Last Movie You've Seen

Movie: 1408
Starring: John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson
Genre: Horror
Rating 8.5/10

Basically, the movie is about a haunted room in a hotel where a naive writer who doesn't believe in ghosts goes to that room. Then he is tortured by a series of paranormal events where he can't tell the truth from reality. He tries to get out through the window. Fails (no he doesn't die). The door is locked from the outside and the key is broken.
Overall the movie has awesome effects, especially sound. I'm not certain but I think it's written by Stephen King, is that the same guy who wrote the Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demon? I don't know...
Anyway, it's a good scary movie. Very clever storyline and worth watching. Makes you wonder about your own room...
Movie: Ghost in the shell
Rating: 8/10

It's a philosophical film more than anything. It revolves around catching a very dangerous criminal, but it's really a look at how people can perceive the state of living (Am I who I think I am by design, or just a mix of how people preceive me). The main character Motoko Kusanagi is a cold and brutal bitch, but hints are given as to why. This being said the movie is too short to delve deeper into Motoko's psyche and therefore I am happy that a TV series was made.
Night of the Museum 2 - 10/10

It was fantastic and easily better than the first film in my opinion, it was amazingly funny, especially the Einsteins. XD The acting is also really good, like it was in the first film, the storyline is gripping throughout, and overall it's a film I'd definitely recommend going to see.
The last movie I have seen is Tropic Thunder. The movie is really gay to be quite honest. I did not understand shit about this movie. It was all over the place!!! I thought this movie was going t be so awesome but it was so gay. But tom cruise was quite funny. Wtf was with the random quotes anyway. 3 out of 10. Sorry it sucked for me
Movie: Bulletproof

Rating: M

Comments: I love this movie.

Adam Sandler is such a funny-ass. XD

Haven't seen this movie in a few years so I was happy when Steve found his old videos that he recorded them on.

The best part was when they were in the honeymoon sweet at some random caravan park. XD

"Can you take that outta my ass!" XD

Score: 5/5 stars or 10/10 points.

Name: Contract Killer (Jet Li)
An action filled, yet funny movie that gives you a briefing in the Japan's underworld.
I think this movie is quite awesome and keeps me curious and observed throughout the whole thing. Its one of Jet Li's best movie and takes you on a tour through Japan's gangsterism.

Movie: Blue Lagoon

Rating: M

Comments: I love this movie.

It's such a loving and peaceful movie.

It starts off with two children being shipwrecked on an island with only the captain of the boat with them.

Then he dies soon after and the two are left alone.

They grow up together and have little knowledge about anything.

They celebrate christmas and try to pray but they've forgotten the words to songs and lines in their prayers.

It's quite sad really. The looks on their faces when they realise that they just can't remember it. It's all very vague in their mind and it's like they start to try and remember what it was like when they were at home.

As they grow they don't realise why they grow hair on certain parts of their body or why the girl grows breasts.

In one scene you see her get her period and she totally freaks out and thinks she's wounded.

They eventually 'get together' and soon after the girl falls pregnant but the whole time does not know why she is getting fat.

Imagine the shock when she gave birth. :gasp:

Their love is totally natural and pure.

Fantastic movie for it's time.

Score: 5/5 stars or 10/10 points.
Pure Shit

This film has a pretty interesting story behind it. It was made in the 70's and was banned. One critic even described it as "The most evil film I've seen..." Anyway it was recently re-released on DVD. Before I bought it, I checked Wikipedia to get the gist of the story and this is all it said:

Four junkies search the streets of Melbourne for good-quality narcotics and some excitement to their lives.
I found this kinda funny at the time, but after watching the movie I think this sums it up perfectly.

It certainly isn't the most well made film, but it's worth a watch in my opinion.
Movie: Role Models

Rating: M

Comments: It was a pretty decent movie.

I love Sean William Scott. XD He is the funniest guy ever and in this one he was great!

I just didn't really think it was that hilarious as most people seem to think.

However, I was really really tired when I was watching it and fell asleep nearing the end and finished watching it the next day. So it could of been that I wasn't really taking it in properly.

The little kid that Stifler had to look after was annoying. <_< He thought he was too good and gave me the shits.

McLovin was in it though so that was cool. XD

Pretty good movie and wouldn't mind watching it again.

Score: 4/5 stars or 8/10 points.
Movie: Tom Cats

Rating: M

Comments: Fairly decent movie. Not something I'm in a hurry to watch again though.

It was kinda lame in some parts but still a really good movie.

The main bit I remember is when one of the guys is having sex with this girl and she starts to hurl out the car window.

He goes to 'pull out' but then realises how good all that 'purging' feels. XD

So yeah it was okay.

Score: 4/5 stars or 8/10 points.
Movie: Drag Me To Hell

Rating: 15

Comments: It was a brilliant film, I like the way they've intertwined both a horror and parody into one film, I don't think I've ever laughed as hard this year than in this film, yet, I've never jumped as much either. Simply put, this is an amazing film which I'd quite happily go and see again and again and again. I'd recommened this film to anyone.

Score: 5/5 stars or 10/10 points.
Terminator Salvation

It was good but i would only want to see it once. It fit well with the layout set by the other movies in my opinion. The cosmetics and special effects were awesome, good plot, predictable but good. Cast played their parts well and it was overall an ok movie.
(NOTE: All of this is in my opinion )
Title: Star Trek: Nemesis
Rating: 8/10
Comments: The final movie in the Jean Luc Picard generation of Star Trek, he meets his clone who basically wants to slaughter Earth and take Picard's genes to keep himself from dying. To stop this, Data actually dies, which made me upset. Data was the greatest character ever, dammit. Anyways, they finally make SOME peace with the Romulans, which was an interesting end to the series, and the Remans get pwned. I won't lie. All in all it was a decent movie to watch with many plot lines and twists, with many moments that die-hard Trekkies would appreciate. For those who aren't, it's still an enjoyable viewing and would recommend it easily.
Movie: Final Destination 2
Genre: Horror
Rating: 8.5/10

Final Destination 2 is one of the best horror movies I've seen this year. The plot of the story is quite gripping and interesting. The movie was action packed and made me sit the very edge of my seat. The effects were awesome. I love the movie.
Broken Flowers

It was an interesting movie, with a slow, patient pace, which I quite liked. Given how similar Bill Murray's character was to the one he played in Lost in Translation, I found myself constantly comparing the two movies. Quite frankly, Broken Flowers didn't have the charm or the emotion that Lost in Translation did.

Nevertheless, the movie was interesting and thought-provoking.

7/10 - mild recommendation
Kung Pow: Enter The Fist. I am surprised that nobody has put it on here yet, because it is that dumb. However, it is funny for younger kids and I can still get a few laughs out of it.

Cloverfield sucked big-time. I'm not a huge movie person, but the guy I liked at the time wanted me to go, so I did...and I wanted that hour and a half of my life back.

I tend to avoid most movies like the plague, the only ones that I can really watch over and over are ones by Mel Brooks-specifically, Blazing Saddles and Spaceballs. My brother actually has "Piss on you, I'm working for Mel Brooks" as his ringtone-and I have the "French Mistake" song.
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Movie: Tropic Thunder:

Rating: 10/10

Genre: Comedy / Action


This had to have been the funniest movie I've seen since Talladega Nights!

There wasn't a moment I wasn't laughing. And half the time it was Robert Downey Jr.'s facial expressions that made you laugh. Seriously, watch the movie. I don't know what else to say on how great it is. Me and my family have already watched it like 6 times. And it takes a lot for my dad to like a comedy movie.

Here's my favorite quote...or one of them...

Alpa Chino:
[why he's in the movie] I had to represent. Cause they had one good role for a black man, and they gave it to Crocodile Dundee!
Kirk Lazarus: Pump your breaks, kid, that man's a national treasure.

Kirk (R. Downey Jr.) is my favorite. He should have gotten a frickin Oscar for this role.

The Midnight Meat Train

For what it was supposed to be...I give it 9/10
I don't like that kind of movie though, it was sick.
So I personally don't like it, they did a good job making it though imo.
Movie: Little Red Flowers

This is a Mandarin movie, so most may not know.. (Well, there are always subtitles anyway)

Comments: I think this movie holds a rather deeper meaning to it than it seems. On the surface, it would just be showing the life of a mischievous young boy growing up in a kindergarten boarding school, but in reality, it (To me) showed more about the life of the children in China.

Well, I would only recommend this to those who are more perceptive, and know a fair bit about Communism. The show seemed to be pointing out several aspects of Communism in China. (Well, that's my perception of it, Wikipedia might be a safer source to rely on) Otherwise, I guess there is some amusement in seeing the little kids play around, though I think they did go overboard here and there. (Watch it to get what I mean)

Rating: 7/10
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