Legendary Weapons

Ummm I found Lulus lightning dodgeing the hardest. But like I eventually got it but lost so many times. I went over 200 thats for sure. Also Aurons was pretty hard to get aswell. The others were kinda easy. But Lulus was hell to get. When I kept getting hit I kept trying and eventually got it.
Right, so who actually took the time to get all the character's legendary weapons? Which one was the most frustrating to acquire, on top of getting the crests and sigils?

Can we just remember it's not only asking which was hardest to obtain, but also if you took the time to get them all etc

Thanks ^_^
The Sun Sigil was a pain to get, only took me 15 min but it was REALLY aggravating getting a time of 0.0.3 4 times in a row ;[. And I was dissapointed that you HAVE to play 27 Blitzball games to get Wakkas Sigil, which I have not done ;[
I actually found it much easier to just make a weapon for Lulu, instead of dodging the lightning. It involved a lot of fighting around, but in the long run, it was well worth it and much easier in my opinion. Ugh. I still remember trying to dodge the lightning, such a pain to do.

I found Yuna's the easiest to get though. :/
I got them all. I remember when I was replaying on my save file that I didn't have that many so I decided to go back and try to get them all. I was happy when I finally had them.

Rikku,Auron,and Yuna were probably the easiest weapons to get. The hardest,to me,was Tidus and Lulu. I thought I would never be able to finish that chocobo racing. I remember I was playing it and about to give up when I finally got it. Then for Lulu's,my husband told me that whenever I dodged 200 lightning bolts it would pop up and say I had received the venus sigil. I got to 200 in my mind and nothing ever popped up. I kept dodging till I finally got hit at about 350 lightning dodges. I was so upset. Then I went to that chest that you get it from and there it was! I saved over and over.

Kimahri and Wakka were medium to me. I didn't like blitzball at first,but after playing it for Wakka's stuff I finally started to actually enjoy it. Kimahri's just took a few times till I had the path down.
Hmm wonder where that thought came from then. So I'm guessing it's possible to save while in the middle of doing the mini-game? :D That would be uber cool. Pressing X the whole time might also do the trick, although that would make my thumb sore. -_-

So wait, as soon as you reach 200, you automatically get the sigil, right?

Yeah, you kinda do. It's in a treasure chest by the INN. You also get other items out of that chest by dogding a certain amount of lightning bolts.
I hate lightning. I would leave it at that, but this board requires a bit more input so I'll go on with a sour taste in my mouth :drag:...seriously though, dodging lightning sucked.

Tidus's was the hardest at first, but then I just got the hang of it from hours of frustrating game play. Then I just kinda did it and was like....all..righty then! (I can't remember, but it might have been like I just sit down and try it a few times, and like magic I do it without much trouble)*fist pump*
lulus was the only one i didnt get, i got 196 and the got hit. I was mad that day. i didnt find tidus' hard at all like some people but i think i got lucky
I have Yuna's, Auron's and Lulu's

I found that Lulus wasn't as bad as I thought- I did it first time, although I have no idea how...
Oh my god, the lightning was the easiest thing to do. Everybody makes it seem so hard. I did it on my first try, I was surprised how people cant do this. Its not difficult, you just need to be good.
you just need to be good.
LOL! You just explained why some people can't do it.

For me, the Lighting dodging was pretty easy, albeit a little repetitive and boring after a while. I've seen people save after ever dodge, but that doesn't work. The counter resets after you save.

The Chocobo racing was pretty ball busting, but it was worth it really, if you use Tidus. If you don't, then I wouldn't bother.

The blitzball..lets not go there. To put it simply: Blitzball being the worst aspect of the WHOLE game for me, plus my dislike towards Wakka didn't really make me even dream of wanting to get the idiots sigil/weapon.

The cactuar hunting was BORING, but not hard at all. Considering Rikku's usefulness, it was well worth it.

Yuna's Nirvana was a complete ARSE for me to get on my first playthrough. The only Aeon I didn't have was Anima, and I missed the Macalania destruction sphere and I have the PAL version of the game, so I had to have a little bit of fun with Dark Shiva first. ¬_¬

The butterfly catching is something I knew I would suck at, so I've only really spent about 10 minutes trying. I know I'll never get it so I'll never waste any more time bothering.

And Auron's Masamune was easy to get as well, just a little strange. They could have easily discluded the whole 'get the rusty sword' part of it.
Well, I just got Rikku's, Yuna's and Auron's last night, plus the Jupiter Crest and World Champion. I'm not even going to try for Tidus's, since I suck at chocobo racing :P Maybe I'll attempt Kimahri's and Lulu's... but probably not. I hope to get Wakka's sometime this week, I have Attack Reels now and have to work on getting Status Reels. I'd love to have Tidus's, and I have the weapon and Sun Crest even, but the stupid racing... I seriously want them all :D
The Lightning Dodging was surprisingly easy for me, but I don't think I was ever meant to fully complete it, since there was a black out. I thought of going for it again, but I ended up losing interest. Eventually, I found the quest to find the ultimate weapons more boring than fun, so I never went for any of them again. After reading a few of the posts here, though, I feel my inspiration coming back to me. I'll try for it again, but I'll start with Auron's.
You only really *need* to get three - taking the fact that you can miss Besaid/Macalania and thus make Yuna's unobtainable into account, the easiest are definately Rikku's and Auron's, and if you can get it then Yuna's, but if not, it's really up to you to which third one you find easiest - for me personally, it's Tidus's.

You can easily stat max from that point.

The first thing to max is agility. Not everyone is aware of this, but you can make yourself COMPLETELY INVINCIBLE against Fenrir. You simply need Evade & Counter on your weapons (Tidus's, Wakka's or Kimahri's ultimate weapons, or just customize it) and Confuseproof on your armour. Give everyone Protect once in battle, and Fenrir is now unable to kill you (Alternatively, start the battle with everyone at 1 HP and you don't even need Protect - it's just in case he criticals with Fangs of Chaos, which will do 0 damage even on critical if you're at 1 HP). Fangs of Chaos is gravity-based (and thus unless it criticals, can't kill you), Fangs of Hell will never touch you if you have Evade & Counter, and Fangs of Ruin won't be used since no one will ever be confused and he only uses it against confused characters. Kill him at your own pace, and bring your agility up. (If you're using the standard sphere grid, you could even just activate all the Agility nodes on it - this alone will get your agility to over 170 even for Auron, which has the same effect as 255).

With your high agility, you should go for Strength next. Juggernaut is simple to kill when you have high Agility. Whenever he uses Charging, cast NulBlaze, otherwise, just use Phoenix Downs to revive anyone he kills. With how many turns you'll be getting, even if you're not inflicting much damage, you'll easily be able to kill him - and the more you do, the stronger you get, and thus the quicker you'll kill him next time.

With Strength and Agility maxed, the rest of the sphere-dropping creations, apart from Jumbo Flan, Earth Eater and Greater Sphere, will not give you any trouble.

HP: Ironclad. Armour break him, then Quick Hit him to death. If you aren't yet able to survive Bunshinzan, bring in Rikku and mix Light Curtain + Door To Tomorrow (or Gambler's Spirit, which can be stolen from any original creation) just before it to give everyone Auto-Life (and some other status effects - Protect, Shell, Haste and Regen). Note that you don't really need HP beyond 9999, which you can reach without the HP spheres he drops.
MP: Vidatu. If you can hit him, a single hit will do him in. If not, a single overdrive will, as they never miss. Note that MP beyond 999 is not really very useful, and you can already get to 999 with the default configuration, so you don't really need to do this fight.
Strength: Juggernaut. As stated above, cast NulBlaze when he uses Charging, otherwise attack away.
Defence: Tanket. Quick Hit him to death, very easy with your high agility.
Magic: Jumbo Flan. We'll return to this one later.
Magic Defence: One-Eye. Two Quick Hits will take him out, or if you can't hit him, use overdrives instead as they never miss.
Agility: Fenrir. With Evade & Counter, Confuseproof and Protect, he cannot kill you, so attack away. Once your strength is high, he'll go down in a single Attack Reels or Blitz Ace.
Luck: Earth Eater, Greater Sphere. We'll return to these two later.
Evasion: Pteryx. Two quick hits, or one multi-hit overdrive, will do him in.
Accuracy: Hornet. This guy is pretty damn evasive, but use your overdrives and you'll have no trouble. Note that even with 255 accuracy, you'll still miss sometimes until you raise your Luck to at least 33.

Once you've got everything except Magic and Luck to the degree you want them, we can work on these two.

For Jumbo Flan, until your magic is high enough to cause significant damage through Flare or Ultima, we want to take advantage of the fact that overdrives do *not* count as physical attacks. They won't do too much damage, due to his 255 Defence, but until Flare/Ultima are more effective, they're the way to go. Once you can do good damage through magic, start using that instead. By the time you're fighting him, none of his attacks should be a problem.

For Earth Eater, I find that the easiest way is to throw Auto-Phoenix armour on at least two people and simply Quick Hit him to death. If you don't have Auto-Phoenix, you can customize it with 20 Mega Phoenixes (which can be bribed in large quantities from Ghosts), or fight Greater Sphere until he drops it.

For Greater Sphere, with maxed stats his Ultima counter is not a huge problem. Auto-Potion is reccomended for Hydraulic Press, but if not, just remember to always heal after it. Protect will halve its damage. Greater Sphere is pretty easy, just really long.

You can, without removing anything from the grid, reach 9999 HP, 999 MP and 255 of everything else. Break HP Limit and Break MP Limit are not that useful.

So even if you don't like the harder ultimate weapons quests - especially Yuna's - you can still stat max without much trouble, thanks to the simple trick of becoming completely invincible against the one who drops the most important stat of all.
to be honest...I didn't get any of them. Maybe i should have, cause I'm having a helluva time trying to beat Sin for the last time.
You don't really need them for the storyline.

Heck, you can even beat the optional superbosses without them if you want. They're just a lot easier with them.
Celestial Weapons- GRRRRRRR

So I was up til about 2 this morning for two reasons:

1) Trying to catch bloody butterflies - I thought it wasn't so bad last time, and in hindsight it's not that bad, but one one of the runs, think its central, The last butterfly is right before the screen exit. I eventually did it and then i find out I'd ran off screen and onto the next one, so it didn't count -__- and you have to trek all the way back round to go again, and it took me a couple of attempts after that. I literally let go of the control as soon as I touched the last butterfly. pfffff

2) Dodging birds. collecting ballons, on the back of a chocobo. This was annoying too, as you just have to stick at it until you get lucky with the ballon placement/number of birds divebombing you. Eventually got 0.0 after collecting 15 ballons, being hit once and coming home in 40.2 or something. :P

So that's Kimarhi and Tidus sorted. Thing I'll fancy doing Auron's capturing monsters and Rikku's cactuar connection next. Deffo saving Lulu to last, ah what a faff that is going to be!

Being a completist, I can't play through X and not get all of their legendary weapons. I never have much trouble with any of them, except Kimahri's damn butterflies and friggin Lulu's Thunder Plains BS. I mean, c'mon.