Kuja . . . Thong :S


Chocobo Breeder
Sep 15, 2007
underground O:
Was anyone else seriously disturbed by Kuja's feminine, perhaps too feminine, body figure? I first noticed it in cut scene after Zidane, Freya, Viv, and Quina are defeated by Beatrix. You see Kuja in the rain. If you look closely at his crotch area, you see that not only is he practically wearing a thong, but also that there is no way that a man's balls could fit inside that "pouch". see for yourself.

Oh well, i suppose there's the possibility that Garland forgot to add that vital part to Kuja when he created him..??

Wait up, that's just a possibility *ha ha*.
Well, looking again at that video you supplied.... I think it should be able to fit...?
well the crotch looks no bigger than a womans were she in a thong. if you compare the men youve seen in speedos to kuja...
Was anyone else seriously disturbed by Kuja's feminine, perhaps too feminine, body figure?

Not really.

I first noticed it in cut scene after Zidane, Freya, Viv, and Quina are defeated by Beatrix. You see Kuja in the rain. If you look closely at his crotch area, you see that not only is he practically wearing a thong, but also that there is no way that a man's balls could fit inside that "pouch". see for yourself.


Eh, you can't really see his crotch area that well in the video, tbh. Besides, I doubt the first thing on Amano's mind when designing Kuja was "Oh, better make those underwear big enough to fit his balls in. Can't forget the bulge or the fans might get upset."

And anyway, it is possible to hide it. Drag queens do it all the time.
i didnt notice it as much in ffix, but go look at his redesign for dissidia and he is no doubt about it wearing a thong
Kuja is sexy with or without a thong. XD. Either way it goes.

But, yeah, it was quite interesting to see him in a thong. They really ended up making a gay character this time. haha.
Was anyone else seriously disturbed by Kuja's feminine, perhaps too feminine, body figure? I first noticed it in cut scene after Zidane, Freya, Viv, and Quina are defeated by Beatrix. You see Kuja in the rain. If you look closely at his crotch area, you see that not only is he practically wearing a thong, but also that there is no way that a man's balls could fit inside that "pouch". see for yourself.


You act like this is news, the game has been around for nearly 8 years.

I don't see why the hell anyone would be disturbed by his figure, unless they swore up and down to be straight and suddenly felt attracted to Kuja. Some guys just have a more feminine build, Kuja obviously did.

As for his thong (which we can't say for sure is even a thong since we don't see his ass)...um...you really should take a closer look. There's practically a cup built into it.
BY GOD!!!!!! Kuja has feathered hair!!!! Oh my, probably Garland made him from a pigeon.

BY GOD!!!!! And he and the other Genomes have tails so they must be made from monkeys too!!!!!!

He's only got a couple feathers sticking off the top of his head. Course when he trances he gets really feathery...but made from a pigeon? Okaaaaaay....
Could be made from a woman then, according to his feminine appearance, like flipping his bangs out of his face, walking with his hips (boys do it with their shoulders), wearing half-naked clothing, and riding on a dragon which can turn out to be a cat.
Kuja is probably a combination of:
1. A monkey (his tail)
2. A woman (his feminine appearance)
3. A pigeon (His feathery hair sticking out on top)
4. An evil sorcerer (his personality, probably a female evil sorcerer)
All I got. But a thong? That could prove feminine too.
Could be made from a woman then, according to his feminine appearance, like flipping his bangs out of his face, walking with his hips (boys do it with their shoulders), wearing half-naked clothing, and riding on a dragon which can turn out to be a cat.
Kuja is probably a combination of:
1. A monkey (his tail)
2. A woman (his feminine appearance)
3. A pigeon (His feathery hair sticking out on top)
4. An evil sorcerer (his personality, probably a female evil sorcerer)
All I got. But a thong? That could prove feminine too.


You don't know what Bishounen is do you? It's been around in Japanese culture for a long time, it's where a man is beautiful and can be seen as attractive by both sexes...or to put it in easier terms, androgyny.

Flipping his bangs out of his face? Yeah...um, people usually do that when their hair is in their face. Plus a quick toss of the bangs draws attention to the hair, and Kuja being the narcissist that he is would naturally love to flip his bangs.

Wearing sparse clothing is also because he's a narcissist. He has a good body, therefore he likes to show it off. As for the dragon being a cat.....seriously, wtfh? I can't even tell if you're trying to be funny or if you really think it could be a cat.

And he's not a combination of anything.
Could be made from a woman then, according to his feminine appearance, like flipping his bangs out of his face, walking with his hips (boys do it with their shoulders), wearing half-naked clothing, and riding on a dragon which can turn out to be a cat.

Firstly, there's a difference between appearance and mannerisms. Second, how does one walk with their shoulders? Or wear half-naked clothing?

Kuja is probably a combination of:
1. A monkey (his tail)
2. A woman (his feminine appearance)
3. A pigeon (His feathery hair sticking out on top)
4. An evil sorcerer (his personality, probably a female evil sorcerer)
All I got. But a thong? That could prove feminine too.

As for that, I think VR summed it up pretty well.
A lot of anime villians tend to look feminine if they are male. It's kind of meant to make them more creepy if they seem to be genderless. Maybe that's what they were doing with Kuja?
Oh dear, I must've not have payed attention to the game properly. But according to my young age, below whatever the limit, I don't know what thhe fudge you guys are saying. I don't hate or dislike you guys for anything, just don't give too many big words, that make me look at the dictionary:dry:
Oh dear, I must've not have payed attention to the game properly. But according to my young age, below whatever the limit, I don't know what thhe fudge you guys are saying. I don't hate or dislike you guys for anything, just don't give too many big words, that make me look at the dictionary:dry:

Then open up a dictionary, that's what I did when I was little. If I read something in a book I didn't understand, and if I couldn't figure it out from the context, I'd look it up. How else can you expect to gain a larger vocabulary?

And try paying attention to games, by the way. It makes the experience much better.
Amelia Jinx and VengefulRonin.... Do not go off topic please. :offtopic: I won't hesitate to delete off topic posts.
Kuja's original body template was actually that of a woman. So, yes. Kuja wears a thong.
I think they cut off the chest, though, but couldn't be bothered fixing anything else. He turned out manly enough in the end, didn't he?
Uh...and how exactly do you know this? Did you happen to work for Squaresoft when they made the game? No. Amano's drawings are the original templates, this is Kuja's:


Do you see a chest there? No.

Or I could go off on a different tangent and read something totally different into what you said. Garland made Genomes like humans, since we're female by default at conception. Buuut that's not what you meant was it? ^_^
Actually, almost all of Amano's drawings have a bit of a feminine touch to them; particularly in the faces. =]

And in reference to his in-game gender...I always envisioned the genomes as genderless. Of course...Zidane's behavior over Garnet may contradict the idea of genderless genomes...however...you don't have to be of a specific gender to love or be infatuated by another person...so genomes may very well be genderless...

And on another side note...maybe FFIX's "chibi" graphics just ruined the "big-package" concept. :monster:
Although if all genomes were genderless then I would assume they would all be asexual and would not have any sort of attraction towards anyone.

I do notice that many of Amano's drawings to have a feminine look to them. Though does anyone have the actual concept art for this game? I can't remember if Amano actually designed these characters or if he just did the extra drawings like he did for the other games.