Longest book ever read?

There are diffrent versions, ive seen a version of book 4 with like 600 pages and another smaller one with much more than that 0.o
the biggest book Ive ever read was...stephen kings IT....at least I think thats the biggest >_>
The Lord Of The Rings Triology. You know, the whole 3 books-in-one kind of thing. I lost track of the number of pages, but it took me months to finish it all.
Heh, now they have to come out with the "Wheel of Time all-in-one" Only 13000 pages and growing...

I think my longest single book (that I can recall) would be Stephen King's The Stand: Unabridged version...I just can't remember how long it is off the top of my head, around 1200 though...I've even read it a few times.
Longest book I've ever read was The Count of Monte Cristo. Good book, but it kinda gets boring after awhile.
it doesnt matter if the book is big if its good i can even read 5000 pages but if its boring i can hardly read a hundred
Mine would have to be "Stephen Kings IT". it was a little over 1000 pages, not the best book either and it just seemed to drag on
the longest book i ever read was when i was 11 it was all the LOTR books put into one - it was about 1300 pages long - took me 3 months to read it! lol and now im never going to read it again. but if you dont count that as a book im going to have to say Harry potter book 5.

300-500 is my average book length...yeah i read a lot lol