Knights of the Round! PLEASE!


Chocobo Breeder
Sep 27, 2007
They need to bring this summon back, imagine in on the PS3 system?? HOLY CRAP. Please for the love of Final Fantasy BRING IT BACK!
that would all depend on how they would include said summon, not to mention if summoning is going to be used in the same way

also, keep in mind that oonly a select few summons get taken across to the next game, KOTR would probably be taken down on account of the new battle system and as far as I know, only having one character. KOTR is a very powerplayed summon but I do see where you are coming from, having KOTR back would be great but on the other hand it depends on how the summons are being used, whether it is all one attack, or you use them as a combatant to temporarily replace the character or if they walk about with you until their power runs out.
As I say, probably if it was to be used in such a way to keep it similar to ff7 it could be used in 2 ways

#1. each knight appears and deals damage to a foe and disappears

#2. they all appear and last until the power is drained, leaving you with no or near to 0 mp
that would all depend on how they would include said summon, not to mention if summoning is going to be used in the same way

also, keep in mind that oonly a select few summons get taken across to the next game, KOTR would probably be taken down on account of the new battle system and as far as I know, only having one character. KOTR is a very powerplayed summon but I do see where you are coming from, having KOTR back would be great but on the other hand it depends on how the summons are being used, whether it is all one attack, or you use them as a combatant to temporarily replace the character or if they walk about with you until their power runs out.
A little off topic, but what new battle system is this?
To me, FF7 seems to be a game solely revolving around power. Raw fucking power. And what better cheap-ass way of providing ultimate power to your characters than essentially giving a character (or multiple, according to the material level-up system) 13 summons in one turn, dealing approx. 100,000 HP damage per round? (yes, minus a bit)

The summon system changes with every FF really, and I think that with the advancement of console technology, Square are going to want to push their boundaries with something absurd. Are they going to bring back KOTR's stupid power? Doubtful. I think it was just a novelty for a powerful game.
A little off topic, but what new battle system is this?

Haven't you seen things from the screenshots and the E3 trailer?

if you have played Kingdom hearts 2 hink of that with more things to do battle wise, in one screenshot I saw there was an instruction saying "throw the enemy up into the air" small I know but these little things make battling that bit more interesting and strategic

Off topic moment over :D
Oh yeah man, bring Odin back, he was the man... I like how he had a laconian axe that took the bad guys down man, sweeeeet, and how he whooped Medusa's snakey behind, epic man, totally freakin epic~!! While you are at it, bring back Alis, Myau, AND Noah man... yeah~!! Rock on~!!!

*head bangs and air guitars*
I guess I’m all for it, it’d certainly be interesting to see a KOTR type attack/summons make its way back into a FF given we really haven’t seen it since FFVII. So… why not.
I wouldn't mind seeing KOTR come back. Hopefully Square doesn't make the summon too over powered such as in FFVII. (Was useful against weapons but it killed Sephiroth in 2-3 summons. -_-)

I hope in the upcoming FFXIII games they keep similar summons and not change them drastically such as in FFXII.
Seriously, I highly, highly doubt KOTR will be in FFXIII, mainly because it's not a main iconic summon, and by what I mean from that is that it's only been in one game, where other summons that would most likely make an appearance would be someone like Bahamut, Ifrit, Shiva, etc, etc. Since they have appeared over numerous FF games, so I'm fairly sure that the only way you'll ever see KOTR is within FFVII and most likely the rumored FFVII remake.
KOTR probably won't be a summon but it could come back as a boss. Although KOTR is a very known trademark in FFVII...

Look at the Magus sister, they were a boss in IV and didn't come back again in the series until FFX.
KOTR probably won't be a summon but it could come back as a boss. Although KOTR is a very known trademark in FFVII...

Look at the Magus sister, they were a boss in IV and didn't come back again in the series until FFX.

That's the reason why I stated it's highly unlikely, because most summons who only or usually make a one-time appearance almost always will never be back again.

I for one thought Anima was an incredibly cool looking Aeon in FFX, but most likely he won't ever show up again :mad:. Still, I doubt KOTR will make a return, unless it's within a FFVII run-off.
I don't think it really matters, I've never really used summons much anyway, especially in FFXII. But seeing KoTR again would be awesome, aswell as some other old faces like Pandemonia, Doomtrain, Hades, and even Bismarck!....yeah man a gert, giant Killer Whale, can't go wrong!...and an Alexander thats actually as powerful as it should be!....and the return of the various Bahamuts!
Well, KotR was a cool summon but it was freaking long. Heck, I had time to post and drink 1 liter of juice before it finished!

It would be cool if there was a summon with a sword.
Bring back Odin, nuff said

if KOTR was brought back it could be a mixture of the knights which take 1 or 2 hits to defeat therefore it is not overpowered and balances the quality over quantity, which is a must, having a powerplayed summon in however many knights there are all inflicting uber damage would be quite stupid.