Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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opposites atract in every Final Fantasy Canon? the only example that fits it's Squinoa, the rest of the pairing are either a little different or a little similar but not polar opposites.
The Clerith love to compare the other FF couples to Cloud and Aerith to prove it canon.
Aerith, acording to them, share many similar traits with the other FF heroines and that is true but not in all cases.Aerith is similar to Rinoa and ,to a lesser extent,Yuna.
While Tifa share many similarities with Rosa,Garnet,Celes and to a lesser extent Ashe, all heroines of their respective games.Well that argument is bullshit anyways because Square has proven that the main hero and the heroine must not always be in love(LockexCeles,VannxPenelo)
I had a "Gone With the Wind" flashback xD in that book it's believed that only similar people can be happy, that is the reason why Ashley doesn't marry Scarlett and she later falls in love with Rhett(which is a carbon copy of her)
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Of course! In reality, relationships stemmed from “opposites-attract” are rarely long-lived. It might make a nice short fling, but if one holds onto that idea, he/she must admit to being out of touch. Or, he/she has no idea or experience with what it means to be in a real relationship.

It's simple.
Real relationship == CxT == canon.
Fairy-tail love == CxA == fanon.

The hardcore pinkers are not a group to be convinced by rational thought or well spoken arguments. They have decided their conclusion, and it is by that conclusion that they vet reality.If it contradicts their worldview, it is wrong.

Tis sad. To not be naive and understand that not everyone is reasonable.

...Kinda makes you wonder what (*cough* or WHO) motivates him to get past all these crazy things;)
I know the answer! I know! I know!...

AHEM…I’ll let this passage speak for itself.
Meanwhile,Cloud was sitting next to her gazing at the same scenery but was smiling peacefully. It was a smile that she hadn't seen before during their journey. Cloud noticed her gaze and asked, "What's wrong?"
"Cloud, you're smiling."

"I am?"

"Everything starts now. A new..." Cloud looked for the right words, "A new life."

"I'm going to live. I think that's the only way I can be forgiven. We've been through... all sorts of things."

"I guess you're right..."

"But when I think about how many times I've thought about starting a new life, it's funny."


"I've always failed to do it."

"That's not funny."

"...I think it will be all right this time."

Cloud became very quiet for a moment. Then he said, "Because you're always with me."

"I haven't always been with you."

"That's how it will be starting from tomorrow," Cloud replied smiling again.

Should we dare ask who Cloud is speaking to? It's not like we have a choice to insert Case of ______. ;)
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I think they're a cute pair, but I never thought Cissnei's flirting was returned. x'D And you're right, Cissnei is rather stunning. I'd never go so far as to say they were the intended pair, though.

It's cuz Zack flirts with Cissnei like Aeris flirts with Cloud. It suddenly all makes sense now! 'Cuz, you know, innocent flirting = ultimate sign of affection :mark:

I guess that Irvine and Rinoa are the intended pair too... :sad: Poor Squall and Selphie... oh wait, there's Yoshitaka Amano art that implies Squall/Selphie. Holy shite guys, I think we've all been missing what's REALLY going on in the FF8 storyline. :wink:

The hardcore pinkers

Cloud/Aeris can't be pink anymore. Pink's totally a Zack/Aeris thing now.

I'd say the Cloti colour would be blue, cuz of the whole promise/sexytime under the stars.

So... I came across this... just wondering if anyone finds it disturbing or strangely attractive...? o_O

The Clerith love to compare the other FF couples to Cloud and Aerith to prove it canon.
Aerith, acording to them, share many similar traits with the other FF heroines and that is true but not in all cases.Aerith is similar to Rinoa and ,to a lesser extent,Yuna.
While Tifa share many similarities with Rosa,Garnet,Celes and to a lesser extent Ashe, all heroines of their respective games.Well that argument is bullshit anyways because Square has proven that the main hero and the heroine must not always be in love(LockexCeles,VannxPenelo)

I don't why they need to do that, especially when most of the pairs relate to Cloud and Tifa, IMO. A lot of them like to not even use the characters personalities, but the fact that the "white mage" is always paired with the hero. But like you said, Tifa is very similar to a lot more than Aerith is, and Ashe/Celes weren't white mages at all.

I've also noticed that a lot of them ignore the theme of childhood love presented in the other games. Like FFIV's CecilxRosa and FFXII's VaanXPenelo.

"Because you're always with me."

I love this line to death. And not only does Cloud say it, but he says it with a smile. : ) And some Cleriths claim Tifa does not make Cloud happy. PAH. Yeah, he would totally live with someone he hates. -eye roll-

So... I came across this... just wondering if anyone finds it disturbing or strangely attractive...? o_O

O_O You're right. It is oddly attractive.
It is very attractive indeed. Gee, with the evidence we have now, we should present this as a court case. :P
It is very attractive indeed. Gee, with the evidence we have now, we should present this as a court case. :P

Ahh, but in what court shall we present the evidence? I think the other side would surely not fail to make an exuberant and passionate argument. And it seems unfortunately to the rabids, reasons are no match for passions and evidence aren't as strong as imaginations. :P
It's actually interesting that you brought that up. I use to wonder why there were so many hard-core clerith sites defending their fannon couple with countless essays, etc, but none for cloti. I'm sure it's not a popularity issue, but it's that there's no threat for cloti.
I would like to compile all the Cloti evidence too!
however I don't know which purpose would it serve....the clerith would eventually find a way to twist it.
Have anyone read their interpretation of Case Of Tifa? they make a big deal about Cloud saying"my new life" instead of our new life...

EDIT: Ultimania translations can be found here
I love how Tifa is called "beautiful in her profile"
Cloti is clearly given more importance
Aerith is officially called a mother
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I don’t think it’d be difficult to compile CloTi evidence. The only thing one would need to do is cite scenes, dialogues, interviews, etc without having to resort to interpretation. Seriously, those clerith essays is just an insult to the intelligent; they act like people can’t think for themselves….sigh and I find myself ranting again >.<

Have anyone read their interpretation of Case Of Tifa? they make a big deal about Cloud saying"my new life" instead of our new life...

I haven’t, but it sounds stupid as usual. The translations for Case of Tifa is usually slightly different from each other anyway; but that’s totally irrelevant. The point of the passage is that Cloud wants to start a new life, and we know he’s telling that to Tifa at the same time that he’s telling her she’s the reason why he is so content and hopeful.

And notice how inconsistent they are. –-THEY ARE RARELY CONSISTENT— They accept the idea that Cloud now wants to start a new life, but I guess they forgot their claim that Cloud is still not over Aerith and yadyyadyyah

Did they address the “Because you’re always with me line”? Since that’s really the relevant part if we were ever to bring that up in a debate. ~chuckles~ If it were 'Case Of Aerith' and Cloud had said what he said to Aerith instead of Tifa, you can bet they'd have a field day.

Haha, exactly. They always reword their statements again after being proven inconsistent. I like how they try to prove that Zerith is young love and that Zack and Aerith didn't know one another long enough to form a stable relationship... And yet, Cloud and Aerith knew one another for far less of a time.

They also use the fact that "Zack is dead, and Aerith can move on." And yet, Aerith dies and Cloud can't move on? :eek:uttahere: (You're right! He can't move on. Considering he never loved Aerith in the first place. :D)
He can't move on from the fact that he let her die, NOT that he loved her. This is the big divide that Cleriths and Clotis argue about.
Cleriths, Cloriths, Clerises-- they're all Zeriths in disguise, they just don't know it yet. Like Aerith, they fell for the Zack in Cloud and hence the love they advocate belongs to Zack's and Aerith's love. One day, they shall find the light. lulz
Hey Faith, do you think you could change my name to Stella on the members list, because I'm still listed on there as lightningstorm13 :monster:

Anyway, sorry to interrupt any current discussion going on, but what do you guys think about the wolf ring Tifa wears in AC? It's pretty obvious to me that Cloud gave it to her, but the Cleriths, of course, tend to disagree.
How can you disagree with that? Tifa isn't someone who'd steal a ring, or make a copy or something.

And I forgot which hand, but it was on the ring finger, so either way, it's either wife or lover to the person who gave her the ring ;)

There's another compilation being added to the FFVII franchise; a book. I can imagine how fans of particular pairings are gonna tear it up and find more fodder for supporting their pairing xD

I'm expecting at least one more game taking place after DoC, so it's should practically be pointing out to Cloud/Tifa as canon, or at least seeing Aerith and Zack enjoying eachother's company when they visit Cloud in spirit when's he's emo for some reason again xD
There's another compilation being added to the FFVII franchise; a book. I can imagine how fans of particular pairings are gonna tear it up and find more fodder for supporting their pairing xD

Are you serious? There's going to be A BOOK of all things? That's pretty... surprising actually. Who's in charge of writing it? Nojima?

There will probably be another game in the compilation, probably focussing primarily on Genesis
considering the DOC secret ending.
Not too hyped up on that idea, as I found Genesis to be kinda lame to be honest.

Anyway, sorry to interrupt any current discussion going on, but what do you guys think about the wolf ring Tifa wears in AC? It's pretty obvious to me that Cloud gave it to her, but the Cleriths, of course, tend to disagree.

Of course Cloud gave it to her, how else would she have gotten something with the Cloudy Trademark on it? It seems like a family thing since Denzel and Barret have one too... but strangely Marlene does not. Maybe Marlene got one but gave it to Barret? Because he's featured much less prominantly in the family that he should be (he IS Marlene's father).

Even though Denzel/Barret have rings aswell, neither of their rings get their very own closeup :)
Barret has one? I never knew that :O

I don't know whose writing the book, but one major thing is that it's possible that it's from Cloud's POV O.O

But I don't know if it's gonna be something written by an outside author like for Maiden of Planet or if actual FFVII staff worked on it to some extent

I wonder how Cloud would react to seeing the scar given by Sephiroth across Tifa's chest...I always figured if the two ever became physical, he'd see it, unless Tifa leaves her top on >_>

Of course there's the whole scene under the HighWind back in FFVII, but I always thought they just literally slept together, not engage in sexual intercourse; but then you get how it was suppose to be far more risque, so I dunno now >_<
Barret has one? I never knew that :O

Yeah, it's really really REALLY hard to see :P

you can kinda see it there but... it's really hard to get a decent screencap of it

Tifa's (very obvious):

Denzel's (pretty obvious):

....unless Tifa leaves her top on >_>

.......That'd be a little bit of a waste in sexy situations wouldn't it??? :suki:
Of course there's the whole scene under the HighWind back in FFVII, but I always thought they just literally slept together, not engage in sexual intercourse; but then you get how it was suppose to be far more risque, so I dunno now >_<

I never thought it risque when I played FF7, and for years after I never even considered the possibility. The creator's intended otherwise I guess..
I wanna join! I always supported Cloti. I loved seeing them together in Advent Children. I got goosebumps sometimes when they looked at each other!
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