Let's Play Eternal Sonata!


Dec 22, 2009
Chocobo Egg
Tifa Lockhart
Sabin's Tent
Hey guys, it's time for series 5! Eternal Sonata (PS3) was made by Bandai Namco and Tri-Crescendo and is a hugely relaxing JRPG. From the music, to the art style, to the pacing. It reminds me a lot of a fairy tale...but with the original meaning still in it. The morals and mature content hidden away in this story is not for the faint hearted. Certainly a reason for the 12+ age rating.

Anyways, here's the opening screen to have a look at:


I would have given the cinematic here too, from when you leave the screen running for too long without pressing anything, but there are spoilers in that, so you just get a screen this time around : p

Episode 1 will be put up a little bit later on today, just to kick things off. It's all cinematic anyways, so it's sorta like an intro episode :)

Enjoy! :)
Awesome! I love this game! I played through it once on the Xbox 360 but I was borrowing the game so I had to give it back :(

Chopin is also one of my favorite composers of all time!
Awesome! I love this game! I played through it once on the Xbox 360 but I was borrowing the game so I had to give it back :(

Chopin is also one of my favorite composers of all time!

*sigh of relief*, I'm glad it's being received alright lol. It's not a series that I get a chance to talk much on, because of all the cutscenes and cut out battles, but it's great fun to play through anyways. It's also partly a blind run for me, because just like you, I've only played the 360 version before. This version is supposed to have new characters and little things different here and there so I'm looking forward to that. I'm pretty sure some of the very opening cutscenes have changed, so hopefully that's a good indication of things to come ;)

Episode 1 will be put up today! :)

Chopin is one of my favourite composers too...but only because I only know 2 or 3. Oh the shame :/
Hey guys, sorry about this episode being a little later than I said, but converting files etc takes a while longer than with older games. Anyways, let's get this started!

Episode 1:


This episode is all about the opening cinematics. We get introduced to the main character (Polka), along with her mother. Also, there's some weird guy dying in bed...more about that later ; )

Sit back, relax and enjoy! :)
Omg this game is so sad and tragic. I just want to give this poor little young girl a giant hug. I hardly cry during games and movies but....this is so sad. It may not be a action certain game but it's still quite deep and emotional. So rare these days. I might buy this game actually. It looks neat. And poor Polka...:sadpanda:
Omg this game is so sad and tragic. I just want to give this poor little young girl a giant hug. I hardly cry during games and movies but....this is so sad. It may not be a action certain game but it's still quite deep and emotional. So rare these days. I might buy this game actually. It looks neat. And poor Polka...:sadpanda:

Yeah, it's definitely a sad game. More pain for Polka to come too :( . However, today we have a...kinda happier episode. I mean, if you ignore the starving people living in the sewers :/


We wade through the rats in episode 3!


Polka has managed to return home, so it's time to move on over to a new scenario. 2 new characters are introduced in this episode, ready for the Ritardando Sewers, which aren't as bad as sewer dungeons normally are.

Enjoy! And remember...smile for the camera! :)
I'm so glad your doing this game! I love this game so much but still haven't got round to finishing it. I got to
Elegy Of The Moon
and for some reason ended up playing something else or just getting distracted and never finished playing it. Lovely game but all the way through playing it I was worrying that the ending would be sad. Watching this I'm sure I'll continue to worry (I really dislike sad endings).

I'm so glad your doing this game! I love this game so much but still haven't got round to finishing it. I got to
Elegy Of The Moon
and for some reason ended up playing something else or just getting distracted and never finished playing it. Lovely game but all the way through playing it I was worrying that the ending would be sad. Watching this I'm sure I'll continue to worry (I really dislike sad endings).


Hmm, I can't quite remember how far or where that is (in the spoiler). I don't want to spoil anything, but I will say this vague little statement:
The ending is bitter-sweet. Something to look forward to imo.


We meet Frederick in episode 4!


We fight our first boss down in the sewers, watch the opening credits (finally!) and meet our 4th character, all in one episode :)

Thanks so much for watching! :)

I'm thinking of starting 2 episode per day, to catch up with how much I've recorded. Would that be too much for anyone?
Hmm, I can't quite remember how far or where that is (in the spoiler). I don't want to spoil anything, but I will say this vague little statement:
The ending is bitter-sweet. Something to look forward to imo.


I'm thinking of starting 2 episode per day, to catch up with how much I've recorded. Would that be too much for anyone?

It's that part where they go to the alternate dimension where you see all the magic users who have died. I got to the tower there and am on the third floor or something but haven't been back to play it in forever. I checked before I bought the game but didn't read any spoilers, I just asked if it was sad or not and got told that there's a sad part at the end but a happy part too which is kinda cryptic :)

Two episodes a day would sadly be too much for me :( but that's only because I've got heaps of college work to do so right now even one episode a day is pushing it. I'm finished on Friday though :) so I'll just catch up then.

It's that part where they go to the alternate dimension where you see all the magic users who have died. I got to the tower there and am on the third floor or something but haven't been back to play it in forever. I checked before I bought the game but didn't read any spoilers, I just asked if it was sad or not and got told that there's a sad part at the end but a happy part too which is kinda cryptic :)

Two episodes a day would sadly be too much for me :( but that's only because I've got heaps of college work to do so right now even one episode a day is pushing it. I'm finished on Friday though :) so I'll just catch up then.


Ah I remember where that is now.
Ah, that's alright then. Not even sure if I have time to edit and upload 2 episode per day yet anyways...but I'm sure to start at some point. Talked myself into it during one episode *slaps own forehead* lmao.
That just means you can marathon videos when you do get time. Which is cool cause you don't have to wait long for the next video. Until you get caught up :P
That just means you can marathon videos when you do get time. Which is cool cause you don't have to wait long for the next video. Until you get caught up :P

That's true, maybe it's better to get loads up as fast as possible then...not sure. Until then though, here's 1 more episode...and it's a short one lol.


We kill lotsa birds with magic in episode 5!


It's time for Frederick and Polka to take a stroll through Heaven's Mirror Forest. This place has lots of bird enemies and plenty of trees all over the place.

Enjoy! :)
We visit the death lights in episode 6!


Our mages are in trouble in this episode...but not to worry, 'cause they have their umbrella and conductor's baton! ; )
Also, we find out about the death lights, which are very prettiful indeed. Finally, we switch scenes again to find out how Alegretto and Beat are doing...

Thanks for watching! :)
We head through Agogo Forest in episode 7!


Hey people, this episode has us visit the sewer children for the last time (starting the item trading sidequest at the same time) and we control Beat and Alegretto through Agogo Forest. We're still in the easy areas folks!

Thanks for watching :)
Two episodes today! I'm gonna try and make sure that this happens every day from now on...but who knows how this'll work out ;)

We finally make it to Agogo Village in episode 9!


This episode has the hardest boss in the game, along with the melee team making their way through the sunny version of Agogo Forest. Finally, we make it to Agogo Village, ready to leave the forests behind :)


We meet Count Waltz in episode 10!


A packed episode this time: we save Polka from a huge monster, get the 4 party members together at last (allowing us to switch party members and have a 3-man party for the first time), we have a bit more of Polka's past revealed, we meet Count Waltz for the first time aaaaand we leave the forest for Chorus Plains.

Enjoy! :)
Only 1 episode today guys...busy day :)

We meet the 3 billy goats gruff in episode 11!


Who would have thought that litter-picking would actually be half decent in a game? The goats won't let us cross the Chorus Plains without feeding them soooo...off we go! We make it pretty much all the way through the Chorus Plains in this episode, ready to meet someone new in episode 12.

Thanks for watching! :)
We find ourselves a new party member in episode 12!


Viola is a huge help throughout the game, with her extremely powerful ranged attacks and 1st-person shooter style attacks. She even learns to heal after leveling up some, so she's a pretty well-rounded character in most ways. She'll never be as quick as, say, Retto though. Otherwise in this episode, we see a few cinematics and find ourselves at the entrance to Fort Fermate!

There'll be another episode added in a few hours guys! :)
We make a clamber around on see through, jazzed up platforms in episode 13!


Fort Fermata is a bitch. No one likes bitchy dungeons. I don't get lost as such...but I still hates it. Worst dungeon of the game *grumble*

Enjoy! :D