List some boring parts of FFVIII

The prison, definately. Missile base.


I didn't like the card game, much, but I learned how to play it, just so that I could eventually get some helpful items. (Heros, anyone?)
I dunno i liked almost everything about it i guess the only thing that bugged me was how easy it was to become so strong i think if they made it a little harder it would have added more to the gameplay.
D-District Prison too many damn stairs and everytime i play through the tomb of the unkown king i hate that thing just takes so long to do it
ok...1st: the most boring parts were where you had to run through the ise tunnels to get away from the esthar soldiers and the prison part.and 2nd: the point of the laguna parts were to help you make the connection between squall and ellone.and they made the mission of finding ellone that much more important because they were sister/brother.and to help you know what the fuck is going on in was that part boring too.
The Laguna parts were fun in my mind. The entire time you were trying to figure out who this guy is. It made it suspensful. My least favorite part.... Hmm... I don't think there is a boring part that really sticks out in my mind. :S
evry game has their not so entertaining parts, but i thought ff8 was a great overall and altho sum parts may be a boring there is always sumthin to laugh about during those times, i mean try going to the missle baseon disc 2 on foot with selphie and she says "up yours" lol i laughed about that its a funny part :)
I agree with all of you except with the ones that said that the Laguna parts were not important.

In order to understand how Laguna sealed Sorceress Adel and how he became the President of Esthar it was necessary to play Laguna's Dreams Story.
The Galbadia D-Desert Prison part was indeed boring.

This site needs more members like me, Riku, and Squall. My favorite parts were the Laguna parts. Yes I also hated the Desert prison too. But I had fun with that part, I got everything that was in there before I left. Pain in the ass.
I hated the part in space too. While you were in the lunar base waiting for all the stuff where you save Rinoa and have all the happy feelings and shivers in your neck. I also hated the end of the game. They lock you out of all the towns.

But now time to hear all my praises to Laguna.

He is such a great character because he's the only male with long hair, I've never seen an outburst of anger from him, he looks really cool, he takes the side of the pen instead of the sword in a matter that can be solved that way, he is an undying soul that never gives up or siezes to amuse, and lastly: He has the coolest battle music EVER.
Yep, I dislike the Laguna parts too. Well, some of them were merely alright...meaning I didn't really mind ^_^ ... because it revealed some stuff about Squall's past.
i thought every part with Laguna was boring
I also hated the mission in the dessert..
I liked ff8 but it was jus sooo uncolourful compared to the rest.