Kingdom Hearts

The fight was between Siegfried and an Unknown opponent. Siegfried fought with all his strenght against the Mysterious Fighter. The Mysterious Fighter was using a black coat and a strange sword. Siegfried came running against the Mysterious Fighter but his opponent was able to block his attacks. The Man in the Black Coat stpped back and began to speak:

Mysterius Warrior: "Hehehe.....this world will be consumed by darkness....."

Siegfried: "Who are you?!

Mysterious Warrior: "hmmm...calll me a Heartless"

Siegfried the rushed against Heartless dealing multiple strikes. Heartless then tried to block his attacks but Seigfried was too quick.

Heartless: "Let's see if you can handle this"

The Heartless began to cast a dark spell. Siegfried began to charge his own magical attack. The Heartless attacked Siegfried with a dark energy sphere but in the last moment, Siegfried used his sword to block the attack.

Siegfried: "Now is my turn. Soul Charge"

Siegfried rushed against his opponent and then he jumped into the air and he came down striking his enemy with a crushing blow.

Heartless:" Arghhhh...this world is alredy lost..."
And with this last words, the Heartless warrior disappeared in a black mist. Siegfried began to search for any clues related to the Mysterious opponent, but with no luck.

Siegfried: "Dark times are upon us....I must stay alert....this things called heartless are a real threat to this world. I must protect this place at all cost!!"
Siegfried then began to wander the island in order to find a way to protect this place against the "Heartless". He arrived at the beach and then he saw a yoing girl. He asked her a few questions:

Siegfried: "Hello there, do you know what's happening to this place?"

Young Girl: *She didn't answered*

Siegfried: "You can trust me, my name is Siegfried but you can calll me Sieg. What's your name?"

Young Girl: "My name is....Faith. Leave me alone"

Siegfried: "I see you have lot sadness in your heart. But try to cheer up, you have friends..."

Faith: "They are not my friends...they don't even care about me..."

Siegfried: "That's bad. It's too sad to be alone...I know how it is to be so lonely. Ok, I'll be your friend!"

Faith: "Huh?"

Siegfried: "Yeah I'm new around this parts and I need someone to show me the islands."

Faith: "Alright...I'll help you..."

Then they both go to the beach in order to talk to the others.
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Yai saw Faith and an unknown man cross from the other side of the island, he smiled. Faith was a nice girl, but lacked a decent amount of social skills. "I see you made a new friend Faith" Yai smiled again "Who is this?"
Faith arrives and tell's Yai about the strange man. They soon began to talk about the strange things happenning on the island like, strange dreams of some kids and the dark creature that attacked Siegfried. Faith then tells the others that she will go to the beach in order to investigate the area. Yai began to talk to Siegfried:

Yai: "So you are the famous new guy around here, what's your name?"

Siegfried: "My name is Siegfried, but you can call me Sieg"

Yai: "Alright Sieg, so what was that strange thing that attacked you?"

Siegfried: "That thing named itself as a Heartless. I don't now much about that thing but I'm sure that it doesn't come in peace."

Yai: "Yeah, that's true..."

Suddenly they both hear a scream coming from the beach.

Yai: "Faith!!!"

Siegfried: "She must be in danger, we must rescue her!!"

Yai: "Yeah, but I don't have a real sword."

Siegfried: "Here, take this."

Siegfried gives Yai a middle lenght sword that shines with a mystical aura.

Yai: "What's this?"

Siegfried: "It's my brother's sword, "The Arkam". Take care of it and use it to defend your friends. This sword was blessed by an ancient sage. It should bring you good luck."

Yai: "Alright!!! Let's go"

Siegfried: "Yeah, let's help her!!"

And then Siegfried and Yai went to the beach in order to save Faith.
Kuja sits in the tree listening to 3 talking about the heartless as he listen he starts to get little scared that they will find out he is one.

"I've got to be careful or I'll never help this world." Kuja mutters to himself.
After a while, Yuna began to hear something coming from the other side of the island. She stood up, jumped off the dock and began walking cautiously to the other side of the island.

Looking around, she realized that Faith was no longer swimming in the ocean. She couldn't even find her, for that matter. In fact, no one was on this side of the island anymore.

The others had never really talked to her much. She had always been the anti-social one of the group. So she was accustomed to being deserted like this. But looking up, she realized it was already late afternoon. Usually someone told her to go back home by now...
Excuse me, even though this is an RP, you shouldn't be able to control mine, or AOD's character. And as a side note, Yai is a martial-artist, he wouldn't even know how to USE a sword.
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After the battle was over he spoke too himself "ah that called itself a heartless how pathetic".

He then went too were the warrior went and when he saw the warrior talk too 2 other people he noticed that someone was sitting on a tree was also watching the warrior talk too the other 2 people.Then he spoke too himself "why are you so worried your not a heartless are you? hahahaha".

He then turned back and went too the docks when he got there he saw the girl who was there had went to the other side of the island so he stood on the dock looking out at the ocean.
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*Siegfried takes the sword away from Yai*

Siegfried: "I see you don't know how to use a sword, very well you can use your fists and kicks to do the job. But I have only one warning...try to stay alive."

Yai:*He doesn't answers*

Sigfried then rushes to save Faith leaving Yai behind. Siegfried is weilding his great sword "The Requiem" in order to defeat the evil that threatens this land.

Siegfried: "Don't worry Faith, I'm coming to save you. I won't fail another friend."

On his way to the beach, a group of shadow like monsters began to appear.

Siegfried: "What?! ...what's happening....that evil aura...the Hearless?! No, they are coming! I need to hurry up and find Faith before is it's too late!!
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Kuja watched as 2 figures ran after Faith it wasn't Kuja concern as he was about to leave he couldn't go something about Faith was really odd like he knew her from some were.

Kuja then gets up and pulls out the Kaldbog and yells "Your going to regret that." and jumps out of the tree and run down the beach at the heartless Kuja yells "Get load of this." and vanishes in dark blast to reappear on the other side of them as they vaporize Kuja then grabs Faith and vanishes into dark portal.

Kuja then appears inside building as he put the Faith down Kuja then says "Are you okay who ever you are?" as Kuja sits down.
Siegfried arrives at the beach only to witness someone taking Faith away. He tried to stop the mysterious man but he failed.

Siegfried: "Darn...they have her...I can't let them get away with this. Faith......noooooo.....ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!"

Siegfried then began to get filled with rage. He couldn't control himself any longer so he began to use his full power.

Siegfried: "Damn Heartless! You will pay for this!"

Siegfried began to attack all the heartless in the area using the full power of his sword. During the heat of battle, a mysterious portal appeared from behind but Siegfried didn't noticed what was happenning. Then a dark energy attack came from the portal and struck Siegfried leaving him unconscious on the ground.

Mysterious Voice: "Let's go, she is not here. She has escaped. All heartless soldiers retreat."

And so the heartless began to disappear through the dark portal. Siegfried woke up only to discover that the heartless were gone and that Faith was nowhere to be seen.

Siegfried: "Faith! Where are you? No, I've failed....Faith, please forgive me...don't worry....I'll search for you...I won't rest until I find you. I swear it!

Siegfried began to search for the others in order to see if they were fine.
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Not knowing what to do, Yuna decided she'd be better off staying at the dock. Someone was bound to come eventually. At least...she hoped they would. Thinking about it, this was the first time she had actually not wanted to be alone.

Yuna sat back down on the dock, staring at the ocean again. There was nothing else she could do until she found out exactly what was going on.
Sago looked at the girl who had just came too the docks and was sitting looking out at the ocean with the same look on her face she had the last time he saw her.Sago walked towards her and stood beside her and looked out at the ocean.The he looked at her and began to say

"You are afraid of not knowing what is going too happen next but all i can say is the thing thats going too happen next is gonna be fun ".

He then walked away from the docks.
once sago heard the girl he stopped walking.

"now that would ruin the suprise besides you will find out soon enough" he replied without looking at her.

He then left the docks.
Siegfried began to look at the others and he felt happy to know that they were safe. However, sadness began to consume his heart when he remembered that Faith was still missing. The feelings of failure and the memories from his past came back to punish Siegfried's heart.

Siegfried: "I won't be able to save her if I keep punishing myself for everything."

Siegfried took his sword and began to walk. Then he arrived at the docks, Sago was leaving and the only one left was a young girls sitting alone.
Siegfried: "That man....something is wrong with that, it must be my imagination..."

He turned around and then he began to look at the young girl sitting at the docks. He could sense that this girl's heart was filled with sadness. Siegfried asked the young girl about what was happenning with her.

Siegfried: "What's wrong? Why are you so alone?"
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And, as a further complaint, your conversational RP skills need improvement, for example:

So-and-so: Blah Blah Blah

So and so #2: Blah blah Blah


"Blah blah blah." so-and-so said bitterly. "Blah blah blah." #2 replied

is the proper way. I know this from 3 years of RPing.
And, as a further complaint, your conversational RP skills need improvement, for example:

So-and-so: Blah Blah Blah

So and so #2: Blah blah Blah


"Blah blah blah." so-and-so said bitterly. "Blah blah blah." #2 replied

is the proper way. I know this from 3 years of RPing.
Thanks for the advice, this is my first stop complaning and post something usefull.....
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OOC: He does have a point. I've been RPing for a year now and that format doesn't really work. I believe that is used in script type e.g. play. Now stop powerplaying my character, it's in the rules. For more info in RPing, read my guide in the Library.


Faith looked at the man, who happened to be Siegfried, and looked away. "Nothing's wrong ..." she said. "I just want to be alone. It's the way it's been for the past few years. You all come look at the new girl and then forget about her. Same old islanders, same old Destiny Islands. You all just pretend you care, but you don't. I came here to be alone and you just keep pestering me. Why do you do this to me?!"

She ran off towards the palm trees and had a moment to breathe. They can't surely understand what's going on. Not yet, anyway ... She looked at the raft that she was building and sat next to it. She buried her head in her knees and sighed. What she would give just to leave these islands and find out where she had come from in the first place ...
Siegfried began to wander alone. "I'm a failure....I failed my father....I failed my friends...I failed everyone. Maybe I should give up and surrender my heart to the darkness. There is nothing left for me to do here. I don't belong to this world...I was feared because I was the Azure Knight...there is no use for me life...maybe I should give up....fighting against the darkness is useless....I am a monster..." Siegfried looked in sadness at his right arm and then the memories of a bizarre monstrous right arm began to return. He was being tormented by the massacres form his past. The endless killing that he caused while he was still under the influence of the cursed sword tormented him everyday. "Why are you tormenting me cursed fiend? Isn't enough to know that I killed my own family? Leave me alone!!" He droped his sword and he began to grab his head. He began to scream in pain. "Ahhh...this pain...arghhhhhhh...the, don't make me do it, please don't make me destroy this world....please I beg of you...let me end my life but please don't make me kill inocent people again.....have some mercy....release me from this suffering you evil spirit.....arghhhhh! Siegfried's pain was so great that his strenght was consumed and he fainted. Suddenly a dark aura began to emanate from Siegfried's body. It was him taking control of Siegfried's body once again, the one feared by both men and demon, the Azure Knight called Nightmare. "Hehehe...I'm back. Uhmm..where am I? Well it doesn't matter, I will begin to hunting here...hmmm ket's search in Siegfried' memories and discover what was he doing here...So, he arrived at this new world and..he made a friend....a young that's her name...Hmmm...maybe I shall pay her a little visit..heheheahahahahaha!! Suddenly, a huge strange sword appeared in Siegfried's arm. Taking his sword in arms he began to search for the mysterious girl called Faith.
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