Kingdom Hearts

OOC: It's Faith, not "Angel of Destiny".

"I sure am!" exclaimed Faith who kicked a Heartless attempting to rob her heart. More and more of them just kept coming at her. What do they want? They just want more than my heart. There's something else they're looking for. She saw Sieg throw the Keyblade with the emblem of Griever. "A Keyblade ..." she muttered to herself. She remembered the story that she had been told about the mighty weapon.

"Only one with a truly strong heart can wield the Keyblade," said her mother, Catherine Crest. "Their heart has to be pure and strong in what they are doing. If you truly believe in what you're fighting for, then you can wield the Keyblade and use its power for your own will. Faith, one day you might even wield a Keyblade. There are many people who will be able to in the future."

Faith caught the Griever Keyblade easily. She felt a surge of power entering her body through her veins. "Power ..." she said. "Yeah, I can wield this. I know what I have to do." She slashed many Heartless with it. "That's for all the misery you've caused for me!" She literally went into a feral rage using that Keyblade.
OOC: Sorry I forgot. I have edited that part.
Sieg stared at Faith witnessing how the keyblade's power was gathering inside of her and in the weapon itself. "I knew you would be able to wield the keyblade. Now let's destroy the heartless together with the power of the keyblade!!" After that Sieg rised his sword and he brought it down smashing violently the heartless in front of him. Then a heartless jumped high into the the air and came down straight at Sieg. Without losing a single second, Sieg hurled the keyblade at the heartless. The keyblade pierced through the heartless' chest and the heartless vanished in a dark mist. The keyblade then came back to Sieg, he jumped and caught it in mid air. After that he landed on the ground and turned to look at Faith Crest. "Faith show me what you can do with the power of the keyblade...." Then he turned to face the group of thirty heartless that were heading towards them. "Bring it on!"
Yuna sighed as she whacked another Heartless with her staff. She had been sitting down, alternating between whacking them, shocking them, burning them, and freezing them.

"Why isn't anyone coming?" she asked herself.

Maybe they had run into trouble. And if that was the case...she could only hope they made it okay. She definitely wasn't getting out of there by herself.
OCC: Put your profile in Cosmo and then AoD decides

Kuja saw Sieg and Faith fighting a bunch of heartless and snaps his finger as they all stop and fall back.

Kuja walks up to them and says "Hello princess and guardian I would say."
As Faith continued to fight the Heartless, she saw Kuja. But before she knew it, she had been thrown back when Kuja snapped his fingers. She was severely weakened by that unexpected attack. Her hands were shaking as she tried to pull herself up. Her blue eyes locked with Kuja's own eyes. "K-Kuja ..." she whispered and managed to pull herself up back on her own two feet. "Kuja? What are you doing here? Why did you just attack us?"

She summoned the Griever Keyblade back into her hand. It glowed so brightly. Faith continued to glare at Kuja coldly. But she could not simply understand why he was against them. So what did I ever do wrong to Kuja before? I never did anything to hurt him. "Tell me, Kuja," she said, continuing to glare at him. "What are you doing here? And why did you call me princess?"
Kuja laughs and says "Cause I have mission to do and you are required for it princess."

Kuja walks closer to Faith saying "Your going to come with me and see Yuna maybe you can do something different about what going to happen to you but I can't. So will you come with me peacefully or do I have to force you?"

Kuja holds out one of his hands and other holds his keyblade of darkness saying "Your choice and pick wisely."
Faith glared coldly at Kuja still. There was a voice inside of her mind telling her that it wasn't him anymore and she had to admit that she did believe it. It wasn't the Kuja she remembered. With a fierce look on her face, Faith pointed the Griever Keyblade at Kuja. There was a fire burning in her eyes. "You will have to force me instead," she said. "There's no way I'm going with you. No way I am!" And with that, she clashed with Kuja's Keyblade with her own.

There was a slight struggle. It was only when Faith backflipped away from him to Sieg that it ended. Faith bent down towards Sieg shaking him in an effort to wake him up. "Sieg! Sieg! Can you hear me? Wake up!" she called out to him. But she didn't get any reply. She looked angrily towards Kuja and swung the Griever Keyblade around still pointing it at him. "You're going to pay for what you've caused!" she yelled and charged towards him.
Kuja blocks all of Faith attack and says "You know not what you hold do you Faith."

Kuja pulls out another keyblade and start to swing back at Faith trying not to hurt his friend.
"Stop talking as if you know me because you don't!" yelled Faith as she struggled to get through to Kuja and physically harm him. Her eyes were still burning on fire. "You just don't know anything about me." She was really trying hard to fight him, but the attack that threw Sieg and herself down had been unexpected and weakened her a lot. "A long time ago, a young girl fell from the sky. She was lost, confused and needed help. She was burning on fire in the ocean."

As she clashed with Kuja over and over, Faith felt a warm fire burning inside her very hear. "That girl was special," she continued to say. "For many years, she kept everything about herself a secret. She refused to talk about herself and everyone left her alone. Just because ... she didn't want them to find out about what she was. She didn't want to hurt them and so she cast them all aside to be alone. That girl is me!" She jumped away from Kuja and spread her arms open.

Suddenly, a burning phoenix appeared in the sky and swooped over the pair of them. Faith, smiling at Kuja, jumped on to the phoenix and her hair was now even red. It was no longer black. "You might think you may know me, but you don't," she whispered. "It'll take more than mere force to take me wherever you want and to fulfil your pathetic mission!"
Kuja watches Faith hop on Phoenix and yells "You may not know it but I'm like you more than you know Faith but I was alone so I had darkness and my Sis and friend who joined me in great struggle."

Kuja start to glow with black aura as black dragon rises out of ground as Kuja yells "Rise Arcthron Dragon of Death and serve me."

Kuja jumps on to Arcthron and his armor turns pure black and spikes start to form on it.
OOC: I will have a character change. Sieg is no I am.....Sora! ((Sieg is my worst RP Character ever))(but if you want I can use my RP character Josh)


Sieg winessed how the battle between Kuja and Faith intensified with each attack. Soon he realized that he was just a vesel for the keyblade, a delivery boy whose only mission was to give Faith the keyblade. Suddenly, Sieg felt a deep pain coming from deep inside his heart. He droped the keyblade and feel on his knees, his face looked pale, as if the life were escaping from his body.

He stared at Faith, his face now showed satisfaction, his mission was accomplished. Suddenly, the keyblade that laid down next to his right side disappeared, and his body began to get surrounded by a strange aura.

He the stood up and, with a great determination, he defied Kuja to one last fight. "Come, finish this once and for all....."
OOC: I'm joining guys, count me in.

My RP Character, Saleth Taijah.


Once again, he was found in the Coliseum. He held out papers,
signed by the supposed 'Lord of the Dead'. Hades? The contract
was sealed, and the Freelancer walked off. The mercenary was
about to be making about 30000 munny, all for killing some "Demi
God" named Hercules. He didn't care, it wasn't his place to care
at all. It seemed the young man was nothing but a filthy sellsword.
It was ironic however, that he did not weild a sword of any kind.
His speciality was magic and nothing more. Magic had always
called out to him ever since he was about ten years old.

His cape rustled, by the weak force of the wind. Saleth turned
his head, and looked right behind him. It seemed that a 'Three
Headed Dog" appeared by darkness. He was tricked, the youth
was tricked. He never liked to be double-crossed. He tilted his
head, the silver eerie eyes could be seen. "You know, double
crossing me is like double crossing the devil. Someone's
gonna die." He said, with a voice that had a hint of irritability.
Faith looked down to see that Sieg was surrounded by a rather peculiar aura and that his Keyblade had disappeared. "Sieg!" she yelled, as her phoenix swooped down towards Sieg. After dismissing it, it burst into ashes. But she knew that from the ashes it would soon be reborn. She bent down and held Sieg's hand.

"Please don't like this," she said. "Don't you dare leave me in this situation with a maniac like him!" She looked up to notice that Kuja was riding a dragon. It shocked her, but made her even more determined to see this through. He's not Kuja anymore. He's not the same person anymore ... not the person I remember. She raised her Keyblade and pointed it directly towards Kuja, not the dragon. "TAKE THIS!" A huge stream of fire was shot at him. Faith could only hope it would damage him.
Kuja looks at blast of fire and smirks saying "She finally coming to terms with her powers and maybe she can help but for now I'll have to teach her who stronger."

Kuja pulls out keyblade from darkness thinking "So this
my new keyblade made from princess hearts." Kuja blocks blast of fire and reflects it into air saying "Still to weak Faith looks like Sieg is out of time."
Cerebrus stepped over, and it was none other than Hades.
The only thought that could even go through Saleth's head,
was that it must've been all a trick. A set up. He was guessing
the shady characters wanted to get to him, before anyone
else could. "I knew I should've hid my mark. Now they're after
me again." He thought, he had to keep calm. Taking a look
to his left, the gates shut down. Now he was stuck, and
there was no where to turn to. No escape, no exits; just
Hades, Cerebrus, and Taijah.

"Now, Saleth, surrender to your heartless side. Turn into
the darkness, become the darkness. (Oooh, this is getting
pretty good) ... But when you're a heartless, don't become
too stiff. Or I might not get to have fun with you." Hades
spoke and chuckled. Taijah looked at him, everything seemed
to be a joke to the Lord of the Underworld. The Lord of the
Dead, the crem de la crem. Also known as: Keeper of the dead.
The situation did nothing but worsen over time. Two on one.
Saleth vs Hades and Cerebrus.
"Sieg isn't gone yet!" yelled Faith. "So while you're up there, why don't you come down and we can settle this properly?" She swung the Griever Keyblade around in one hand and her phoenix appeared behind her swooping through the air. The fire was literally burning in her eyes. There was a fierce determination seen as well. She jumped on to her phoenix and flew after Kuja. "YOU CAN'T RUN FOREVER!" In the meantime, a part of her mind was cast back to a certain memory ...

"Alone," she whispered on Destiny Islands. "All alone ..." She looked at the others playing with their friends. "What I would give just to be normal like them." She lowered her head and sighed. "You ARE normal," said a voice in her head. She closed her eyes and saw her big brother in her mind. "You just feel scared, that's all," he smiled. "I'll be ok, Faith. In the meantime, go for it. Go do what you have to do!"
Sieg was running out of time, his heart became weakened by the darkness that was brought upon this land by the heartless. It is quite ironic to think that the Sieg, one of the masters of the keyblade, was transforming into the same darkness he once sworn to destroy. It was necessary though, Sieg's energy and powers would probably be passed to Faith after his disappearance.

Sieg couldn't resist any longer, the end was near. Suddenly his arm began to change, his skin turned black, his left eye glowed bright yellow and only his faced remained the same. Sieg then stared at Faith, his sight filled with emptyness, a heart was about to be lost.

"Farewell Faith......."

Soon after that, the darkness enveloping him began to consume him fiercely and he was surrounded by a dark mist. Then, after the mist disappeared, a dark being that was on his knees stood up and stared at Faith. Now both of his eyes were glowing gold, his sight now showed nothing but a heartless body....
".............." Was the only thing that the dark being said soon after heading towards Faith. With a dark sword in arms he was now at Kuja's command.
Dracus starts to step into dark portal as he dragon flew into shadows of buildings.

Dracus chuckles and says "Faith you are one I need but for now I have another issue to see to. Sieg or should I say former Sieg attack Faith with everything you got."

Dracus starts to vanish into dark portal yelling one last thing "don't die Faith your needed by someone more powerful than you know." dracus vanishes into dark portal.
The situation seems to invite death, soon another dark and shady
character appeared behind Hades. He looked odd, Spiky blonde hair,
Red cape, weird belt, armor shoulder plate, brace on his upper arm
and two gloves, as well as pants with bandages on the lower leggings.
Then out of no where, the dark character pulled out a giant wicked
sword. It was wrapped around in bandages too. "So, you're 'The
Unforgiven'. Am I correct" The man with the huge sword said.

"And you're the so called 'Cloud Strife'. Am I correct?" Saleth said,
he was copying man's personality, as well as attitude. He remembered
Cloud, he seemed to be Hades lacky. He never really talked much,
as was a complete enigma. Only thing that could be noticed easily
about the guy was that darkness surrounded him where he stepped.
Only thing that it reminded Taijah of was a Dark Knight, waiting to
become the Paladin.

He kept his cool the best he could and pulled out his scroll. Only
thing that could be heard was words being murmured. "Natures true
flame, reveal yourself and cause your destruction. Blaze" He held his hand,
the power of the flame started to be focused. On his mind was
nothing but the grassy plains, being lit by the blazing heat of his
spell. He just concentrated and worked his magic. However his
spell's power doubled in potency, and cause a ring of fire to
surround him for the first time. It incircled him within a 16 foot
radius. So the fire works began.

Cloud just smirked and smiled for the first time, and turns sides
against Hades. Pointing it right in Hades face, it was close enough
to where moving an inch foward would poke his nose. "Sorry, but
there's nothing in my contract that says I have to kill this kid."
He said, as he jumped and landed on Cerebrus. "Kid, go take on
Hades. I got this three headed beast!"

Saleth just nodded and smirked as well. He turned his eyes over
to Hades. "Sorry Hades, there's nothing in my contract saying I
have to listen to you. Since you tried to betray me" He says,
as the incircling flame started to dissapear and towers of fire
came from out of the ground, causing some area damage both
to Hades and Cerebrus.

It seemed Hades just shrugged it off, he started to laugh as he
turned completely red in rage. "Kid, i'll show you real fire. Besides,
I was gonna have some idiot kill you anyway. For absolutely free.
Faith saw Kuja leave through a dark portal and now saw Sieg as a Heartless. She didn't quite understand how Sieg had become a Heartless or even why Kuja was using the power of darkness against her. But one thing was clear: she had to defend herself from Sieg. If she didn't, then she was as good as becoming a Heartless as well. Clutching the Griever Keyblade in both hands tightly, she dashed forward towards Sieg ready to clash with his dark sword.

In the meantime, her burning phoenix that she had jumped off had now burst into flames and scattered into ashes. As Faith was about to collide with Sieg, a hooded man stood on top of a Traverse Town roof watching her and Sieg. "Interesting," he said under his breath. "Dracus managed to escape her, but ... the real battle begins here." He walked closer to the edge of the roof. "Will she bring herself together to get rid of his Heartless?"