Lightning forgot her memorys.

Lightning is cool!!!!!!!!!!11 finally we're going to get a characetr that is a woman and will be strong (though yuna had a lot of heart lol)

fFX will always be the best FF though Auron <33333333
I may sound sexist, but this is the first Final Fantasy with a female Main Character right? I am interested in seeing how it turns out. Not meaning it won't be any less amazing than the other Final Fantasies
I hope the story in this game is good, it sounds good so far. From the trailer I saw it didn't really look like a Final Fantasy game, but I guess as long they keep on making good games, I don't really mind what they do with the series, as long as it has that inner "Final Fantasy-ness" that got me addicted to them.
I may sound sexist, but this is the first Final Fantasy with a female Main Character right? I am interested in seeing how it turns out. Not meaning it won't be any less amazing than the other Final Fantasies

Yuna, FFX-2, main character. ;)
Yeah, the game was horrible, but whatever.

I'm all up for a female main character. I hope she's charismatic, like some sort of female Balthier mixed with Lulu, and a touch of Beatrix... or something.
I'm really tired of female characters in games being typically helpless/hopeless/mentally challenged. I think it's about time the fans received a heroine to look up to, really. ;)
I'm all for the female lead but i'm still abit doubtful from playin' X-2 damn that sucked
Yes, ArcaneHope. ;P
I'm really interested in this whole 'omfg action' thing that the directors of FFXIII are ranting about. Action, action, more accttiioooonn, is all they are saying.
It's being directed or somecrap by the guy who directed X-2, I'm pretty sure it's Tetsuya Nomura...

What I don't get, is how the series can go from FFXII; epic storyline, great character development, beautiful battle system, to:
OMG ACTIIOOONNNUuu. What I've heard, atleast, so far, about the storyline of XIII does not really seem promising.

More scifi crap. -_-
I really think this one will turn out good. I just have a gut-feeling.
Having a main character that's lost their memory basically means a lame attempt to have a plot twist just for the sake of convenience (see FFVIII for prime example).
Scrutator said:
Having a main character that's lost their memory basically means a lame attempt to have a plot twist just for the sake of convenience (see FFVIII for prime example).

DUDE, I KNOW. I hope this is just a rumor, or if it's not a rumor, she's not actually the main character and her losing her memories is just a side story.