Latest FF Purchase Thread

Dunno if it counts as a recent purchase since I preordered it months ago, but my GameToys Sephiroth arrived!


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As soon as I saw this online I knew I had to have it!

This is a 2-Disc Special Edition released in Japan which has a bonus Disc with all the DLC for the game on it!

I doubt the DLC Disc will be compatible with the English version of the game but as a method of future proofing I was very eager to get my mits on this!
As soon as I saw this online I knew I had to have it!
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This is a 2-Disc Special Edition released in Japan which has a bonus Disc with all the DLC for the game on it!
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I doubt the DLC Disc will be compatible with the English version of the game but as a method of future proofing I was very eager to get my mits on this!

Good for you!
Pretty SoF-FFO Steelbok! I will get the game eventually but I'm not really found of 'Souls' Type game - Nor Jacks horse :poop: attitude.

I did gather some FF Purchases this week!:

These Legend of Final Fantasy books are sort of like Ultimania books for the games - or the 2nd best alternative as we never got them translated. These are translated from France and I've heard the translation is a little off but pretty excited to pump up my FF knowledge with these! :mokken:

They're from a company called Third Edition and they do books on my other games franchises too - There is even a Final Fantasy X one to be released in a couple of months too!:

Snagged this for £3.99 @ GAME - Probably was listed under the Stanrdard Edition but couldn't pass it at that price! I do need to go back to this one day, I only played the game at launch and have yet to experience any of the DLC. Still not quite over the initial experience nor the disaster of the Season Pass 2.0 being cancelled and plopped out in a book. We'll see how the year goes, I want to focus on more of the classic JRPG's i've yet to play for now.
I recently found a bunch of the original FF VII figures by Bandai at a local game store. I got Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, Barret, and Sephiroth. They don't have the accessories but all of the figures for just $30....that's a win in my book.

Decided to get it, dropped to £25 on Amazon. Plan to play it with a friend in the coming months. Not sure how will feel about it but at least I can play it online.

I got something quite special through eBay last month! (Would have posted earlier but has renevations at my place which has been VERY disruptive!

These are the BANDAI Toys for Final Fantasy VIII which were released years ago to promote the game! I've been eager to get them for years and saw a bundle with 2x boxsets on eBay that I just couldn't pass up!


The first features Quistis, Squall, Zell & Edea - Edea was unique to this set.

The second features Seifer, Laguna, Riona, a Moomba & Angelo! The plastic on the box is a little yellow with age but the figures are mint!

These were sold singlely and there is Irvine & Selphie available so I will have to hunt them down too! But very pleased to have something really special for FFVIII as time goes on I seem to enjoy it more and more!

After many years of agony and being skipped over from the release of the Final Fantasy X set we finally have the Final Fantasy IX Vinyl set!

Just such a relief that IX wasn't shafted over! As for the design, it's okay, I would have prefered profile shots of just 4 of the characters instead to two sides of the records having cropped images. But the over all product is sold and I feel my collection is now complete!

I did go into a whole rant about plans for it to be made after X's release, so I'm delighted to see it has happened!

eBay supplied me with the Selphie & Irvine Figures I needed beyond the boxsets I had! Also got a bonus Squall so can't argue with that at all!

I would love to hav the ArtFX Figures for VIII but rarely find them cheap, still will be on the look out but very content with what I gotz!
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The first features Quistis, Squall, Zell & Edea - Edea was unique to this set.

This entire range is awesome!

I used to have the Zell figure. I technically still do but he is half charred and, I believe, missing his head after I suffered a house fire. I kept what is left of him in a memory box because I couldn't bear to part with it.

FFVIII had some really good action figures, actually. I owned Iron Giant and Forbidden action figures from FFVIII too.


Some of my own recent purchases.


  • The Primals Blu-ray is the concert from earlier this year. I haven't watched it yet, but I appreciate the band and love the music.
  • The Legacy of the Crystal is a book I was a Kickstarter for. It covers Square Enix's history and information about nearly every Final Fantasy game (even the very obscure ones). It came with a commemorative coin (which my Desktop Triceratops is looking after).
  • Final Fantasy XIV: Chronicles of Light is an official collection of short stories set in the FFXIV universe. Most of them have previously been released on the official website for free, but there are some new ones too and also artwork. Plus, it just feels better to hold it in a book and read them that way.
First I've heard of Legacy book, shame I'd have been very interested in it as it looks great!

I gots a few things lately:

2 PC versions of FFVII, cheap deal but still can't process seeing an EA Label on the print of this game :XD:


A pleasant FF8 bundle on Ebay I couldn't pass up on! Interestingly this is the OG Print of the FFVIII Soundtrack from Digi-Cube - My other one was a S-E Re-release so that was a pleasant surprise, all are Mint too so very happy overall! I legitimately listen to this soundtrack at least 3/7 days a week, it is my go to!
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First I've heard of Legacy book, shame I'd have been very interested in it as it looks great!
From what I understand once all Kickstarter pledges have been fulfilled the book might be released for general sale. I could be totally wrong there, but that's the information I have on the back of my mind and think I read it somewhere. Unfortunately I can't remember where. It might have been an email, or I might have dreamt it.

In any case, I am sure there will be other chances to get it.

I've been meaning to pick this up for years! Truth be told I haven't even watched the COMPLETE version of AC - I have been meaning too after replaying FFVII but that was put on hold to experience the remake! However, with the upcoming Crisis Core Remaster, Intend to play CC, OG VII & then experience AC Complete!

Anyways! I ripped the CD and listened to it and wasn't expecting to be so taken aback by the sheer quality of it. The introduction is wonderful rendered and you can see hwo that theme could be used as an intro theme to all FFVII related projects much like how Star Wars has its bombastic Theme with scrolling text. But the next theme really got me:

Such a wonderful choir! And a fantastic prelude theme to an adventure! It's somethign I wouldn't initially expect of an FF game but more like something spiritual out of the film - The Tree of Life.

Glad to finally have this!
Erm, I’ve bought a few things recently, I pre ordered the remake red dress aeris which arrived recently, I also managed to snag three ff8 statues, not even gunna attempt to try to spell it Kobe something, got siren x rinoa, squall x bahamut, Odin x seifer

if I get off my back side at any point I’ll add photos


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Is that FFVII book in French? I've ordered from Pix N' Love before with their Special Editions of Shenmue 3.


Saw S-E had the FF7 Remake OST on BF Sale - the set has -Discs! So plenty of content. I haven't listened to this as much yet so looking forward to getting more acquainted
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