Longest book ever read?

Tidus Blade

The Watermelon Man
Jul 2, 2006
Dubai, UAE
What was the Longest book you ever read???
I'm not much of a reader..... the longest one i read was the third harry potter i think, around 500 - 600 pages i think. I get bored of reading nowadays, i either listen to the audio tape or ask my brother what happened, the movie is int reliable enough.
hmmm im studying java just now and just finished reading a book front to back....*checks amount of pages*...i read up to page 1029...there is actually 1159 pages...
700 pages... something like that. I usually read 200-300 pages long books. Yeah,I'm not a much of a reader.
hmm the longets book i read was (the novel itself not the added stuff in the back) was 1169 pages long :) i devoured them to no end.
I love books, and the longest book I ever read was the final volume of Otherland or something like that by Tad Williams. Over 1,200 pages, finished in about 2 or 3 days.
To Kill A Mockingbird. It wasn't long page-wise, but it took a long while to get through the book in school: every page we all had to sit and analyse what was going on :P
My mom once took five years to read Stranger in a Strange Land. She beats you in longest time to read a book.
Sort of cheating with this but we've got a book here that has all 3 volumes of The Lord of the Rings which would make it over 1000 pages long easily.
Three Kingdoms, once I finish it. It's so long it was split into four volumes, so it's between 800 and 1000 pages combined.
only about 200 pages each? not very long if you ask me, but, hey, who am I to talk?
Well it's a good thing it's been put into one big book. One time I took one of the books to school (the two towers) and accidently left it in my locker over spring brake. I spent that whole vacation looking for it.
To Kill A Mockingbird. It wasn't long page-wise, but it took a long while to get through the book in school: every page we all had to sit and analyse what was going on :P

I hate reading in clase. I can read one of those short books in like an hour, and we drag them over a month. -_-

Longest ever.... All I can think of is the third Harry Potter book, around 1000 pages, I guess. I know I've read longer though. Big reader.
The longest book I've ever read page wise is War and Peace. I think its somewhere around 1500 pages.

The book that took me the most time to read was The Aeneid. Mainly because it was in Latin and I had to translate it on to paper. This was our only assignment for a semester long latin class.