Kingdoms of Ru (FFkingdoms Remixed!!!)

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Kamui saw Tran leave, which mean't that things didn't go according to plan, White was right next to him the whole time, "you know White you don't need to be here," said Kamui

"No, it is my wish,"

"Very well, it appears that we will be needed," Kamui and white jumped down and landed at the entrance to see Zack sitting there, it appeared things didn't go according to plan.

Kamui and White entered
OoC I'm not sure if S O T D is so happy about the consistent PP on his char, but i like the idea. Any chance we can keep that plan?

IC. Tran had gathered the remnants of his army, and they were preparing for the journey. Although slightly worried about the fact that Vline had no luggage, he was intrigued. It was often said that you can tell a lot about a man with the contents of his bag. Vline carried nothing, just what he stood in, and some small objects in his pockets. That alone probably told a lot about Vline, ironically.
"Let's get on with it." Vline stole up to Tran, a malicious smile plaing on his lips.
Well i think that you are preparing to leave with the army and Vline,

Kamui and White were standing at the doorway, looking at Zack,
"Hello Zack, this is White, as i think i have not yet introduced her to you..."
"Hello" said white "how is it that we can be of service exactly, we saw the army preparing to leave, and it was almost pointless of us to join in the battle, so what of it now?"
It's your decision Zack
Zack boded goodbye to Vline and Tran and walked up to Kamui. "you can do whatever u want now old chap!" he said cheerfully. He patted Kamui on the shoulder and walked to his castle. Zack was in a very good mood. Vline was gone for the time and had seemed that he had even forgot about the water stone. But soon he moved to more serious matters. No doubt the stone castle had a new king and Quatanas was in bad shape. He got some servants to get him the old king. He was thrown at Zack's feet but stood automatically. Zack smiled cheerfully. "Ready to go back to your home?"
Kamui was looking back at Zack, "It seems that we aren't needed anymore White, very well Zack on your leave," Kamui and White exited the room into the night air, "What do you think we should do now White?"

"I do not know Kamui, i have always followed you, so that is what i shall do to the end,"

"hmmm... i thought you would say that," they flew to the top of the tower to wait and watch...

"This is all that is needed to be done for now,"
Vline looked up and down at the Marble Castle. It was made, somewhat unshockingly, of pure white marble. Tran stepped forward and the large iron gates lifted slowly, the chains clinking enthusiasticly. At first glance on the inside, it looked just like any other, but there were little details. For instance, it had a less ornate, yet more practical set of dwellings on the right, where joyful children were running about. It suited Tran: Less of the formalities, but practical and efficient. Unfortunately, Vline couldn't stand it. Inside the Royal Halls, which housed the Throne-room, kitchens, Royal bedrooms and suits, Vline was shown the great library. Following the pattern, it was small and compact, efficient to the ground. The shelves were clearly marked, and the vast amounts of books were crammed into small, clearly marked shelves. Suddenly, it occured to Vline that there were two storeys, and the second was simply for discovering where to find what you wanted. There were lists and lists of every imaginable category, and all the books with the slightest mention, and details of how detailed the said books were. It dawned on him that he could do valuable research as to what and where 'collectables' might be. It was such a shame that he didn't intend to keep his position too long.
He patted his pockets, and he was shocked to realise that Zack had somehow snuck that stone from his pocket. He smirked. A small sphere of water merged from his hand, it's shape distorted, its colour fading... Soon, he was seemingly holding a replica of the stone. It was in fact, the real thing.
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Zack strode up to the stone castle's side gate, half of his army at his side. He touched on of the castle's walls noticing that it was wet and cold to the touch. They stormed the gate on Zack's command and found that only a scattered few people were there. They all looked at us amused, some even laughed. Zack walked up to a crazy man sitting ona curb humming some tune. Zack bent down and said "Where is your king?" The man looked at him and laughed hysterically. "He.. He.." pausing in between breaths to laugh. "He is invading y-your castle as we speak!" Zack took this in and screamed to his army "Back to the castle vermin!!! last one there getss a beating" They rushed to the castle seeing a great battle going on. Gold and gray men clahed against each other. the gold greatly outnumbered. Zack and his half of the army rushed into the fight at full speed. Even in battle questions invaded his mind. Who was this new king? how had they missed the army as they passed? And what was vline doing right now?
Vline smirked and turned over a green translucent object in his hands. This was particularly rare. A scale of Leviathan...
The stonce castle had paid well for his information. The information, of course, being exactly what Zack was (well, had by now) planing (planned), and when. Stealing diaries is so useful, he thought, tossing a book on the plain, compact mahogony table.
The wonderful part was, that he was now Tran's favourite, leaving him privvy to much more information - and with the alliance, there would still be a connection to Zack.
The work itself, was rigourous. His apprenticeship was not to be tacken lightly. He was forever looking things up in books for Tran, but the most of his work was helping to organise and plan a new foundry, armory and barracks. Tran was trying to teach him the art of pistols too, but Vline was either incompetant or unwilling (probably a mixture). Up until now, the marble castle had concentrated on firearms training, but had decided that balance was necessary.

Gently knocking on the small, fireproof door, Vline brushed himself down. Tran was not impressed by ornate things, or colourful trinkets, but appearance was everything. He delicately pushed open the door to the youg king's study and, making no attempt at a bow, or any inclination of his respect, sat down opposite Tran. Tran looked up in disbelief. "Insolent as always, Vline?" Dispite his chilled out composition, Tran could not abide bad-manners or lack of respect for anyone. The latter, of course, Vline was full of.
"Yeah... I'm afraid you have to get used to that part, sir." He smirked, and slammed a very large book upon the table. He turned it round so Tran could see. "As you asked, I've been researching the silver castle. Unfortunately, their defences are simply impenetrable, sir. There is an unexplained source of mana emanating from the very core of the castle. Don, it seems, has managed to harness this, and shape it into some form of barrier." Tran let out a deep sigh.
"But, it takes not only skill to form this mana. There is a vegetation called ziln which is required. It is shipped into the castle constantly, and no-one has been able to challenge the crops - they are covered with a similar barrier - and the ships are too well protected to challenge. Well," He added, a sly, or maybe malicious, grin spreading over his face. "For anyone with less skill than me."
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Zack smashed into a man in a gray suit then sliced his way to the podium. A man with incredibly huge sword cut through his men, cutting them like water. Zack ran up to him, blocked a blow and took a strike of his own. The man man blocked it and yelled. "So! Your the king of the gold castle? I was expecting more!" it looked like he was getting ready to shout some more but he tripped on a step and fell tumbling to the ground. Zack laughed and yelled back "And you must be the new king! To tell you the truth, I wasn't expecting more." Zack jumped at the new king and struck like a snake but a second sword came out of nowhere and blocked his sword. Zack looked up to see that the large sword had split in two. Now his enemy had two, still large, katanas. He smiled at Zack and the fight went on. Eventually the new king was worn down by the two swords and did not move fast enough to block a blow to the hip. He went down and his army slowly did after him. But before Zack could order a strike on the Stone castle, the king of the stone castle got up and retreated... Zack sighed and told his army to get some rest. He went to his room and told a messenger to tell Vline of the events. he hoped to know what Vline was doing also...
"Ahahaha..." Vline was vaguely amused by Zack's letter. It told him of an attack that Vline had helped plan. He gave the messanger another letter: one of his own. It was written in emerald green ink in a thin, spidery, loopy scrawl, and sealing it was a sticker upon which where the letters 'VS:TL'. Vline Siguara: Terra's Leviathan.

Dear King Zack,
I am writing to inform you in confidence that we plan an attack upon the silver castle. By which I mean, I have suggested how to destroy the barrier, and am waiting for His Royal Majesty to decide to confirm.
I am intrigued as to the new king of the stone castle. What does he look like? What is his 'style'? How is he in battle? This would all be excellent information for our cause, as eventually, we will also strike the stone castle - assuming of course, you have't already seized it.
I am also writing on behalf of His highness, King Tran, as he is curious as to what it is you plan to do. In accordance with your peace treaty, I believe that it is compulsary for you to inform us on all your plans. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Yours, sincerily,
Vline Siguara.

He'd checked it three times, to check it sounded as though he was stopping his old games. Of course, that letter wascompletely untruthful. Tran hadn't requested information, he certainly wasn't giving any respect to Tran, and he already knew exactly who the new King of the stone castle was.
Kamui and White was sitting at the top of the tower, when the attack came, "What is it you are going to do, Kamui?"

"Truthfully i do not know, but i think that it would be best we join in the battle, a while later, he saw that Zack had returned and defeated the the king, with the twin swords, he ordered White to tell Kamui of the news and where he was going, and flew of after the man, then to re join him a little while later.

So White entered Zack's study, and told him of the attack, and where Kamui was now, before here angel wings, flared and she appeared by Kamui's side.
Right after White had told him about Kamui's going after the king a messenger came with a note from Vline. He opened it and laughed. Vline, it looked like, had changed so much. But Zack was smarter than that. He had spies in every castle, even the marble. He had noticed the dissaperances of his war journal, and he was wondering if Vline was even on his side of not. Zack sat on his window sill and thought out loud "What will Vline do when they the silver castle? Betray us?" and with that he retired to his quarters for a good night's sleep.
ok thankyou, Tran was sitting in his leather chair and thinking what should i do about vline??? He's isfar to ambitious, he was far to hasty in agreeing to attck the stone castle, im not sure what to do, anyway il leave it for a bit and see what happens. Tran walked over to his alchol table and poured himself a classand went to the libary.....
A maid walked into Vline's room to clean it. Not that there was much to clean. It was a little... dusty, maybe. She checked the room anyway, and came to his writing desk. She opened a draw, and some letters weree stacked up. They were neither sealed, nor signed, so she assumed that they were just records. Curious as to what kind of person Vline was, she took a peek at the first. Her mouth dropped open. She scurried to the library, holding all the letters, reading them as she went.


"Your majesty?" She burst through the door. I think you ought to look at this,"
Tran is sitting in his leather arm chair thinking' Vline is far to abitious, he was far to ready to want to and agree with the attcak of the stone castle, anyway il wait and see what happens next. Tran stood up and went to his alcahol table and poured a drink and heade to the libary....
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