Kingdom hearts: the four aces

(Updated Bio)

Name: Eddie Alvarez
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Race: Human
Band Position: Drummer
Appearance: long black shiny hair, handsome, slender man. About 5'11", thin (can't say about weight). Typically wears a grey denim jacket, green T shirt, and a black jeans.

Personality: Easy going, but knows the difference between fun time and serious time. Can say that he likes watching american football and blitzball.


Weapon 1:

FN P-90 Sub Machine Gun

Ordained with a crocodile on the butt stock
Bullets Available:
Standard: Str 1, Mag 1
Fire: Str :2, Mag :3 Deals Fire Damage
Death: Instant kill

Weapon 2:

Ace of Clubs Keyblade
Description: Western-styled (FFX Masamune) type keyblade with a club (the card suit) on it.
Str: 5, Mag: 1
Special Ability: None

Magic: Offensive magic is chained to his gun ammo
Cura: Heals Eddie with a moderate amount of health.

Skills: Expert at guns, can use any gun available. Fairly decent swordsman, (he is about half as good as Obi-Wan Kenobi from the Star Wars series)

Vanguard Strike: Eddie charges forward, as he moves forward, Eddie shoots at the enemy with his gun. He then Throws a flashbang grenade at the enemy. Amidst the confusion, Eddie then cuts them down quickly and effortlessly with his Keyblade.

Little is known about Eddie's past, from what he said, he was a soldier from a family of elite soldiers who served within a certain kingdom. He then since abandoned that life, joining up with the 4 Aces band as a drummer, sometimes preferring his musical skills over his battlefield skills. Though he wouldn't mind a fight or two .
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Hey theres only two all around freaking amazing characters in this RP and both are controlled by me! nah just kidding... will anyone mind if the first RP post is more of a script, as i wrote a script for this part of the story when i was a little younger

spartan one field is missing

Band Position: Drummer

it goes under race and above appearance thanks
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am i too late RE? can i join?
Name: Carla Lockheart
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Race: Human
Band Member: Bassist
Appearance: the one on the right

Clothes: She wears a short skirt... light blue in colour but with pruple ruffles. The same can be said for her shirt. She wears a gold necklace around her neck
Weapon: Staff... and a keyblade... in fact this key blade

Magic(optional): All Restorative and only Low Level elemental magic
Abilities: High Jump and Fly
Limit (optional): Angels Tears- Cures all hitpoints on her team
Demons laughter- unleashes the flames of the underworld to trap and damage 3 opponents at a time
DESCRIPTION: Carla is Fayd's sweetheart, one of Krystal's best friends, as well as one of the Members of the 'four aces'. She was sleeping when she entered the kingdom hearts world
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I have decided to create my character from new.

-Name: Stephen Hownam
-Age: 19
-Race: Human
-Gender: male
-Side: Light

standing at 6 feet tall Stephen has an Athletic build he is clean shaven with short brown hair that has blond highlights in it, he styles it depending on the day and/or his mood. he has a tattoo that takes up most of the space on the left side of his Torso and also his Left arm

Clothes: Stephen normally wears a Black DC beanie that has a visor, with the Visor poitning backwards and slightly to the right, He wears a pair of Black G-star Jeans. most of the time he wears a black or a white FCUK T-shirt. With multiple patterns and Styles of T-shirt in his cupboards. His trainers are mostly black DC's

-First impression: Kind and caring Stephen tendss not to look for trouble, but it seems to find him.

-Personality: trust worthy and honorable.Stephen puts the well being of his friends before his own. This is one of his main weaknesses and how he lost his arm. always smiling Stephen tries to keep all moods light no matter the situation and is always thinking up witty one line jokes to make people laugh.

-weapons: Stephen wields a single handgun that is holstered to his right thigh. it has a catholic design on the handle although Stephen isn't very religious
His Gun

-Magic: doesn't cast any.

-Skills: master marksman

-Strength: quite fast and agile because he practices Parkour

-weaknesses: tries to hard to defend anything that he deems 'worth saving' never backs down from a fight and is always first in to help a friend.

-Short History: Raised in a large family he never had what he wanted, from a young age he developed a fond sense of Justice and began fighting on the side of light. Trained heavily in Parkour since he was 16. became a fond user of his Gun at 17. Born and raised in radiant Garden Stephen tends not to stay away from his home planet, but does have a gummi ship called the Aile Grasper that he uses to follow his favorite band the four aces.

-Aile Grasper: the Aile grasper is a single person gummi ship that has six main canons and also two missile launchers that can hold four rockets each. Although Stephen has never had any reason to use the weapons of the Grasper he likes to have them fully armed just in case he does need them. The Aile Grasper looks like this
werent you already accepted seph?? why make another one? also isnt that the gun from baz lurhmans romeo and juliet... the one tybalt has?
Okay i noticed that i haven't postin in the four aces RP so i have decided to post a new bio for acception and also could someone fill me in on what has happened so far?

Name: Stephen Hownam
Age: 18 years
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Side Alignment: Good
Weapon: Black gloves and his white trainers
Strengths: Physically Strong and fast
Weaknesses: Hot girls, weapon fighting,

Appearance: He looks like this

Self loving and quite the ladies man, Stephen tends to joke around a lot and enjoys trying to make girls 'fall for him' Stephen is quite the practical joker and will never back down from a fight no matter how stacked against him the odds are.

History: born and raised in Radient garden he began free running at the age of 14. after many years of fighting with other kids and practicing his free running he became extremely skilled in both.

At 16 he discovered that he could open portals to different worlds Stephen began to travel around the worlds in search of someone who could help him become the best he could be. When he turned 18 Stephen decided to travel to disney castle where he has lived ever since.

hope to be approved soon so i can start posting.
hows that? also WE havent got there yet but theres an event on halloween town soon.... and one on Twilight town too everyone except for eddie is on halloween town and eddie is in a gummi ship floating around until he posts again now you go post... now... why are you still here? POST!! :P
Do you have to be in the band because if you dont have to this is my character because it looks like all the postions in the band are gone.

Name:Saito Belmont
Age: 27
Side Alignment: Darkness
Weapon:A Keyblade called A vampires kiss and a keyblade called a demon's wrath
Strengths: darkness


Personality: Dark and coldhearted sometime can be thoughtful and nice but rarely smiles.He makes little kids hide in fear of him.

History:When he was only 6 Sora was about his age as well he knew Sora very well same with his friends but they never knew about what he really was until darkness hit Destiny Islands and Saito went beserk and killed alot of people in his way.After all those years he started to hate Sora and go on his own way in the world.

Limit Form:A Vampire's Fate: this is one attack he only uses tough battles or as a last resort.It allows him to change into his true vampire form.

My Character's Master

Name:Marius De Romanus(Not the same one)




Side Alignment : Darkness

Weapon: A Roman type sword

Strength: Darkness


Personity:Wise,calm in the worse of times,and passonite sometimes.

History:Marius is a monarch in his world and as been for 2000 years he was made a vampire a long time ago.He moves from place to place finding people who he can change to make him do his bidding.He finally found a promising one,Saito, at Density Islands and bit him changing him forever.
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thats a really cool picture dude, and the Bio is good aswell. Wit for approval and then join in.

you dont have to be in the band. if your evil pm me your plans and i will try to work them... if your good just turn up somehow on a planet
EDITED BIOS added their limit forms

Name: Krystal Miyumi
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Race: dark elf
Band position: bassist
Appearance: ebony skin with long light blue hair. She has piercing crimson eyes and her slim lips hide fangs that are the only proof to her vampirism. Her broad white feathered angel wings give her the power of flight hidden on this picture :P

Weapon: Adoring Kiss & Rumbling Rosebud, Double Key Blade fighting style, magic modifier+5 (Adoring Kiss), strength modifier+5 (Rumbling Rosebud), and ability draw(A) cure boost (R).
Clothes: She wears a black denim skirt, with a white t-shirt woth a skull motif, her armour consists of a spiked shoulder guard and golden gauntlets (alot like vincent valentines claw). She also wears a protection amulet her father gave her as a child
Magic(optional): N/A
"POWER OF LOVE"- An aura of light surrounds Krystal then explodes with gale force power.
"DISTILLED HEAVEN"- Adoring Kiss fires off a beam of light energy.
"THE BLESS OF LOVE"- This move has the same effect as cura.
"DARK HEARTS"- Dark energy attack
"LOVE BURNS"- An aura of fire surrounds Krystal and causes fire damage to anyone it touches
Limit (optional): THE SCALES OF BALANCE
DESCRIPTION: A glyph of the yin-yang sign appears on the floor and Krystal stabs down on the centre of the symbol, causing a blast radius of light then one of dark to travel from her and around all people on the field
EFFECT: 25% of damage done to the enemies is regenerated on the party if not then damage is as normal on the enemy
Form(s) (optional): "Succubus attack"- increased speed and agility
History: abandoned as a child when a vampire slaughtered her family. She is the only survivor but it came with a price. She was turned and now her tormented soul fights for what she feels to be right. Now she has returned to find that her brother was still alive and in the same state as her. She decided to replace him in the fight for power. this fallen angel will not give up her fights.

her brother:
Name: Fayd Miyumi
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Race: Demon
Band Position: Lead singer
Appearance: ebony skin with long lilac hair. he has piercing crimson eyes and his slim lips hide fangs that are the only proof to his vampirism. His broad black feathered angel wings give him the power of flight Here he is

Weapon: Light-bringer & Hells-gate, Double Key Blade fighting style, magic modifier+5 (Light-bringer), strength modifier+5 (Hells-gate), and ability draw(L) cure boost (H).
Clothes: He wears black cargo style pants, a black short sleeved shirt, with a spiked shoulder guard and golden gauntlets (alot like vincent valentines claw). He also wears a protection amulet his father gave him as a child
Magic(optional): N/A
"HEAVENS WRATH"- an aura of light surrounds fayd then explodes with gale force power.
"HEAVENS MIGHT"- Light-bringer fires off a beam of light energy
"HEAVENS BLESSING"- has the same effect as cura.
"ENTROPIES BLAST"- dark energy attack
"INFERNAL SUNRISE"- an aura of fire surrounds fayd and causes fire damage to anyone it touches
Limit (optional): THE SCALES OF BALANCE
DESCRIPTION: A glyph of the yin-yang sign appears on the floor and fayd stabs down on the centre of the symbol, causing a blast radius of light then one of dark to travel from him and around all people on the field
EFFECT: if the enemies have higher hp than the party then 25% of damage is regenerated on the party if not then damage is as normal on the enemy
Form(s) (optional): "Demonic"- increased speed and agility
History: abandoned as a child when a vampire slaughtered his family. he is the only survivor but it came with a price. he was turned and now his tormented soul fights for what he feels right. now he is the champion of balance and a full-fledged demon. this fallen angel will not give up his fights
Okay, now that i have released one of my smaller spoilers, here is my updated Keyblade wielding Bio.

Name: Stephen Hownam
Age: 18 years
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Side Alignment: Good
Weapon: Alpha and Omega Keyblades
Alpha is blue, Omega is red
Strengths: Physically Strong and fast
Weaknesses: his fear of his limit.

Appearance: He looks like this

Self loving and quite the ladies man, Stephen tends to joke around a lot and enjoys trying to make girls 'fall for him' Stephen is quite the practical joker and will never back down from a fight no matter how stacked against him the odds are.

Limit Form: Death King (and yes i know it is world of warcraft's lich king, he looks awesum. Also wields his two Keyblades instead of the sword)

History: born and raised in Radient garden he began free running at the age of 14. after many years of fighting with other kids and practicing his free running he became extremely skilled in both.

At 16 he discovered that he could open portals to different worlds Stephen began to travel around the worlds in search of someone who could help him become the best he could be.

When he was 17 Stephen was bestowed with the power to use the Keyblades but after unleashing his limit and taking many innocent lives in a town outside beasts caslte in his limit form he chose never to use the keyblades or his limit unless completely necessary. When he turned 18 Stephen decided to travel to disney castle where he has lived ever since As King mickey's right hand man, although he prefers the term "Mickey's muscle".