sound cool!??!11one. :wacky:

I only really used him after Gagazet because I lanceted all those cool overdrives. >_>
I've never really used Kimahri, but I do try to chuck him into a few fights just to keep him useful. I find that moving him to Aurons grid makes him pretty effective. I've never tried to get lancets, maybe I will try next time I play FFX.