List some boring parts of FFVIII

I hated that part just as much. But, Tonberry was necessary to reel in some extra cash and not to mention some rarer items in the shops.

Mind you, Rinoa in space is very boring. Very.
I thought most of the game was pretty enjoyable. What was boring were the battles and the main battle music. They became so boring and lame later on. I just thought the game was too easy. I wished I could be playing as Laguna fighting to his groove. His battle music made the battles much better to tolerate.

It seems like exploring the world was pretty boring. It didn't have much flavor. Secondly, there wasn't a place to have fun like in FF7 you have the Gold Saucer and the Chocobo breeding/racing.
LOL, I find it so funny that most people find the Laguna parts so boring. At first I was like okay what does this have to do with the story but later on, it all made sense. I enjoyed them.
The beginning was boring, while you had to run around in the garden until you finally came to Timber.
But the Intro Movie was great. >.>
Well I just bought this game yesterday, now I am not looking forward to the Laguna parts.
I didnt have a problem with the Laguna parts at all. The main parts I couldnt stand was tutorials. I know you can exit them but the fact u hav to press cancel was annoying. I guess I'm just lazy *shrugs*.
A part in the storyline that bored me was the Prison as you've all said and running down to the bottom of the Underground Research Facilty. For some reason I always had to kill monsters and I read somwhere that you dont have to get into battles.
Actually guys and gurls, the laguna dream parts are officially part of the story to show squall etc in the end that ellone had the power to what she was doin, they are in the game to show how ellone wanted to change the past, people just dun put stuff in games for no reason lol, anyway they were boring and yes long chats were boring as well, all games have boring parts especially ff7.
Haha, I liked the Laguna parts. -reading first page- x3 I found them quite funny.. :)

I'm not that far on FFVIII so.. nothing's been boring.
I hated the Laguna parts, and the first few SEED missions in Timber. Pretty much any story line part was a bore for me. I like some of the sorceress scenes though ^_^
I loved Final Fantasy VIII the best one IMO but your right some of it is boring like in any game for me it was the start of disc 2 up until you get back to Balamb Garden you just seem to be running back and forth all the time I just dread that part coming up every time I play it.
the Game is awesome but the boring thing is Laguna shit!!why do we have to play it?!!