XBox Left 4 Dead

I just played this game for the first time today with my friend in Co-op campaign mode. It was incredibly fun, I really liked the atmosphere of the levels and I loved the way the zombies acted too. It was like something straight out of "28 days later".

The one thing that struck me as odd was that we appeared to finish the Co-op campaign in about two hours. Granted we were playing on the 'normal' difficulty but still two hours is far too short, did I miss something? :huh:
You did all 4 campaigns in 2 hours? Anyway play it on Expert or Advanced if thats too difficult, there's no point on doing it on anything easier than those to be honest sicne they're no challenge at all.

Also Versus is where you tend to put most of your playtime on, have a try at that when you can. It's good fun most of the time.
Well we got to the part where
you are on a roof and you have to wait for a helicopter
then after that the credits started rolling. So it certainly seemed like the end. :confused:

Scrutator said:
Also Versus is where you tend to put most of your playtime on, have a try at that when you can. It's good fun most of the time.
Yeah I wanted to give that a try today, but we just decided to play campaign mode seen as neither me nor my mate had played the game before.
Ah I see, you've only done one of the campaigns then. You've just done the first one No Mercy, you've still got three (Death Toll, Dead Air and Blood Harvest) to get through so you've got plenty to do. :)

Currently Versus only uses the No Mercy and Blood Harvest maps so make sure you do both of those to get a good idea of the layout. Doing it on harder difficulties may help you as well.
ahahaha! i love this game. I've played 4 play co op on lan and we spent like an hour on the hardest mode on the rooftops.
Three of us were newbs and the one that knew how to play always died since the three of us ran from the tank.

Info on the new mode Survival which will be released on both the 360 and PC. Sort of easy to understand the idea behind it, just basically last as long as possible against constant waves of zombies, specials and tanks. It'll be more difficult as time progresses, tanks after the 10 min mark will spawn every 45 secs. At 15+ min its every 10 secs. o_0

I think I missed it while reading through or it just didn't mention it but I'd imagine the other two maps will be available for Versus too.

Best news is its out next week.
So yea, Left 4 dead survival mode is Effin INSANE!

Last night my normal xbox live crew got together and played a good 3 hours, switching up for versus on occasion to ease the tension. Let me just start off by saying, that this is a very very fast paced strategy atmosphere. You need a group of people who can work together collectively, and with the new melee fatigue in the game, you can't just back your way into a corner and cheat.

Too me this is bringing gaming at its best, because unlike Resident Evil 5 , which literally pisses me off without the free shooting... you can run and gun through through the masses of zombies.

I have a lot of tips on getting past 7 minutes for most levels, except for that Effin light house map (damn that one to hell) .. but I'll offer those out when I test my theories!

Just remember, with each passing minute it increases how fast the spawn ratio for the zombies are. So say you are breaching 3 minutes, well its very possible to have 2-3 hunters at a time. If you are trying to burn down a tank, just remember the smokers... they can be your worst enemy.

I look forward to getting my face kicked in again tonight .. as for now, take it easy.
Last night I played survival mode with a few friends of mine on PC (Steam). Wow, it is tough. At one point, I think I saw three hunters come at us. Our best time was 6 minutes at the boat house. We got a few bronze metals last night.

The construction site we were able to exploit by going on top of the wooden platforms against the wall. Tanks can't get up there. It's kinda hilarious watching them trying to get up and fall. XD What screws us over is those damn smokers. Otherwise, getting a sliver metal shouldn't be too bad.

Best part about Left 4 Dead are the characters. "I hate vans. I hate stairs. Grabbing some pills! Oh no, not short-term parking!" I love the random things they say. XD
I personally think its one of the best games that came out on the 360, but that's my opinion. Again personally i played on expert and the only way i got through was get the shotgun or double pistols, look for pills, Molotov, and pipe bombs, and run like hell.

I think the hardest campaign, just in the stages set up was no mercy, i always would get hit by unexpected special infected. Biggest worry wasn't the witch crowned her usually but the tank was a tough one on expert when he spawned in small spaces.
My friend tells me you can one shot him with the sniper rifle by shooting him in the left eye, personally again i don't have time to aim at his eye when he is rushing at me.

Also expert only way to play in my opinion everything else was to easy
You can't one shot a tank. At least I've seen it happen before.

The best strat is still to set his ass on fire and then leg it, have a couple of Assault Rifles to slow it down so it doesn't catch up to you and auto shotty it to hell if it's busy pounding on someone. Don't think the rifle does that much to it to be honest, don't use it as much as I did at the beginning.

Anyways Valve have announced L4D2.

Game will include new campaigns, versus and survival maps. More melee weapons will be available including chainsaws. :) Basically they'll be building on the current L4D with what sounds like more objective based events etc.

Not liking the new crew tho. Apart from the big guy who looks like Uncle Phil the rest look meh.

Release date will be on the 17th on Nov. I'm hoping that the price won't be that high since y'know the first game only came out less than a year ago and valve only really 'completed' it recently.

E3 Trailer
Man, I love Left 4 Dead! I remember when I got it for Christmas last year, and I started playing online with one of my friends. It was the only game we had in common that supported multiplayer, and we had a lot of free time, so we ended up playing it to death. As a result, we work way too well as a team now, requiring almost no communication. When we play against each other in versus, it almost always ends in a stalemate, since we can predict the other player's behavior far too well.

I usually play exclusively with my friends, because I have the worst luck when it comes to being paired with random people on Xbox Live, but still, it's an amazing game.
I've picked up a demo of Left 4 Dead 2, and let me tell ya... the whole idea is amazing. I can't wait for it to come out for everyone to place. I love the added extras, the plays, and the who graphical effect.

Left 4 Dead was beyond one of my favorite games. I put all of my halo away for a month just to kill zombies and get the best I could. Now me and a couple of my friends have a on going bet and sometimes play strip left 4 dead, but that's a different story entirely.

Left 4 Dead is amazing. :O
I have it, and play it now and again just to blow off some steam.
( lol steam :P Valve - Steam xD )
anyways, good game over all in terms of co op with 3 other REAL people.
The fact that every play through is different is also nice.
But the level could be a little better.
An of course the AI can always do with some work.
But I'm always playing with friends now, so I don't worry about it :P
And the sequel does so much better...except for, again, the friendly AI.
when will they learn not to shoot me?
The second is just as good and fun. Love the characters and it being online is fab. But you do get stuck with some gits who love to kill you when youre low on health and inchs from the safe house :|
team killers are just horrible

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The first game was amazing, spent hours and hours and hours on that game, I recently got the 2nd game and im not that fussed about it, once I played with the new weapons and the new special infected I got bored, I guess its just an easy way for Valve to make a quick buck.
team killers are just horrible

Indeed they are Gordon, awesome name there mate XD

It does take the whole fun and teamwork out of it. But when playing with your mates it can be a giggle. But when you need to complete a level and you need their help, they fuck about.

Im hoping my mum has got me L4D2 for xmas, want me some Nick and Ellis XD
I think L4D was a pretty poor zombie game, Fallout 3 was much better since it actually had the "survival" aspect of a zombie infection. Though Fallout wasn't directly about zombies you get more of a feel for scavenging up ammo and food for survival. L4D on the other hand was so sketchy and lacking the in the suspense factor that zombies rely on so much, though fighting the hordes off was fun I just can't see it as more than a 2 hour sit-in game that you play with a few friends.
I actually haven't played the first one in some time, and I just decided to put it in the xbox and play because I have yet to dive deeper in that last DLC they released.
I just wish my friends would get off L4D2 and go back to the first one
I'm all alone here!
I prefer the second to the first. The characters and enviroments are alot better. Finally got my Depeache Mode shirt for my avatar. Was difficult to unlock rofl.