Kingdom Hearts III

That theory doesn't make sense. It's clearly stated that Darkness is in EVERYONES hearts so the Heartless will never go away.

And what are you talking about, when you say 'Good' Nobodies?
Square Enix have not confirmed a KH 3 on the ps3 i think you have got it mixed up with birth by sleep, bbs is based 10 years before KH 1 so it is not a direct sequal to KH2. So no ps3 kh yet.
Nah, don't agree and do you mean by the "good" nobodies Sora or Namine?!
If you mean that,hen this will be fucking stupid!
I am not a big fan on theories so much anymore I have hear way too many of them and nobodies are nobodies, Only good type ones are Roxas and Namine but they are very special cases unless you talk about Axel I know he just wanted Roxas but meh.
i've seen the videos 4 this on youtube but im unsure of whether or not it will still be revolving around sora...
Nah, don't agree and do you mean by the "good" nobodies Sora or Namine?!
If you mean that,hen this will be fucking stupid!
LOL Sora is not a nobody! xD
Yeah, those theories were just thoughts.........
Anywayz I got A new one!
Okay... Sora then in the message(In the KH2 Ending) sees that King Mickey needs his help one more time... this time to stop a new race(Let's substite this new race with The X's < lol >) So Sora tries to stop the X's and like KH2 along the way faces Heartless. While on his trips, he gets numerous flashbacks of a women he doesn't know(14th member?). After a while, King Mickey tells Sora and friends about the 14th member(Aka for now... Shia). So now you ask, so what's so important about this Shia? Well, Shia was a keyblade master! But how you ask? SIMPLE. Now we go to the KH2FM+ ending all 3 of them lost to Xenheanort.... It has to be one of them. That could x out Venn since according to a site(On the BbS thread) was connected to Roxas in some way but you never know...
Anywayz that's my theory... AND I BET 500 Bucks There's a damn mistake Lol :pikamon:
Nah, don't agree and do you mean by the "good" nobodies Sora or Namine?!
If you mean that,hen this will be fucking stupid!

You must mean Roxas was the Nobody. But, Sora was a Heartless for a while, remember?

Now that they're making these new KH, I'm going to be even more coneused...
If the message contained something THAT important, I hardly doubt Riku and Sora would smile at it.
Okay PPL theres been no info on the KH3 theres only been news of 3 new games KH Birth by Sleep which is based 10 yrs about the same time riku first saw the Key hole in KH1 and Aqua, Terra and Verran are New Characters and have connection to to sora and the gang except for mickey, mickey seems to know all :P KH 358/2 is all about the Organisations and Roxas his Missing months before he gets caputured by Riku and KH Coded which is Sora basically its another CoM since sora gets sucked into a Computer and is made to relive all his adventures
Okay PPL theres been no info on the KH3 theres only been news of 3 new games KH Birth by Sleep which is based 10 yrs about the same time riku first saw the Key hole in KH1 and Aqua, Terra and Verran are New Characters and have connection to to sora and the gang except for mickey, mickey seems to know all :P KH 358/2 is all about the Organisations and Roxas his Missing months before he gets caputured by Riku and KH Coded which is Sora basically its another CoM since sora gets sucked into a Computer and is made to relive all his adventures
Reports from the new Nintendo Power Iussue(March 08) A member from a forums has...
Kingdom Hearts 3 will be released for the Wii in 2008(Late) YES WII! HAHA PS3 Fools! :wacky:
Could you please give me a hyperlink to where it says this.

I know, it'sa magzine, but I'm sure there is a website with more info
Reports from the new Nintendo Power Iussue(March 08) A member from a forums has...
Kingdom Hearts 3 will be released for the Wii in 2008(Late) YES WII! HAHA PS3 Fools! :wacky:

So far as I've seen, nothing's been confirmed. Just the VP of Square Enix is putting their money in the right spot, and investing Kingdom Hearts in something worthwhile, besides the overhyped and overpirced PS3. It does not necessarily mean it will be on the Wii.

I really think you've read something from someone that's full of crap.

I know, it'sa magzine, but I'm sure there is a website with more info

Plus, every site that's had a link to the source has deleted the content, because it's bogus shit. :neomon:

Edit: also, there's this:
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i dont think KH3 has even been published yet since hasnt heard of it and they know eveything that is to do with KH and i check almost everyday to see if theres any info on new KH games and soo far they have only published 3 Birth By Sleep, 358/2 and Coded

And By the time they release KH3 the PS3 will have dropped in price by hundreds
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I think I know some things about this topic since I'm a member of a KH forum.

First off, KH3 has not yet been confirmed by Square Enix but I think we all know they're just playing. Second, the estimated time of the game release,if it is already under developement, is 2010-2015. Third, there are three games which has been confirmed to be released.

BBS for the PSP, which will be based upon a new enemy that are not Heartless or Nobodies and star Keyblade masters named Ven, Aqua, and Terra. Indeed Mickey is said to not yet be king in this time era because it is set 10 years before KH1.

358/2 days for the DS. This game revolves around Roxas' life as an Org. member. Notice that by adding 7 days it will be one year. The same time period that Sora has been asleep. A fourteenth member is said to appear here.

Coded for the cellphone. You will play as a Sora clone... not much is expected from this game until its released.

This may be old info but I decided to post this anyway.
Anyone know about the release date?

I think I know some things about this topic since I'm a member of a KH forum.

First off, KH3 has not yet been confirmed by Square Enix but I think we all know they're just playing. Second, the estimated time of the game release,if it is already under developement, is 2010-2015. Third, there are three games which has been confirmed to be released.

BBS for the PSP, which will be based upon a new enemy that are not Heartless or Nobodies and star Keyblade masters named Ven, Aqua, and Terra. Indeed Mickey is said to not yet be king in this time era because it is set 10 years before KH1.

358/2 days for the DS. This game revolves around Roxas' life as an Org. member. Notice that by adding 7 days it will be one year. The same time period that Sora has been asleep. A fourteenth member is said to appear here.

Coded for the cellphone. You will play as a Sora clone... not much is expected from this game until its released.

This may be old info but I decided to post this anyway.
Surely this post directly above yours provides an answer and more, no? :wacky:
First off, KH3 has not yet been confirmed by Square Enix but I think we all know they're just playing. Second, the estimated time of the game release,if it is already under development, is 2010-2015.

Thats probably about right to be honest, apart from the two trailers that have been released I don't think they have started to develop Kingdom Hearts 3 yet as he isn't starting it before FFXIII Versus is finished, and that he also wishes to make FFvXIII the last numbered Final Fantasy he works on as a director.