Legendary Weapons


Dec 14, 2006
Chocobo Egg
Chocobo Egg
Barry the Behemoth
Accessory (Arms)
Mitsuki Calei
FFXIV Server
Free Company
Right, so who actually took the time to get all the character's legendary weapons? Which one was the most frustrating to acquire, on top of getting the crests and sigils?

I just got Yuna's Nirvana, and that took a lot of time. I think hers is actually one of the easiest to acquire, but I hated that I had to obtain and defeat all the Aeons first (which meant going back to Zanarkand Ruins to activate the destruction sphere in the Cloister of Trials), and do a bunch of other little sidequests just to get that Moon Sigil of hers. What a paaaain! I can't imagine what the others are like. =/ I'm not going to bother with the rest. I think Yuna's Nirvana weapon is good enough. Her One MP Cost is really sweet, so I can say all the trouble I went through were worth it.

As for the others...I'm certainly not going to waste hours and hours trying to get their weapons, especially Tidus'. Racing chocobos are fun, but not when it requires that you finish with a 0.00 time. -__- Rikku's isn't too hard either, but I hardly use her anyway, so that would be kind of pointless.

Oh God. The Sun Sigil is a torture. Chocobo racing was supposed to be fun! xD I don't know how on Earth I had patience for that, but I remember I was about to give up for good when I decided to give Tidus another chance. It payed in the end =)

The only legendary weapons I have so far are Yuna's Nirvana, Tidus' Caladbolg, Auron's Masamune (his is awesome) and Rikku's Godhand. One of the easiest in my opinion is Yuna's since I always intended to have all the aeons ^^ Capturing ten of each monster in only two areas wasn't that hard, but in order to get Auron's Masamune you need to capture ten of each monsters from other eight locations on the map :monster: That sucked but Masamune is a freakin' awesome weapon :D Godhand was the easiest one to find and getting the Mercury Sigil was kinda fun (cactuars! 8D) so I was sure to get it. Who wants to be a gillionaire? 8D I'm thinking about getting the Spirit Lance for Kimahri but I can't seem to find it >_<

I think the most frustrating for me was Lulu's Onion Knight because I just can't get the Venus Sigil (I really like her but dodging 200 lightning bolts seems to be way beyond my abilities >.> ) And I certainly don't want to waste time playing blitzball again, hell no :D
I'm working on that now,I'm going to try to get all of them this time.

So far I've got Yuna's and that was pretty easy,but time consuming. I'm currently trying to get Kimahri's,but I'm having a tough time with those damned butterflies!
Well I think the most frustrating items are for kimahri in the macalania-forest and lulus in the thunder plains. I mean why did they made such difficult games to obtain the sigil. Maybe in the thunder plains I dodged 30 bolts but this is number is enough for me. o_O I really hate this and therefore I adore the people who made this. ;)
Well Kimahris in the macalania-forest is crazy as well but if you compare this with thunder plain it is nothing. Well it is difficult as well but I think it is enough for people like me. :)

MFG Majin_Clodan
Ive managed to get all the weapons. Took me a helluva long time though. Lulu's and Kimahri's were the worst in my opinion. It took me more than a year to dodge those damn lightning bolts! Tidus's just kind of came together and took less than an hour and the rest were no problem. Rikkus was a bit time consuming but easy enough as was Wakkas but easy with a nicely leveled blitzball team. Aurons and Yunas were perhaps the easiest in my opinion.
I think I found Aurons and Yunas easiest to aquire, I don't recall having to really put much thought into those, just catch afew monsters/kill Belgemines aeons. Peice of piss compared to the other guys. I don't think Rikkus was too hard either...wait, was this the cucmber thing? Ok finding those WAS iritating, I ws thinking it was something to do with the co-ordinates ion the airship, but no, it was finding those STUPID cactuars..

Although without a doubt the most irritating weapons to get are Khimaris, Tidus's and LULUS. FUCKING. LIGHTNING. DODGING. urrrgh, never ever again will I get that cunting Onion Knight. My blood pressure was through the roof. Chocobo racing and Butterfly catching was also a nightmare, but NOTHING compares to lightning dodging. I HATED it. It took me MONTHS. I was on the verge of murder I swear

Wakkas was easily the most worth it, his sigil and his attack reels to get world champion, it just took foreverrrrrr, I HATED Blitzball. But alas, I did it :gasp:

Fucking Lulu....-grumbles-

It took me so long to get hers that by the time I eventually got it, she was severly under levelled...or whatever the equivilent in X woud be, I just gave up on her, everytime I used her it reminded me of my failure...and that I also still needed to go dodge lightning.....I even remember when I did it, it was 2am and I screamed my head off...then went to go repeatedly save jjust to be absolutely CERTAIN that I didnt fuck up and have to do it again :wacky:
I think that Tidus's Caladblog was the easiest to get, the chocobo racing wasn't really all that hard for me. But the hardest in my opinion was Wakka's World Champion, since i wasn't all that good at blitzball. But i finally managed to get all the weapons and crest, just trying to get those DAMN sigils!
I eventually got them all except Tidus' Sun Sigil the first time; Aztec nabbed that one for me since he just had gotten it on his save file.

The hardest for me was actually the Butterfly chasing one for Kimahri's Saturn Sigil. I mean I did it at the last point possible so the time was only like 20 seconds I believe for both courses. I would have the dumbest luck like getting all the butterflies in time, but running off the screen accidently when the treasure chest appeared, so when I came back, it was gone and I had to do it all over again.
The only one I've ever had any trouble wiht was Kimahri's; the butterfly hunt simply doesn't like me. I've managed to do it once and...I still didn't get the sigil/crest (can't rememer which you get from it). I don't know if it was a glitch in the game or what but I've never managed it since and so it's the only one of the celestial weapons I never managed to get.
Gah. It's been too long. But I recall getting a couple of the weapons. I may have fully upgraded just one though. The Nirvana was the easiest and pretty much the most useful. From that point onwards, Yuna came to be of more use, especially when she learnt Ultima shortly after. She was like a one woman army.

But as for dodging hundreds of lightning bolts, chocobo racing across the calm lands, and so on.....well I just never spent enough weeks of my life dedicated to it. I never found it vital for the game, so I never made a point of trying to get more than the Nirvana for Yuna.

Edit: Actually I just remembered getting Masamune and God Hand. So I think I might have got four, maybe five in the end. Maybe even six. But I'm sure that I never fully upgraded more than two.
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I think I found Aurons and Yunas easiest to aquire, I don't recall having to really put much thought into those, just catch afew monsters/kill Belgemines aeons. Peice of piss compared to the other guys. I don't think Rikkus was too hard either...wait, was this the cucmber thing? Ok finding those WAS iritating, I ws thinking it was something to do with the co-ordinates ion the airship, but no, it was finding those STUPID cactuars..

Although without a doubt the most irritating weapons to get are Khimaris, Tidus's and LULUS. FUCKING. LIGHTNING. DODGING. urrrgh, never ever again will I get that cunting Onion Knight. My blood pressure was through the roof. Chocobo racing and Butterfly catching was also a nightmare, but NOTHING compares to lightning dodging. I HATED it. It took me MONTHS. I was on the verge of murder I swear

Wakkas was easily the most worth it, his sigil and his attack reels to get world champion, it just took foreverrrrrr, I HATED Blitzball. But alas, I did it :gasp:

Fucking Lulu....-grumbles-

It took me so long to get hers that by the time I eventually got it, she was severly under levelled...or whatever the equivilent in X woud be, I just gave up on her, everytime I used her it reminded me of my failure...and that I also still needed to go dodge lightning.....I even remember when I did it, it was 2am and I screamed my head off...then went to go repeatedly save jjust to be absolutely CERTAIN that I didnt fuck up and have to do it again :wacky:

:lol::lol: HAHAHA, took the words right out from me.

Lulu's lightning dodging is really a pain in the ass. If you think about it, the task isn't really hard, it's just the 100% concentration plus mundane calculated rythmic dodging that kill off everything. It took many many fails and different milestones before eventually getting the 200. By then I was already a very staunch hater of Thunder Plains and all things lightning.

I do have a BIG problem with Tidus'. The only weapon which I didn't acquire because of the damn chocobo racing, so damn difficult. I just can't get enough balloons and all that to get to 0.0 timing. That one sucked so bad.

The others are not as memorable, still classify them as hard and time-consuming though. But it's really one of those FF stuff that you should try and complete by a FF game.
I'm trying to remember if I completed Lulu's Lightning Dodge on my first playthrough more than 5 years ago. I am pretty sure that I did...but just to confirm, when you reach the 200 mark, does the lightning stop after that? I think I remember being relieved being able to run across the Thunder Plains with no more lightning to dodge after...

I might actually give Lulu a try. I already got the Onion Knight...might as well complete it.
Naw, Im pretty sure the lighning doesnt stop, although it was a while ago I did it aswel.....
I went to do Lulu's Lightning dodging and I got up to 175 the first time when my brother turned on the light switch downstairs and I treated it like a Lightning bolt, pushed "X" and about half a second later a real lightning bolt hit Tidus and I missed the "X" jump. I was pissed.

I took a half hour break to go shoot basketball outside to loosen up, then went back inside and got 204 in a row just to be safe. It wasn't all that bad of a challenge, besides repetitive, but it did take close to 25 minutes to do.
Hmm wonder where that thought came from then. So I'm guessing it's possible to save while in the middle of doing the mini-game? :D That would be uber cool. Pressing X the whole time might also do the trick, although that would make my thumb sore. -_-

So wait, as soon as you reach 200, you automatically get the sigil, right?
I found it easy getting the Sun Sigil. I was a natural chocobo rider and snaffled the Sun Crest before Dark Bahamut could take over the roost. Cadolbohg was easy to get. I found Yuna's easy enough, but I wasn't even going to bother dodging 200 lightning bolts to give Lulu a weapon when all she needed was magic. I got Wakka's because I needed his break damage limit and attack reels to deal with some of the tougher bosses. The others, I didn't bother with.
I've gotten all but Lulu's legitimately. I think Busta had to help me with the butterfly one but the rest I got on my own each time I've played through. They're really a pain in the ass to go through and get. >.>
Yuna's was easy enough, no problem.

Tidus, very hit and miss with this. A couple of play throughs it didn't take me that long to do the Chocobo race, other play throughs it took fucking ages.

Lulu's, well, done it once. I was ill one day, home from work, had nothing to do. So decided to give the lightning dodge a go. Haven't done it since.

Riku, never bothered.

Wakka, still not got it, was never to interested in Blitzball. On my latest playthrough which I abandoned when I got my PS3, I was going through the Blitzball games to get it.

Auron - Tiring more than anything.

Kimarhi - Never bothered.
I think Aurons was the easiest to get, byfar the hardest is the DAMN CHOCOBO RACE. I gave up and made his weapon from scratch. Lulu's took me one try to achieve, I didnt have a problem with the lightning. Everyone makes it seem so hard but it isnt that difficult at all if you have good reflexes. The Butterfly game was annoying also, I didnt do that. Im currently making that too by scratch. besides that I have them all, its just I dont have the caladbolg, or the spirit Lance powered up to there Maximum.
I think...Onion knight(LULU)is the hardest weapon I get

The thunder mini game just make me stunning:nerd: