XBox Left 4 Dead

I prefer the second to the first. The characters and enviroments are alot better. Finally got my Depeache Mode shirt for my avatar. Was difficult to unlock rofl.

Agreed. The characters in 2 seem to have a lot more personality. I just love Ellis and his stories. xD 2 also seems to be a lot more challenging than the first one.

I also love the addition of melee weapons, which are actually quite handy for mowing through a horde. Chainsaws, ftw.

Gordon Freeman said:
team killers are just horrible

Luckily, I haven't encountered any people like that since I almost always play with my friends. I have accidentally killed my friend once though. In my defense though, my screen was black and white and he came running around a corner and surprised me. :monster:
These Mutations are awesome.

I haven't played in a while but the last mutation I did was bleedout. That was excellent. We actually completed the one for the mall level but massively failed at the Passing. :lew:

The Passing is actually a pretty tough campaign. :hmmm:
I played the first one and got the second one immediately. It gets a little boring after a while but I love how they added so much new content for it in just one pack, pretty cheap too.
The mutations are fun but, I really haven't found the time lately to play L4D2.
I just haven't been in a Slayer type of mood lately.
I need to get this game again, traded it in for Alan Wake lol. I wanna get the Passing also as apprantly you encounter the party from L4D1 and that would be awesome to see Francis again :p
I need to get this game again, traded it in for Alan Wake lol. I wanna get the Passing also as apprantly you encounter the party from L4D1 and that would be awesome to see Francis again :p

Francis and Nick banter is epic. :wacky:

The Passing is a pretty hard level but it's fun all in all. It was nice to see the interactions between the two teams of survivors.

But poor Bill. :sad3:
Bill will always be my main man in this game. Smoking a cigarette, always complaining, rocking a sniper rifle or M16... priceless. He's always a smart ass, but I don't blame the general...
Left 4 Dead is easy I think. Or maybe it's just because i play it on the PC. Left 4 Dead 2 however, a bit of a tough cookie on expert Realism. Stil la great game though. And yes, 4 player game is really the way to go. Unless your just getting to know the map, then single player is where it's at. Versus mode, very fun if your team isn't a bunch of raging babies. Even if you lose and y not a whole lot, lik e500 or so. Apparently their working on L4D3 as we speak, but that's just a rumor i heard while in-game.
I've been playing the demo of L4D2. God it's awesome. :gonk: I'm saving up to get the actual game and I'm gonna enjoy it. I played through the demo on Advanced which is just right for me. Expert is too difficult imo. 4 hits from Common Infected to take you down is a little over the top.
well ill say this once and once only... while some of the new special infected are intriguing the new characters suck, it sucks that you have to download the mission for the original characters and also that you dont get to play as most of them

((unrelated i just noticed that freddie mercury's signature looks alot like a clip from simon the sorceror or a game from that era))
I actually liked the new characters. Rochelle was kind of bland but I enjoyed Coach, Nick and Ellis. Ellis' random stories always made me laugh. xD

I also really liked the levels in the second one. While I did enjoy the first one a lot, the levels were all kind of similar so I enjoyed the variety in the second one. Although I would not have objected to playing as Bill in L4D2. :mokken:
From the videos I watched, Rochelle gets a little more development in the Passing. But yeah, the others are awesome, and really entertaining. I do love Coach the most though. He never fails to entertain.

"That zombie's wearin' armor! ...I WANT ARMOR!"
I bought the game for my XBOX360 some time last year but never actually got around to playing it. I guess you could say it was

-puts on shades-

Left 4 Dead :busta:



Seriously though I've heard nothing but good things both about the first one and the sequel, I just never got around to actually playing it yet. I do that some times, I remember doing it with another game and finally not getting around to playing it until one year after getting it =x
It is pretty fun, especially with co-op so since you have it, try it out. Although I will say this game will get old fast if you just stick to single player. With that said, I enjoy playing this from time to time. With that said, we should all get together and play a game of Versus mode.