Kingdoms of Ru (FFkingdoms Remixed!!!)

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Zack frowned, why did Kamui think something bad was going to happen? Kamui and him had known each other for awhile and Kamui toke the privlege of telling him of when disasters were going to happen. Kamui was.. well Kamui was amazing. He could pop in and out of demintions with a snap of his fingers. He had other powers that Zack didn't know about and probably didn't WANT to know about. he looked around to see where the disaster would be coming from... and that is when it happened...
An army, all in silver armour burst through the gates of his Kingdom. Zack gaped, open mouthed for a second, as Don strutted at the front of the horde, a bright green circle of light spinning in front of him. Around him quickly fell three soldiers donning golden leather armour. Battering rams, archers at the back, cavalry, musketeers knights and people whom worryingly appeared to be red mages surged through the gates.

Vline was watching atop one of the battlements. Soldiers were moving swiftly, calmly and efficiently around him, equipping the turrets with crossbows and raining down sweet death upon the army of silver. Don raised his arms and the green circle became white, and suddenly, the army was covered by a similarly white dome. Arrows snapped as they made contact.

Zack shivered and withdrew to the bailey, Tran with him, along with his own army. Zack summoned his own, which appeared pitifully small. He gulped.

OoC There's something nice and interesting to get our teeth into. I was worried that you were trying to make it so Vline was up to something...
along side Kamui opened another portal, "It seems some help has arrived," the portal opened and a girl fell through, "Ah White, it has been some time has it not, last time i recoil, is when i brought these two to my dimension,"

"You are correct Kamui, and i am pleased to see as well" she blushed, "but look at this mess you have put yourself in"

"White you know that i didn't put myself into this mess, but none the less shall we dance?"

With that they jumped into the sky, just as a figure began to form over the silver army and come at them.

For White's profile, please read here
second post under Kamui's
dfx i dunno if all this demension stuff is gonna work :huh:
Zack looked at the silver army, only with Tran and his both could they win. And he didn't know if even that would pull it off. Him and Tran acted calmly and stratigized. They made a decision and sorted thier armies. The Don's men were closing in fast and they needed pricise timing to pull this off...

Zack looked and saw that Tran was in potsition. He signaled and they and thier armies all jumped hysterically from the towers that they were at. The unsuspecting Don and his men just stood there as men rained down on them. As Zack suspected, the mens' armor was not made out of pure silver, the silver kindgom was too poor for that. Instead, they wore a rubbery material, that looked silverish if the sun was out. Zack smiled as his men bounced of the rubberish armor, crushing the men while doing so. After the men had landed though, chaos erupted. It was a brutal battle but because of the early lead the marble and gold men were able to fend off the Silver's soon enough they signled for a retreat.
OoC I agree with CG. Last time, we really fucked it up when we added the maistrials and then I went and really shat upon everything by hinting that we'd take the GM out. I reckon we should all live in one world, and stay there.

IC Vline watched the silver army retreat. Don turned back and clicked a finger. He, and his army faded from view. Strolling into the Bailey, Vline called out to Tran and Zack: "Enjoy your fight?" Zack was about to shout something back, but, silencing him with a wave of his hand, he said "Meanwhile, I'e been doing something just as productive:" He signalled to Tran and Zack to follow him out of the castle.


The Hydral Ocean came up very close to the golden castle, so they needed only to walk about nine hundred metres. Vline announced, while lifting one arm and abruptly clenching his fist "Some mages attempted to carve a path across the sea to help the escape of Don. I didn't expect him to teleport, but..." A small whirlpool was racing across the surface of the water toward the shoarline. On closer expection, some figures could be seen in the water, repeatedly buffeted by the fickle current. "I have caught the mages in question, and they will probably be easy to make talk. I do so love fishing."
"So?" Vline looked at Tran and Zack. "Shouldn't you be hauling them ashore? Getting them to the castle? Interrogating them?" He unclenched his fist. The whirlpool dragged the figures onto the sands of the shore, and Zack jumped out of the slight vortex. It appeared that there were about thirteen people. "I'm not a donkey. I don't do legwork."
W00T! we got a Tran character. He cool:
Zack looked up at the drenched mages and smiled menicingly, "Take them to the dungeons." he said sneering. "And Tran, don't we have a treaty to sign?
Ten soldiersin gold picked up ten of the mages. There were three left. Vline began to walk away. "I wonder who is to carry an extra burden...?" He climbed the great hill - stained in blood - quickly. He looked behind him. It appeared as though Zack and Tran were carrying anextra mage between them.
Zack glared at Vline. Lazy idiot thought that he was to good for the weight? Well the sooner he went with Tran the better.
After the mages packed up, Zack, Tran, and Vline went up to the podium to sign the treaty. They did it quick and shook hands about it. Scattered appluase rippled thoughout the crowd, but most were still shaken up by the recent attack. After the cremony, Tran and Zack walked together to Zacks room to dicuss Vline's apprenticeship.
Vline had three choices. He lay back on the soft matress of his four poster.
1: He kept a comfy life exactly where he was, with Zack right under his thumb.
2: He went and took the aprenticeship, and took serious power. Unfortunately, he'd be under the command of someone else. Not ideal.
3: He took the job, and quit it as soon as he'd found a worthy trophy in the marble castle and devised a plan to get it from Tran.

He gave up trying to work out the best strategy, and just allowed sleep to slowly take him.
Zack came out of his office smiling, he had worked it out with Tran. Tran would take Vline as his apprentice for three years and then make Vline a certified prince. Zack had told him about Vline's greed and he said that he would share everyhing his castle had to offer, a thought that almost frightened Zack. They came to Vline and offered him the purposal. Zack was even too cheerful to be mad at him for the beach incident.
Vline raised his eyebrows and brushed his brow with a hand. "Fine..." He turned his back on Zack and ignored him completely, looking directly at Tran "When do we depart? I'm a fast and light traveller. I will allow nothig to prolong journeys." He looked at his fingernails. "The sooner we leave, the better for all concerned." With that, he turned round and straight back into his room to think.

Yeah, S O T D, we sorta moved stuff on a bit, quite quickly. It was stuff that had to be done.
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Yeah okay, but leave white in it, make it that she appeared by Kamui's side, and that the magistrals or whatever didn't exist, and that she, was from Kamui's castle, that was in his world, which is destroyed so he came here, and he can't go back, just as White escaped? okay?

Kamui and White were flying above the battle field... "That was easier then it appeared it seemed, and i suppose that my mother agrees with that, pity thought that we didn't really need to do anything, but i suppose that it is a good thing, don't you think?"

"I agree Kamui, as i always have... but i suppose you were right, there wasn't any real need of us to fight..."

He watched Vline, Zack and Tran... he shouted "You know you don't have to carry them," he raised his hand and chanted,

kcab meht yrrac dna ,htaenrednu wolf eci eht tel

Ice formed under the three mages, Zack and Trans feet, and carried them back to where Kamui and White were standing, "Isn't that easier then walking?"
Zack smiled, now that was sorted he could get some rest, he boded good-night to Tran and went to his room.
The next day, he and Tran discussed even more about Vline. The main topic was if Vline were to betray him. If he did, they decided, they would kill him. Although Tran was confident of what he had in mind for Vline. Finally the secret of what was going to happen to Vline got to much for Zack.
"Tell me why you think Vline will be sooo happy or the alliance is off." Tran was shocked by Zack's anxiety. but nevertheless, he had no choice but to tell him.
"i am planning an invasion on the silver castle," Tran said dryly. "After I win the silver castle i will take that and i will offer the Marble Kingdom to Vline to do as he wishes. He might not want it, if so you can have it Zack."
Zack was dumbfounded, Tran taking the silver castle? He just walked out of the room to tell vline the news...
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