Last Movie You've Seen

Wyogala or whatever, fuck off.

Staying on topic; I didn't get to see the movie because my girlfriend's friend did want her going because she'd be stuck with no one while me and my girlfriend would've been paying little attention to the movie. Arg, that ruiner.
Movie Title: 300
Rating: R
Comments: How many ways can I say, "This movie is badass, awesome, and basically one of the best films around"? Amazing battle sequences, characters, plot twists, quotes, etc...
Score: 10/10
Movie: Black Christmas
Rating: R
Score: 4/10
This movie didn't really make that much sense to me, well the story was easy to follow, why they were so psychotic wasn't really explained that well. The thing I hated most was that the girls in the movie were so stupid. I hate horror movies where the people act like idiots no wonder they die so easily
Movie: World Trade Center
Rating: PG-13
Score: 7/10
It was okay. It had some nice poignant moments here and there, but the way the story was presented, it probably would have worked out better as a documentary. It was too long for what they were showing too. 2 hours + however many minutes is too long to sit and watch two guys buried in rubble.
FILM:- Dog Soldiers
SCORE:- 9/10

Basically a new take on the old werewolf storyline. Group of soldiers out on training in the middle of no-where end up taking on a gang of uber werewolves. Brilliant action and acting, and filled with fabulous one-liners.
Film: Pulse
Rating: 15
Score: 2/10

I'll give it the two points for the visuals, but the film as a whole sucked donkey dick. The ghosts weren't scary/freaky/wooo-oooh enough, the people seemed overly generic, and the pot was nigh non-existent.

Poor, poor film.
Film:The warriors
I love this movie.The scenes and the music were amazing.It's not too long but a reasonable length, anyone else seen this movie?
Film: City of God
Rating: 18
Score: 9/10

This movie is briliant.

Its about Li'l Zé's rise to power through the eyes of a young man called Rocket.
Movie: V for Vendetta
Score: 8/10
Comments: It was actually a good movie, really political and I kinda missed some of the beginning, but I was able to pick everything up throughout the movie
Movie: Shaun of the Dead
Rating: R
Score: 10/10
This is the 3rd or 4th time I've seen it, but I just love it xD So wacky it's brilliant.
Movie: "Wedding Crashers"
Score: 6/10
This movie wasn't as funny as I thought it was going to be, and a lot of the parts that I guess were supposed to be funny were really stupid
The Trailer Park boys Movie - The big Dirty
man i cant get enough of these guys, the movie was freakin hilarious. Ive scene it 4 times now, twice in theatre worth it every time. plus its was all shot in my home town, just like the series, if you've never heard or scene any thing by these guys please do... you will love it!?
Movie: Hot Fuzz
Rating: 9/10

My expectations were a bit high because I'm such a massive fan of Shaun of the Dead. Not a bad film by any means though, dragged on at the end slightly...
Title: Black Christmas
Rating: Unrated
Comments: A wonderfully uplifting tale of two estranged siblings who spend one enchanted Christmas night reconnecting through the brutal slayings of several half naked Sorority Sisters.
Rating: 7/10

"Blades of Glory"
This movie was actually funnier than I thought it was going to be, I actually choked on my drink at one point! But it wasn't as good as i thought it was going to be, towards the end it just didn't seem too funny, and some parts were like drawn out
Movie Title: 300
So many bloody gutty gross nasty scenes. It was great. ^_^
It doesn't really captivate you or drag you into the storyline, it's just...incredible eye candy. Plus you get to see a nipple. ^_^
Comments: A must see for those with weak stomachs.
Score: (9/10)
Movie: Blades of Glory
Rating: PG-13
Comments: I liked it. It was pretty funny most of the time, but it wasn't fantastic. Will Ferrell, Will Arnett and Amy Poehler were the best things about the whole movie.
Score: 7/10