Kingdom Hearts

Kuja vanishes and then appears in front of Sago and says "My orders were to get rid of you first to make sure you didn't rule are plans Sago." Kuja then rushes at Sago swing both of his keyblade at Sago.
Sago began side steping kuja's attacks untill he saw a opening then he jumped next to yuna.
Yuna simply stood there.

"Did I miss something?" she asked.

It was a stupid question. Of course something had happened. But she was confused. She had no idea what was going on.

Guess that's what I get for standing in the cabin for so long... she thought.
Siegfried then knew that Kuja was no longer the man he knew. "Kuja, don't let the darkness control you! and then pointing his sword at Kuja with a sad look on his face he said: "Please...don't make me do this....we are friends...and we are the Masters of the Keyblades, we are supposed to destroy the darkness, not join it.....please Kuja come back...." Then he saw Sago walking towards Yuna. "Don't even think about attacking Yuna. She is my new sister and as long as a I'm here nothing will harm her!! I won't lose another sister again!
Sago grabed yuna and spoke in her ear "That thing you see is your freind kuja true form and he is going kill Seigfried so take this".A golden staff similar too yunas appeard in his hand and he gave it too yuna and spoke again "With this staff you will have the power too kill him".He let yuna go and jumped ontop of the cabin.
Siegfried yelled in anger at Kuja as he saw what was he going to do: "Kuja stop!! I won't allow you to harm Yuna. She is our friend and most of all, she is my little new sister. I know you are different, you have a heart somewhere deep inside of you. So try to fight the darkness in your heart and let's stop Sago!!
Siegfried answered at Yuna's question: "No! Kuja is our friend no matter what! It's just that he is being controled by Sago! We must stop Sago because he is the true enemy! Sis (Yuna), try to seal the darkness inside Kuja! I will hold Sago back. Come on! I know you can do it. Have faith in yourself!"
Sago responded to Seigriend "I do not control kuja you fool this is the true kuja".He then looked at Yuna and shouted "Kill him now before he kills you!!"
Kuja manages to raise one of his hands and throws the oblivion at Sago as he says "Do it Yuna seal it while I have control."
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Sago then responds and shouts "kill him and i will make you even more powerfull".He then sidesteps avoiding the oblivion.
Siegfried rushed against Sago saying: "No, you are not getting away this time! Let's finish our battle you coward! Then he told Yuna:"Sis! Seal the darkness, use the magical ring a gave you!" After that, he began to attack Sago with his keyblade.

PS: This RP is really getting interesting!
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Yuna ignored Sago. She trusted Siegfried way more than she trusted Sago. She didn't even know Sago.

She nodded at Siegfried and slipped on the ring he had given her. Even though she still wasn't an expert at White Magic...the least she could do was try. She threw down the golden staff and took out her pink one. Then she began casting the only spell she knew that could ward off darkness. It might now work...but she could only hope it would....
Sago looked at Yuna and said "You fool " and then jumped off the cabin towards the attacking Seigfried.