Kingdoms of Ru (FFkingdoms Remixed!!!)

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Chocobo God

Try and catch me...
Dec 30, 2006
This is a remixed story of final fantasy kingdoms... it is made so it is less confusing and so there is no FF chars involved. if you want to join, post and then start your story. try not to make it confusing. and NO FF chars k? ok here is what i have so far, this is based on Finalfantasykingdoms:
Once there were four kingdoms, all known as the four castles. One gold, representing fire; one stone, representing water; one marble, representing the earth; and one silver, representing the riches of mankind. All of the castles lived in the land of Ru. Great waters in the middle of all of these kingdoms enchanted the beauty of this glorious place. All the Castles had glorious leaders that were greatful to their hardworking citizens. Zack- A tall, musclier, man with brown hair. He had a broadsword as a weapon and almost pure gold clothes- who was the king of the gold. Don- A short fat man that was very good in magic- who was the leader of the silver castle. Tran- A tall humorous man that was good with a gun- who was the leader of the marble castle. And Quatanas- A small man who was only about 18 but had insisted that he would be king- was the leader of the stone castle. But alas, war was upon them. This is the story of The Kingdoms of Ru.

Vline strolled leisurly through the castle. He had nothing better to do. He did have stuff to do - but nothing better. He knew he should get back to work. He worked for Quatanas, one of the lords of the stone castle. Boring, menial stuff. Suddenly, the inevitable happened.
"Vline!! Get up here!! Need a little help!!"
The voice of his "boss" called down the stairs. Vline sighed. He couldn't disobey a direct instruction.
"What do you want - sir?"
Vline made sure that he rolled the "sir" round his mouth, to show Quatanas that, regardless of his power, Vline thought him unworthy of the title.
"Letty's hurt after last weeks training. Go see he's alright,"
"And you can't do it yourself because..."
Vline was having a bad day and his temper was already rising.
"Because you're a lazy bum sir? Because you'd rather get your slave to do everything for you? Because walking down the steps is so much effort that you may break down and cry? Because you secretly hate Letty and don't want to face him? Because," His voice dropped to a deathly whisper. Quatana reached for his sword, nestling in it's sheath. “You know that he is better with a sword then you are?” Vline smiled.
"You're threatening me."
"Observant aren't you? Sir"
Quatanas drew the sword with that high scraping sound and held it in one hand, the other shivering with rage while pointing at Vline.
With that, he ran at his quarry his sword raised and ready to strike. Vline merely stood there, and as the Quatanas’ sword was about to strike, a staff that apperantly was made out of water, parried the blow. Vline struck Quatanas in the neck, knocking him to the floor. He held the staff over the body, and clearly and slowly spoke.
“I will be nice to you. I will only take you prisoner. That’s better than a lot of things. A corner of his mouth twitched in satisfaction, as he looked down upon his unarmed master.
Zack walked up and down his throne room, thinking and thinking of the kings of the kingdoms. He had met all of the other kings so far. Quatana was a little whimp and Zack was suprised that one of his servants with any known talent hadn’t taken him prisoner yet.
Don was a pretty good mage so he would watch out for him. And then there was Tran, Zack had met him about two weeks ago but already he knew he liked how Tran worked. He was tough and incredibly strong, but also laid back. thats what he liked about a king. Even though he had met and talked to all of them several times, they felt strange like they were from a different world.
Vline was smiling to himself as his new boat glided across the sea. Quatanas’ Kingdom was still picking up the pieces. Quatanas had shouted but no one heard him because they were all working on the castle. So it was an easy kidnapping. He parked his boat and walked up the Golden Castle’s stairs.
I have come to see Cloud," stated Vline, simply.
"Yeah, and you are?" The gatekeeper was tired and cold.
"An... old aquaintance."
"You're not gettin' in m'afraid"
Vline stared at the guard for a second before kicking him right where it hurt. He picked up Quatanas, who was tied up from head to toe in snaky rope, and walked up the castle stairs.
"Now, to buisness." Vline walked up to the door of Zack’s room and opened the door. He spotted the young king himself pacing in the middle of the room.
"Zack! I've come quite a way to see you!" Vline shouted.
Zack decided that he would have to eat something so he could actually think. He got some whisky from the fridge and had a servant get him a steak. he was about to dig in when he thought he heard someone walking to his door and right as he got up his door burst open and there was Vline. "Zack!" he said. "I’ve come a long way to see you!"
"Well if it isn't Vline, and you’ve brought the young king Quatanas with you, how pleasurable. So why have you come back to the golden castle?”
"So you remember me then. I was very worried that you'd forgotten me," Vline spoke softly, but with the touch of malice.
“Of course I do.” Zack said cheerfully
"May we have an audience? I think that our little king here is tired after our little trip," He pushed Quatanas forward in the small of the back with one finger. The defeated prince was bound by writhing snakes of rope was drenched in salty water. As a staff struck him in the back, he let out a feeble little moan. "And the sooner we have sorted out the necessary stuff, the better"
Zack walked Vline to the main hall and sent a messenger to get everyone for this special occasion. "Vline, Vline." Zack said. "Its been a long time since I’ve seen you" He opened another bottle of whisky and poured one for him self and gave one to Vline. "Ok Vline what do you purpose? And I bet I know it has to do with our little prince here"
"You are not wrong." He downed his whiskey in one, then dropped the bottle on Quatana's head. "As you probably guessed, I will trade Quatanas - not give. I have never given any care about these petty wars between the Kingdoms, however, just think of how easily you could manipulate the stone castle as you hold it's king prisoner. Despite our childhood friendship, I will not go for anything less than what I ask for." Vline smiled wolfishly, then turned heel smartly on his dark boots and left the room. "Think about it..."
Zack had Vline led to a room while he thought about it. It was going to be a hard choice. Vline's room was silent. Zack still hadn't agreed to the deal, and the only words spoken by him for the rest of the day were a muttered "You've got a room. You can stay a few nights.”

He was still in the dark blue robes and long black boots. He simply couldn't be convinced to change. He was tired, but was cautious not to sleep. Quatanas was in the room with him, and if a single soldier came in as he slept, Vline would reach a sticky end - and God knows what would happen to Quatanas. He didn't care what happened to Quatanas- he just didn't like the idea of his deal being completely undermined.

Eventually, dawn broke. Vline was still sitting cross-legged on his four-poster bed. He was debating whether or not it was worth the effort to get up when a maid entered gingerly through the elaborate oak door. She asked him if he wanted any spare clothes -
"As he may not have any with him". Vline was astounded at how accurate Zack(he presumed) had been with the clothes. Dark blue robes (just the same) and a set of red trousers. He donned the robes. He checked himself down, and after sucking air though his teeth then exhaling it, neatly strode down to the great hall.
Zack was in a delema. His old friend had come to him offering the king of the stone castle. It would be a great upside to life having him as a prisoner. These wars had gone on way too long for comfort. but what conserned him is what Vline would want to trade him... if it was money or gold that’d be fine, he lived in a golden castle for christ sakes. but he didn’t think Vline would want to trade that with him... he might be able to take Quatanas by force from him and he knew that he could beat him but he couldn’t bear thinking that Vline would die with out taking out most of his resources and guards and he could not afford to have that happen otherwise he would be vunerable to attack from the other castles... Oh well, he decided he would see what the trade was and if it was a good deal he would trade and if not... well he would think of that if the time arrived. A maid came and told him that Vline would be coming any second and that he liked his new clothes. well cloud thought tiredly, at least he hasn’t changed much.
"Zack!" Called Vline genially. He strode across the hall through the throng of people, looking businesslike, despite his unique clothes. He approached his old friend quickly. He saw Zack's expression - a fusion of dread and a feeble attempt at looking cheerful - and said. "This is what I will offer; the king, for one service. There is a rock with special powers that you have. It controls all of water. I want that. If you give it to me, the king is yours. I do not want the power of water, It’s just a prize for me.
Later that day the trade ensued. This would cost Zack. The rock controlled all of the water supply the castle had. Without it, there would be a drought. But Zack didn’t worry, the stone castle had plenty of water. Zack held the stone and said to Vline “I have the stone now where is my king?”
"Don't hesitate do you? My room." He grinned and pocketed the stone. "But I warn you, there is the distinct possibility he is not in fantastic condition. Shockingly, I disliked the idea of him watching me as I got changed, so there is the distinct possibility that he is very bruised and shoved behind a curtain... So what do you plan to do with him?" Vline accompanied Cloud walking up the staircase. He pulled out the stone and studied it.
"You surprise me, Cloud." Vline murmured, turning over the strange blue baseball-like stone in his fingers. He started watching in amusement out of the corner of his eye as Cloud fumbled in the curtains as he tried to remove the entrapped Quatanas. "Your lust for war is so great that you would throw away all the water for your kingdom and give me the magic of water? Do you not care for your citizens?”
Zack turned to Vline "If you say that again I will kill you, my castle and it’s people mean everything to me. The reason I did this trade because I believe that you will give me it back soon..." he had some guards take Quatanas away to heal up. Then he turned to Vline and smiled. "Guards!" Zack said slyly and a man came out of nowhere and knocked Vline unconcious with a blow to the temple...
Vline awoke in a cold, dark cell. Three sides were stone and the fourth was bars and a door, locked in about eight different places. Through the bars was Zack, leaning against a wall. Vline stood up and brushed himself down. Cloud laughed mirthlessly and tossed up and down the water stone.
"Zack! I'm impressed!"
"You've cheated your way through life with empty promises and dark threats, Vline. Don't be too sour that for once you don't win."
"I will be when that day comes. But until then-" Vline looked down at his tattered robes. He clicked his fingers and was engulfed in blue water which replaced his clothes to his normal hoody and trousers. "I took that rock fair and square. Thus, now with the power of the stone, I can do this!" He held his hand up in the air. A burst of white light erupted, both from Vline's hand and Cloud's. The smooth round stone switched between Zack and Vline. Now, it was Vline holding the rock. In Zack’s hand, a ripe peach appeared.
“You were stupid to think that I did not want the stone for power!”
Zack moved right up to the cage, unable to believe what had just happened. "Now, old friend, watch." Vline lifted up the blue magic stone, and crushed it slowly between his fingers.
"NO!!" Zack shoved his broad sword through the gaps in the cell, in a futile attempt to stab Vline.
"So you don't wish for your cities water and heath to be gone?" Vline asked in mock surprise. Then the corners of his mouth rose slightly. "Then I suggest you listen..."
Cloud watched helplessly as his kingdom’s water supply was being crushed. He didn’t want Vline running free but he didn’t want his kingdom and all its inhabitants to die of thirst.
"Vline.... Vline.... please don’t... I’ll let you go." Cloud said. He unlocked the door and opened it, "But if I see one false move from you Vline, your dead."
Vline just walked out smiling. The next week went by awkwardly; Vline did as he pleased and the king Quatanas was locked up in a cell.
i dont see why there has to b 1... if it is required then fine but all u gotta do is post ur:
Char name:
(Optional)attack and magic stuff:
is that ok?
u got it dygan :) ur already in it since u were in FFkingdoms.. still need to get Kamui in there
I suppose I'd better leave Vline's bio...

Name: Vline Siguara
Age: 23
Weapon: Wields two white and pale blue staves, that are formed of water in his hands. He is very accurate at throwing them, but isn't so good at fighting...
Gender: Male
Personality: Quick thinking, spiteful, smug, sarcastic, short-tempered, vicious, has very little concience and knows what makes a person tick. Everything bad about me, exaggerated. Oh, and relatively cowardly, but refuses to show it.
Bio: Grew up in the golden castle with Zack, and was his best friend. Even then, he was a thief, covertly, or in-your-face blackmail style. He left when he was fifteen and hunted the world for treasure, usually treasures which would enhance his natural skills with water. He still uses the same thieving tactics: Barter, blag, borrow, blackmail. Has never used the word 'thief'. He prefers to call himself a 'collecter', or - his self-proclaimed
title - 'Terra's Leviathan'.
Appearence: Has bubble-gum pink hair, and lemon-yellow eyes. Wears piercings all over his face: about twelve. He either wears a sleeveless white hoody with red trousers - chains attached - or when he needs to appear intelligent, imposing, or older, wears long, navy robes and long, black boots.
Attacks/magicks: as already mentioned, this guy isn't so great in a fight, but is very covert, and can manipuilate water with the flick of a finger. Sometimes, he does not need to fight, he can usually black-mail his way out of any situation.
nice so Dygan what you think we should go from here? tryin to attack the stone castle?
cool ty ok ill do just that:
Zack had his mind on other things, to win this war he needed an ally. And he knew who he wanted that ally to be. He hoped Tran thought that he, Zack, was a good king also. He sent a messenger to Tran's kingdom to ask him to come to the gold castle. He smiled, he would worry about Quatanas and the stone castle later, he had an ally to make.
Just popping in to see if everything's fine. You know, instead of posting here and taking up posting space when discussing the RP, why not take it to PM instead? That way, less spam is being posted.

Ok, go off and RP then ...
Vline lounged in the doorway, watching Zack panic. The usual for a special occasion: "Where's my best clothes?!" etc.
"What's happening? Anything I can do my best to be awkward with?"
"If you must know, Tran is coming here to sign a treaty, to form an alliance. Arrgghh!!" He half-growled/roared, as he knocked his wardrobe over.
Vline just smirked and kept watching.
Zack glared at Vline, who was smirking. Zack just glared at him, he thought it was funny that Zack was panicing about Tran? Well it wouldn't be funny if Tran didn't accept. Zack would probably blame it on Vline. He got on some reasonable clothes and walked out to the courtyard. It was then when the trumpet sounded for the arrival of Tran, the king of the marble castle.
I will do every chars bio later:
Zack strode up to Tran and gave him a hand shake. They were about the same height and even had the same hazel nut-brown eyes. Although Tran did have a different outfit than him. He had a casual T-shirt with jeans on. A little underdressed, Zack thought, but maybe it was Zack who was over dressed. After they shook hands Tran said. "So lets talk about the alliance."
Vline watched from a distance. The two Kings went inside Zack's study.


An hour and twenty minutes later, the kings emerged, smiling and laughing. Vline followed them, keeping about ten paces behind. He wasn't sure what to do. He had a comfy, catered life in the Golden Castle, but their were some wonderful prizes floating about, and maybe in the Marble castle... He thought carefully... maybe he could have both?
Zack laughed with Tran. He was cooler than Zack thought he would be. It turned out that Tran had much of the same interests as him and that Tran had wanted an alliance also. So they agreed to be friends and allies for this whole war. Now all they had to do was to sign some paper. Tran had also asked about Vline for some reason. Tran thought that Vline had a lot of potential and that he might want him to be his apprentice. This took Zack aback, apprentice? how could he tell so much about someone in that little of time? but that didnt bother him, he would be glad, and he thought that even Vline would be satisfied witha job at the marble castle. He said to Tran that he would meet him at the treaty signing and went to Vline to talk about the apprenticeship.
Vline turnd around to see an excited Zack.
"Come on. Spill." He fixed Zack with a stare that would chill the warmest heart, but not even Zack was phased. Barely able to contain himself, The man 'spilled'.
"He what?" Vline was shocked, but gave nothing away as to whether he would take it up or not. "Well, I suppose it depends on the terms, the percs, that sort of stuff. I'll discuss it with your mate at the treaty signing."
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Zack smiled at him and said hed talk about it with Tran after the ceremony. With that, he walked to the courtyard where the entire ceremony was taking place. He met up with Tran and they walked up to the podium. He tapped his glass with a spoon to get the attention of his citizens. With that he started his speech. "Citizens!," he boomed. "This is a joyus time for the golden and marble castle. Tonight we come together as one, as allies in the raging war!" Screams of cheers and armies of appluase went through the crowd. "Now, i will sign the treaty once and for all!" with that he took out a pen and looked down at the treaty paper.
Kamui was standing atop the tower, in the castle, watching waiting... he knew something was going to happen... but what he did not know, the wheels of time had already began to move, with the warp of his dimension... what to do, what to do...

He jumped off the tower and landed by Zack's side, and bent over and whispered into his ear "Something is going to happen, something that isn't good, just thought you should know..."
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