XBox Left 4 Dead

Jack's Smirking Revenge

i am the one who knocks
Mar 6, 2007
Anyone else played this? I think it's an absolutely fantastic game. Where most zombie games pride themselves in making a frantic fight against about 6 zombies, the fewest you fight in one go in this is probably about 40. It's absolutely mental at points, especially when a Boomer throws up on you.
I love how it focuses so much on the need for teamwork in it, and helping the other three when they're under pressure.

The only problem I have with it is that there's only 4 campaigns to do.
it's a great game best if played online with 4 people but that only if you want some of the harder achievements like the man vs tank or killing a witch with one shot
but over all a great game hard as heck at some points
I love almost anything Valve puts out, tbh. Even so, I'm not buying this game. First off, I think it loses something on the 360 version... but it's just not for me. I've never been much of an online gamer and this clearly loses something if played alone. It'd be neat to say I played it.. but I can't get into it. I'm just not as big of a fan of zombies as most gamers are.
I got the game through Steam and it's probably my GOTY, it's awesome fun when playing with competent people (I'm thankfully saved by having friends as my teammates most of the time). Unlike a lot of the other team games this actually forces you to do so since it's a requirement or you will just fail.

Completed all of the campaigns (Dead Air finale is a bitch) and about to look into Expert runs now. Versus is a hoot too although not taken up that much of my time), playing as Infected is awesome.

The only problem I have with it is that there's only 4 campaigns to do.

Yeah I'm a bit disappointed at that and even more so since only 2 of them are on Versus as well, I feel that Death Toll would have been a cool Vs map personally. It's times like these where the PC version is better since it'll have a mod community so we'll have a lot of new stuff from that, I've seen plans already for a Shaun of the Dead campaign pack already.

Also I'd imagine that Valve would release new maps in the future too like they do for TF2. But you're sadly kinda screwed out of that atm too if you play on the 360.

I've never been much of an online gamer and this clearly loses something if played alone.

Yeah it was pretty clear from the beginning that the focus was meant to be the multi-player, if you're not going to play online for whatever reason you're best avoiding it.
The end of Dead Air was easier than I thought it was going to be when I originally saw the layout. I thought the end of the last campaign (can't remember the name) was a lot harder until you figured out a good strategy.
I imagine more maps will become available to download through XBox Live at some point though.
you gotta love the end of the game loads of hords and tanks it's sweet i'v beed them all and got the man v tank achievement witch was hard also kill a witch with out any one being harmed is hard also yea i'm an achievement aditc
The end of Dead Air was easier than I thought it was going to be when I originally saw the layout. I thought the end of the last campaign (can't remember the name) was a lot harder until you figured out a good strategy.
I imagine more maps will become available to download through XBox Live at some point though.

Dead Air was difficult for us since there isn't somewhere as effective as the closets in Blood Harvest and Death Toll and the stariway in No Mercy to hold up in against the horde. It was much easier for Smokers to drag and split us up which just screwed up the entire strategy. The fact that we never played the finale before 2am may have been a factor as well.

The problem with maps etc is that Valve want them to be released free of charge like they do for the PC but Microsoft want people to pay for it which has led to Valve not releasing anything for the 360 until they have a pack with enough on it to justify any sort of price.

I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure TF2 for the 360 hasn't gotten any sort of pack yet and that's with 3 charcacter updates, 6+ new maps and a entirely new gameplay mode already been released. You might end up waiting ages for new stuff.
This game is extremely addicting. I mean, I absolutely love survival/horror games, especially zombie ones and this was a very pleasant surprise. It was very creative, and so thrilling. Especially online with multiple people! Though, I hurt others ears from screaming too much. ;))
This game is way addicting, got it on the pc myself, just been blasting through infinite undiscovery (which is also a pretty good game if you can shrug off the bad voice acting, cappell is so much better when hes going through his mean streak :P) and my bro who was up for christmas decided to have a go...

he spent 5 days playing it into the wee hours of the morning.

this game is a very addictive drug indeed xD
Yeah I love this game and I have been playing it quite a bit latley, my gt is neverender767 so hit me up and if im online and feel like playing some l4d then we can team up :p
I admit it is a pretty good multiplayer game. I also love zombie games which is the reason why i even bought it. But they could of put a story mode on it or something other wise is get pretty boring after a while.
It was way to repetetive , I got really boring really fast, and no matter how much teamwork you had expert was WAY to ridiculous.
I've actually heard that comment a lot, tbh. Even though a lot of reviewers say they love the game, they actually recommend it as a rent because you get bored with it so quickly. They say they played the shit out of it for about a week and then never went back to play it again. Who knows?
I've actually heard that comment a lot, tbh. Even though a lot of reviewers say they love the game, they actually recommend it as a rent because you get bored with it so quickly. They say they played the shit out of it for about a week and then never went back to play it again. Who knows?

too right, its a blast while it lasts but due to imbalancing issues that still rear there ugly head in versus mode and the lack of scenario's/ maps theres only so many times you can play it before it becomes a boring and pointless cannon-fodder esqe game.

ive gone back to the CoD series for now, pretty much waiting for the source SDK code to be released and see what the modders do with it before I play it again.
I'm not going to go into too much detail, or it was pointless to write a review about it.

The big deal about this game is the 4 person aspect in multiplayer and the Versus which is up to 8.

The boredom factor you talk about I faced right as I picked up the game, because it was way to easy at first. I played all difficulties but expert. Well my buddy Ramcage told me, "yo Ch1shu, don't diss the game because of it's difficulty, you haven't seen anything until you try expert." Well from that day on we all partied up and soon found out why this game was so fun.

No Mercy - This is a very progressive scenario because if you stray to far or get left in the dust, I expect you to be ravaged by a Smoker. Hunters you can see from a mile away.. but if even one person is unfamiliar with the game, I expect you to take way too long to beat it.

Dead Air - If you can't get past the first two maps in an hour span, I'd give up. Remember to use the corners, back up melee with all 4 of you

Death Toll - The last map can get on your nerves but for the most part this is one of my favorites because you can snipe a good bit. I know, I know who uses the sniper rifle, well I do .. and I know how to, that's the difference. By the way you can not glitch the tank anymore.. so don't try.

Blood Harvest - Brain deadening hard when it comes to the last map of the scenario. This takes concentration and WILLLLLLLLL POWEEERRRR!!! because if you have one person giving you crap and getting ya'll down, I'd suggest quitting then. It takes dedicated group of friends to finish this tricky level.

The versus part is always fun with a group of people, because you play from the zombies POV. You can either be a Hunter/Smoker/Boomer to start out with, and eventually tank when randomly chosen. It makes for a great night of drinking and playing.. trust me. We always do the teams differently, sometimes 3 ladies vs the guys.. or just mix the teams, so many good times.

Also for the future they are coming out with a survival mode, which is like the horde in Gears of War 2. They are also making the other 2 maps versus playable. They intend to fix the glitches/exploits ya'll talked about. (such as banging on the Turret Mini-Gun to Long Jump or Long jumping across the gap in Death Toll to skip the horde.

Just thought I would add to some of ya'lls posts.
Hah I tried the demo for left 4 dead and I must say I am not really a fan of Left 4 dead. I mean its ok I guess I saw the intro which was pretty good but I am not a player of these kinds of zombie shooters. Res 5 is much better.
This game is the SHIZ!
I got addicted to this game just last week and I've been playing it everyday! First time I've played this game, I was like "Whoah!! Too many zombies to kill!". Th f*cking tank and that witch really pisses me off! It's so hard to kill those damn things, especially the tank.
Did anyone else stick to pistols more than anything else in this game? Unlimited ammo against unlimited zombies seems fair to me. lol I just unload those fuckers constantly. I also shoot far too many cars and sound lots of alarms. >.> My teammates hate me.
I only use pistols when I have two, with either an assault rifle or shotgun as a back up. Against a hoard, the more powerful weapons really do help a lot I find. Although I usually just beat back as many enemies as I possibly can.
I only use double pistols for long range when I have the shotgun (both variations). My usual setup is like below.

Co-op Campaign
Tier 1 - Shotgun (Never see the point of the Uzi, always run out of ammo on the thing)
Tier 2 - Assualt Rifle, Auto-Shotgun for finale (While the auto has pure power behind it its smarter to have the rifle to take them out at longer ranges when on expert as infected do 20 damage a hit, spraying at head level can get you a high amount of head shots on large groups. Also the fact it can slow down the tank helps a bunch as well, especially if he's on fire. Stupid speed boost)

Tier 1 - Shotgun (Same again, Uzi is near useless to me)
Tier 2 - Auto-Shotgun (In verus it's on normal so it's bets to kill things quickly :P)

Anyone else stopped doing campaign and just play Versus all the time now? There's just something appealing near killing someone with a 20+ point lunge from a building. Playing campaign doesn't really have the same fun factor. Wsh they would hurry up and unlock the rest of the maps already.