Kingdom Hearts III


Injury Prone LOL
May 16, 2007
I've seen the previews of Kingdom Hearts III and i think it looks awesome because the graphics are excellent.
Although i wont fork out me own cash for a ps3 just to buy it
yh same. Cant get my hands on the first one tho me and u could complete the 2nd one but the damm thing keeps crashing.
I just googlevideod it. It does look cool indeed. I already own the PS3, so I'm definitely getting this... Can't wait to play it! Although, I'll probably replay the first two over again, so I guess I can wait to play it... Hrm, go figure.

Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe
it would be my second or third game for ps3 as i have spiderman 3 already and i am yet to get ff13
I'd like a link to the KHIII trailer, because all that's coming up for me is KH II Final Mix :\
Yeah there isn't any previews or trailers for it out. It is just the secret ending to kh2 final mix which is cool but shows no gameplay to kh3
ok, what was going on in that video? anyone have any idea? the one guy had riku's hair color but didn't look like riku...the guy that got turned to stone looked liked roxas, and the guy that took his helmet off looked like leon (squall). im kinda lost.
I think we are going to have to wait and see. I've heard loads of different theories on loads of different forums.
The whole Keyblade Wars scenario does seem nice, although it'll be interesting to see how (and if) it ties in with Disney. It does seem to be straying from the basis of the franchise, but I'm keeping an open mind until we have more information.

Also, I doubt if this epilogue is for Kingdom Hearts III. Tetsuya Nomura has stated repeatedly that the next Kingdom Hearts project will not be Kingdom Hearts III.

Although there is a decent amount of information on the knights in the video (most of which I consciously haven't paid too close attention to), my guess is this next project is for a prequel. Just taking a stab with that one, though.
but if its not a kingdom hearts...then why did they all have keyblades, and why was king mickey in it? what else could it be other than kingdom hearts III?
i saw previews of it

i was like 'omg! this looks sooo cool!'

but then i saw mickey and i was like 'awww great...its mickey :dry:'

that kinda threw me off, not that i have anything against mickey but ya know...everything before he appeared in the preview was so awesome, and then he walks in and...ruins it...
It not a preview or trailer it's just a secret ending which has something to do with another kingdom hearts
but if its not a kingdom hearts...then why did they all have keyblades, and why was king mickey in it? what else could it be other than kingdom hearts III?

It will be a Kingdom Hearts title, it just won't be KHIII, according to Nomura. Most of what he's hinted at is that it won't involve Sora, and that the next KH game will be in a different time line than the previous games.
My speculation is that there is going to be the introduction of a new force.

KHI was about Heartless.
KHII was about Heartless and Nobodies.
KHIII will be about Heartless and Nobodies and ?

KHIII seems to be the closing of this series. In KHII at the Prologue, there's a bit where Roxas has to fill in a drawing on the table, using one of Namine's sketches (if you were blindly plowing through the plot and blindly choosing the action command, this is a detail easily missed). The drawing features a crest which incorporates the Heartless symbol and well as the Nobody symbol - the third symbol is what Roxas is supposed to fill in, though it is not clearly shown what he draws into the empty spot.

My guess is that this crest will appear again in KHIII and the empty spot on the crest will be occupied by a new symbol for the last evil force that emerges.