Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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Welcome to the club Sleepy Head! Since you mentioned AC, if I may ask, what is your favorite scene from the movie? ;)

I don't know whose writing the book, but one major thing is that it's possible that it's from Cloud's POV O.O

Forrealz?? I'd like to know what went on in that chocobo head, REALLY I would...but iono, it sounds kinda of suicidal for the creators to do that... o_O...

If you don't mind me asking, where did you find this information?
but what do you guys think about the wolf ring Tifa wears in AC? It's pretty obvious to me that Cloud gave it to her, but the Cleriths, of course, tend to disagree.

I've actually noticed that most Clerith's I've encountered don't deny that Cloud gave Tifa the ring, but it's the fact that everyone has one that they're trying to use. There is a close up on Tifa's ring, showing it's importance. Barret's you REALLY have to look for (and those desperate Clerith's sure do, because not only do they see Barret's ring, but they took time to screen cap all angles of the room Cloud and Tifa sleep in to circle every single flower picture, plant, or painting to relate it to Clerith) it. Denzel's is pretty obvious, but there's no scene that shows it's importance than when Tifa slams her hand down on the bed. Did you know the creators were actually going to have a scene of Tifa apologizing to Cloud for being too harsh? :) They took it out though. xD

You know a Clerith idea in AC that really bugs me most? Actually, there's two things. When they say that in every picture of Cloud with Tifa and their 'family' Cloud looks unhappy. >_> You can't really tell... and I doubt he's unhappy since the person who created him said he was indeed, happy. Another thing is how they relate Aerith to the angel statue. W-T-F. The creators also stated that the statue meant absolutely nothing, though I can't remember if that was in an Ultimania, or an interview.

And as for the Highwind scene, considering there is an even more risque scene that was taken out... well... I really am bouncing between what really happened and what didn't, hahaha. I can't see Cloud and Tifa sleeping together in sexual terms because of how their personalities are portrayed, but at the same time both scenes, the official and the taken out one, seem to hint much more. ^^;
Cloud looked awkward, but it's hardly equivalent with being unhappy. Even Denzel seemed awkward, but nobody talks about Denzel being unhappy or what not (because they ARE happy ^_~). Marlene herself wasn't even looking straight into the camera, but she was still looking the cute girl that she is. And Tifa it seems, was the only one who knew how to pose for the camera. So it was not picture perfect--Cloud's family doesn't know how to put up a front--so what? XD Picture perfect families can break, but Cloud's family are still together. :tighthug: Till then, the want to be home wreckers can speculate all that want. :eek:uttahere:huhu

Denzel's is pretty obvious, but there's no scene that shows it's importance than when Tifa slams her hand down on the bed.

And also during the last scene when Cloud and Tifa were playing the father and mother role to Denzel. The ring was right there in your face.

About the news of a book, I read it in the news section of a game forum.
With regards to the 'Pairing is always Hero with a white mage' Bull.

FFIV- Yes, Paladin and White mage (who is also an archer and childhood friend of said Paladin). BUT
FFVI- Locke is a thief, Celes is a Soldier. Tina, the heroine, has no romantic partner.
FFVIII- Mercenary and Resistance leader, who is a BLACK MAGE. Also, Irvine and Selphie, who are closest to gunner and white mage respectively. Also, Monk and ????
FFIX- Thief and Summoner, who casts white magic as her sub skill. Eiko, who is better at white magic than Garnet, has no romantic pair (for good reason). Also paired are the Monk and Lani, who is closest to a Viking.
FF10- Meg Ryan (a speedster) and Summoner, who later becomes a gunner. Also a Black mage and a ranged fighter.
FF12- The pairings are a speed fighter and a dancer, a gunner and a ranger, and a knight and a grenadier.

Pairings by character class do not fit any sort of pattern.
LMFAO Did anyone read the latest update at destiny failed? OMFG. It's awesomeness, not to mention funny as hell. One has to wonder how 'they' explain themselves when 'they' call Tifa a slut or clotis sex-crazed but 'they' can accept the idea that Aerith was offering her body to Cloud. o_O

LMFAO again. So many revelations of hypocrisy and double-standards from the pink camp---------And the pencilnecks scores again! :highfive:
welcome Kafka!
wow that update was hilarious! all this years the Clerith have still defended the "I want to meet you" theory, I never realized that Cloud say it to Tifa also... another Clerith argument debunked!
the funniest thing is that they think Aerith and Cloud did it in Costa Del Sol and after the date... no base or indication of that.
And therefore, I Clotify Kafka_Karasu.

What does everyone think of the term "Clotify"? I kind of took it from my own usage of "Twilightify", but still ... opinions?
"Twilightify", but still ... opinions?

Well, aside from A: being a rather odd word to describe adding someone to a roster, I have no issues aside from B: You mentioning twilight. I shant have the modern fantasy subgenre tainted with such banal sueish romance fodder. Give me Dresden any day, even with his misconception of what Science is and is not.
Please don't mind me popping in then popping out, but I thought I'd share that this web site is posting the English Ultimania translations. They're so screamingly Cloti that I thought this group would enjoy.

Drags Twilight out into the street and pumps shotgun::
Wait, that's not what you meant, is it?

I hope that's what she meant. x'D

Regarding DesFailed...

Oh, dear. Cloud has himself his very own 'SpiritAerith'? -chuckles- I want to laugh at this person's phrasing, and at the same time it makes me a little sickened. I like how this person tends to join in on the ranting about Tifa being a 'slut', when his avatar is of Aerith's boobs spilling out to meet his fanboy fantasy? Owo;

I love their 'Japanese' friends. Are these supposed people from the net, or from IRL? I guess the answer is neither, it's from their minds. x'D These 'people' can't possibly be Japanese considering everything this 'Japanese' person says goes along exactly with their BS and makes no sense to anything like... remotely Japanese. Lmfao.

Touchdown Cloud and Tifa! =D Cleriths seem to be playing an entirely different game. ^^;
Fair enough. :: Drags Twilight out into the street and pumps shotgun::
Wait, that's not what you meant, is it?
Nope, it's not. I just meant ... let's back on topic. You know, I'm surprised that the club has lasted much longer than the Clerith one. I don't think I've seen it active since last year or something.

On topic, I really hate it when Cleriths (or anyone who isn't Cloti) calls Tifa a slut and remark how they hate her clothes. On one of the pages on this club, there was a picture that Sayuri posted a couple of months ago, which clearly shows why Tifa has her chest concealed.

The reason?

Remember when Sephiroth slashed her? It has been said she slashed her around the chest. Here's a picture of her appearance in the original game.


Covered again in Advent Children:


I believe the issue about the scar was on page 9, I think.
Nope, it's not. I just meant ... let's back on topic. You know, I'm surprised that the club has lasted much longer than the Clerith one. I don't think I've seen it active since last year or something.

My inner cynic tells me they're not active here because they're cloistered elsewhere.

On topic, I really hate it when Cleriths (or anyone who isn't Cloti) calls Tifa a slut and remark how they hate her clothes. On one of the pages on this club, there was a picture that Sayuri posted a couple of months ago, which clearly shows why Tifa has her chest concealed.

That was an unofficial picture. Has no bearing on canon. Lovely, but irrelevant.

The reason?

Remember when Sephiroth slashed her? It has been said she slashed her around the chest. Here's a picture of her appearance in the original game.


Covered again in Advent Children:


I believe the issue about the scar was on page 9, I think.

And I still maintain that there's not a scar. Had Tifa been cut, we would have seen some blood or cut clothing, or it would have been remarked upon. I mean, they can mention she used to have a scar on her back in the Ulti Omega, but they've never mentioned anything on her chest.

And the sound effects used in that scene have never been a 'metal slicing flesh' noise.
Now, if ANYONE should be horribly scarred, it's Chocobutt. He got IMPALED, Kebabed. He's got to have massive scar tissue.
I still want to believe she has a scar; she WAS cut, we know that. But this is video game graphics right? In the original FFVII game, I don't think there were any such blood effects available at the time. And as for Crisis Core, it was from Zack's POV, and I don't think he saw when Sephiroth slashed down on Tifa, just the after effects of her lying on the ground.

Yeah, Monty's image is fan made, but I think it shows what's there, you know?

The sound effects, well...that's a bit nit picky for me :P

I think the emphasis was about a sword blade cutting through the air so the metallic sound was of the sword itself I think :/

But I agree about your mentioning of Cloud; he should have some scar somewhere there too >_>
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I still want to believe she has a scar; she WAS cut, we know that.

She was hit, but LO shows no cuts or blood, and the original game uses two sounds it doesn't use when people are being cut. I also doubt Tifa would have worn a dress with a cutout in it like she did to Wall Market when she was pulling the Corneo Sting if she had such a visible scar.

But this is video game graphics right? In the original FFVII game, I don't think there were any such blood effects available at the time. And as for Crisis Core, it was from Zack's POV, and I don't think he saw when Sephiroth slashed down on Tifa, just the after effects of her lying on the ground.

Yeah, but when he saw her on the ground, there was no blood, either on her, or on the ground. Nor was there any when Cloud came in later.

Yeah, Monty's image is fan made, but I think it shows what's there, you know?

I think it's more metaphorical than anything, personally.

The sound effects, well...that's a bit nit picky for me :P

But the sound effects are the only way we can tell if a hit is a cut or a strike in such lo res.

I think the emphasis was about a sword blade cutting through the air so the metallic sound was of the sword itself I think :/

A sword blade cutting through the air makes no 'metallic' sound, though. I don't mean to sound pedantic here, but it's an important distinction.

But I agree about your mentioning of Cloud; he should have some scar somewhere there too >_>

See, that's one of the things that always gets me- We KNOW Cloud was stabbed clean though- we can only presume that Tifa might have been cut, but everyone asserts that Tifa must have a scar but no one ever mentions Cloud having one, even though by all rights, he should.
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