Le Coco Shop

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Neji Hyuga:



I couldn't follow the placing of the characters since it looked kinda awkward. D: I do hope this is alright.

:holyshit:Bravo i love it, thankies sooo much, rep is coming your way:highfive:
Laro: I'll get working on it right now. Man, that is one tough request. :wacky: I'll see if I can include the blue turning into black. Oh, and I don't know how to do rounded signatures. D: If you could provide a tutorial please? I want to learn how anyway. XD

Don't worry Coco, anything you make is fine and worth keeping. If you think my request is too hard to do then feel free do do something easier ;)
Thanks to Mitsuki for helping Coco as well!
That took a while. D:




If you want anything changed, let me know. ^^
That took a while. D:




If you want anything changed, let me know. ^^

Coco, I had goosebumps go through my body when I saw those. Amazingly, completely, unbelievibly amzing! You're a Goddess of Sigs!
Many, many thanks! :tighthug::tighthug::tighthug::tighthug:

It is truly AMAZING!!
Twilight set please! xD

I suck at finding good images, but hopefully one or two of these will do-

I don't care if you use different pictures for the avi and sig, and the colors are up to you as well. I would like two different avi sizes though, one 100x100 and the other 130x130. As for text, I'd like the sig to say "The Lion and the Lamb".

Let me know if I need to find new images!
Twilight set please! xD

I suck at finding good images, but hopefully one or two of these will do-

I don't care if you use different pictures for the avi and sig, and the colors are up to you as well. I would like two different avi sizes though, one 100x100 and the other 130x130. As for text, I'd like the sig to say "The Lion and the Lamb".

Let me know if I need to find new images!

The lion fell in love with the lamb... my favourite quote from that book.
I was wondering if i could have a sig and an avatar XD

Avatar -

I would prefer this for the image http://srv0204-03.sjc3.imeem.com/g/p...41d24e_web.jpg but if you can't use that then anything with both Ed and Al from FMA would do

And could the text say
All Is One, One Is All

Sig -

I would like to have the sig say Nothing's perfect... The world's not perfect. But it's there for us, trying the best it can.

and for the image http://static4.animepaper.net/upload...helm_99107.jpg or if thats not usable then use something with a fma theme

Be creative if you want but try not to stray from what i ask... and most of all you don't have to do this if you don't want to but i would greatly apprieciate it if you did and if you need anything contact me :)





Oliver Bastion:



zachen: Ehm. Could you elaborate on the details please? I don't understand what exactly you want. And could you also provide another image?
I want a Neku sig
smaller and with a music note/data (like numbers falling down) border
word request as in words in the siggy "wanna dance?"
what I meant was that the outside border was made of music notes and
make the images smaller but with spacial backround like in kingdom hearts when your battling in the gummi ship mode.
and i would like my siggy to say "wanna dance?"
get ride of the gummi sphip in the pic and keep the background
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Omg, I absolutely love what you did Coco! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! :hug:
Oh Miss COCO-san.... I Would like a Set from you....Plz

vincent valentine
Umm I kinda Like Vincents brooding look...

Vincent or Kaze from Final fantasy Unlimited (its your choice.)
What ever looks badass...
size is your choice

Thank You sensei

V.V :vincent:
Could I trouble you for a set please Coco? Its a Twilight themed set if possible please?

Size: 404x130

Text: Sparkly vamps = shexy and if possible Mariella or a nice fancy M in a corner perhaps? Your call!

Colors: Maybe some gold, pinks, blues?

Brushes: Your choice, anything that goes well with the images. Ive been mega impressed with your work so far and I trust you!





Its your choice which image you use. I love both, so I dont mind which hun. Thankies hunni x



zachen: Umm.. Sorry, but it's a little too complicated. Especially the borders part and the background.. I honestly don't know how to go about your request. If you could provide the gummi ship background, then I might be able to produce it.. But the borders, I can't do.

Vincent Valentine: Could you provide the image for me instead? I can't decide on one. D:
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