Le Coco Shop

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Hello thar Coco, it's Ness here with a request. :wacky:

I'd like a sig/avy set that revolves around a picture of the planet Earth. I found [this one], but you are free to use creative license with whatever other stuff you might have. =P

Everything else is up to you. I prefer smaller tags, but you do whatever you like, you're the genius here. :wacky:

Text is up to you as well. If you think of something good, toss it in there...if not, that's fine too. Good luck. :monster:
The image; I'd like it to be Tifa from the 10th anniversary poster.
Prefferably http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r220/altoidyoda/tifa_16-9.jpg

I would only like the siggy.

Details; lots of purple... o_o like my current sig. <3 purple with black ish maybe... i'd like some sparkles on it, kinda... with the "x" star brush, flashy, and i'd like the text "All I know is, all I feel..." on it.

If it's not too much to ask.

I guess its kind of a sad-ish feeling siggy i have in mind... if it makes sense...

THANK you for consideration!

Ps... LOVE your works. <3

Far as size goes though... 400x150/200 maybe? See what works, id prefer not to big. <.>
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Nesseh babeh:




Tried out the distort filters. :monster: Let me know what you think. :gasp:

Lockheart: I'll do yours tomorrow. :)
Thanks, darling. ^^
Hey Coco..I was wondering if you could make me a Avatar and Signature for Riku. I havent found a picture that i like yet so i'll leave that up to you. Thank you in advance and I love your work!



I know you said to make it sad and make it purple, but this is the best I could do. Purple isn't an easy color to blend. Well, for me, that is. :gasp:

Twilight: Sorry to have to say this, but you have to have 30 posts or more before I can make you a set. I guess, let me know then. :gasp: This is due to the fact that I've made 2 sets for new people who never came back for them and were never seen around the forums again. -__-

Sasuke: I hope you can hold on for like...3 days. I just have some stuff to do but I'll get right on it when I can. :)
Ack! It's pink... xD Haha, it looks really nice though, the text didn't work out either I'm guessing? :P Thank you though, I really like them. ^^
Hello again! =)

Since ACC is coming out soon, I'd like to request a Cloud avi and sig. I have no preference on color or size, so just do whatever you think looks best ^^

Here are some pictures of him I thought you would be able to work with. If not, feel free to pick one of your own choice. I would like to have a shot of him from ACC though.

http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=5ntd1v&s=5 (you can leave Marlene in)

text/no text is up to you as well! Thanks in advance!
The pest is back. I can't get enough of your works, so I'm quite happy sticking with you...so long as you don't mind me coming back every month or so. xD

I'm getting back in to X-Men and fancy a Storm set. I like my current avatar, so there's no need to do anything unless you feel like spending some time on a gift, but I'm not asking for one. xD


I think this image will allow a lot of freestyling, particularly because of the angle she's standing at. I don't mind what size, theme or colour it is but I was wondering if you'd be up for making a sig based around that image provided? No text necessary (mostly 'cause I can't think of anything appropriate xD).

Thanks (anyway) in advance. :dave:
Oh myyyyy :gasp:

I haven't checked this in ages. So sorry. D: I haven't had time to use Photoshop these days.. Expect all of your requests this week. Especially you Sasuke. I've kept you waiting for so long. D:
I request a sig/avi set of you when you get the time and whatnot to ram through it.

The set will be of Alumar Loren, my main RP character, the sad thing is that as of this date there exists only one picture of him ^^

  • Image This is the image you would need to mess with ^^
    Thing is though, do not use the staff as that has recently been remade
  • Text:
    Sig: Id like the following line somewhere on it: "You're not worth my time." Without the quotation marks. And the name "Alumar Loren" somewhere on it as well.
    Ava: Just the name "Alumar" on it somewhere if it fits, this is not a requirement but it depends on what looks best.
  • Size: For the avatar I'd like 150 x 150 if possible, for the sig you stated that you did not want a 'preset size' so knock yourself out ^^
  • Color Theme: The colors I would prefer is simply what fits, so basically what you can basically draw out of the image or what you feel fits. ^^
  • Anything else: He is a Wizard, so if you need to cram in more things there feel free to use whatever that has a magic feel to it.
Beside the 'guidelines' here, feel free to go mad ^^
Hi I wana know if u can do me an avatar and a signature for each pictures please. I don't want them too light or too dark okay. I want all the avatar's size to be 170x170 and all the signature's size to be 400x150.

Avatar and Signature #1

I want the background of this avatar and signature to have like a great background color. Something that would match perfectly with the picture because Safer Sephiroth is a God and the Gods lives in heaven. I will extremely appreaciate if you really do so. This avatar and signature are for this forum.


Avatar and Signature #2


I want the signature to show him completely as it is showned. Also I want the background to match with the picture. Then on the bottom right corner on the signature i want you to write Sephiroth with a tight text style. For the background try to make it with to fit with the picture with a cool background design. I think Black and Grey will be a great background for this picture. For the text color make it White.

For the Avatar I want you to concentrate on the picture a little bit closer to see his face closer and write Sephiroth on the bottom right corner aswell. I want it to fit perfectly. Try to make it as good as the signature with the same text style and background color. Just like this size okay.

Here is an example of the size i want the avatar to be.

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Let me know if you want an avatar to go with it or if you want to have anything changed. :)

Hello again! =)

Since ACC is coming out soon, I'd like to request a Cloud avi and sig. I have no preference on color or size, so just do whatever you think looks best ^^

Here are some pictures of him I thought you would be able to work with. If not, feel free to pick one of your own choice. I would like to have a shot of him from ACC though.

http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=5ntd1v&s=5 (you can leave Marlene in)

text/no text is up to you as well! Thanks in advance!

I've tried doing your request already but no matter what I do, I just end up in a dead end (GFX-wise >___>). Are you sure there's nothing you'd like specifically? (color, text, theme, etc.?) I really don't know what to deliver to be honest.. >_>

Sasuke: You're welcome. :)

Alumar: I'll get to your request as soon as I can.

Safer: Um, sorry to have to say this.. But you need to have AT LEAST 30 posts/be a member before I can do your request. :gasp: Feel free to bump my thread then.
Okay so I need to have 30 posts to get a avatar and a signature. Once that I have 30 posts, would you do me a set for each of the pictures?
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