Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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Ahh, I see. I used AC.NET as well, but now if you look online you can find them eventually. I'll try finding it for you. XD If you can't find it. : )
I have read some of the paragraphs but I am interested in reading it all.
have any of you visited this fansite?
it is dedicated to the family of Cloud,Tifa,Denzel and Marlene.
I love the cloti role as parents! it is one of the most interesting aspects of the couple.The owner of the fansite also have shrines to Cloud and Tifa that are worth a read.
Some even go as far to say the "tender feeling" and the "secret no-one knows" is AERITH. When Aerith is no-where in the scene. I don't understand this one bit.

That, my good sir, is called 'delusion'. Clerith's are quite fond of it.

As for songs, I have no idea on this one. I don't listen to music that much.

However, I have begun to write a cloti 'story'. just a short thing, basically a continuation of what happens after AC--directly after AC.

It isn't rampant Cloti (that'd be excpected) but it does the job if anyone cares to see it. I think we could all make such a story and possibly have a competition!
Dragon Mage, I'd be willing to be your lab rat in reading it if you ever post such a thing up in the Writer's Boulevard. I'm always on the look out for some good Cloti stories. ^_^
Dragon Mage, I'd be willing to be your lab rat in reading it if you ever post such a thing up in the Writer's Boulevard. I'm always on the look out for some good Cloti stories.

oooo yay!! I'll go an post it then, because keeping it away from others is driving me nucking futs. :wacky:

Anyone else wants to see it, be my guest!!!!!

(note: I'm feeling eccentric tonight.)
I am so bad at reading fanfiction! I've never read one*is not that rabid after all*
but If I ever see a well written one I might give it a try.It is very hard for me though, as english is not my mother tongue, I don't understand everything.
the other day a friend of mine called cloti the "brangelina" of the Final Fantasy Universe and I thought it was so true!
Tifa and Angelina are both gorgeous women regarded as sex symbols(Angelina was recently voted the sex symbol of the decade") and Brad and Cloud are also famous and hot.They adopt children and are very famous just like Cloud and Tifa.
I guess we can call Aerith the "Jenifer Aniston" of their relationship xD.

That, my good sir, is called 'delusion'. Clerith's are quite fond of it.

That's good miss, please. And yes... I suppose I have noticed, hahaha. Through all of their essays, diagrams, charts and graphs, I still don't see the Clerith light. =O

It isn't rampant Cloti (that'd be excpected) but it does the job if anyone cares to see it. I think we could all make such a story and possibly have a competition!

Would love to see it! ;D And a competition? What a good idea! <3

They adopt children and are very famous just like Cloud and Tifa.
I guess we can call Aerith the "Jenifer Aniston" of their relationship xD.

Ahahaha! Another great comparison. Totally lol'd. :'D
the Clerith... hahahah I don't want to be mean but their essays are so biased and silly,every interaction between Cloud and Aerith is romantic and they love to disprove every Cloti fact, you should read their essay about "Cloud's light" in Kingdom hearts
It will give you a good laugh.
If aerith would have all the evidence that Tifa posses, I would accept Clerith as canon.You can't blind yourself about a fictional pairing,what it's the urge to prove it canon? do the couple has to be canon for you to enjoy it?
If Clerith was canon(which we know at this rate will never happen) I will always have Cloti in my heart.It's not relevant to me(but is still nice to have all this confirmation)
I've read about every Clerith 'document' as they have popped up over the years and they have indeed, given me laughs. If you've ever seen the site Destiny Failed, they prove many of the essays to be wrong in a cynical fashion which also gives me the case of the giggles. Cleriths seem to post more and more essays after each of the mysterious desfailed writers posts... it seems they're getting hella nervous or something. Anyway, the essays are indeed, biased and full of nonsense. Especially the Cloud's Light rant. :/ Because Tifa was added in ALONE with Cloud, they have to force Aeris in there somehow when she is no-where near the scene, and not mentioned at all. In fact, Nomura's statement that Tifa is light, Sephiroth is darkness, and Aerith is a medium doesn't seem to be enough proof for them. I guess there are "different kinds of light" and "Cloud rejected Tifa's light". -laughs a bit- The reasons never get old. Aerith was the one who told Cloud his light would lead him back. Nomura is the one who said Tifa was Cloud's light. The entire game says that Cloud is still searching for his light after KH1. So it obviously is not Aerith.

Right. I support Cloti more than I debate Clerith. :/ What is there to debate about, besides when they present useless insane shot logic? Cleriths fans have told me in the past that I should support Cloti more than I debate it. And I do. I support it by posting my facts and stating why I like the pair. It is always a Clerith that comes flocking to me to argue.
Oh man, I remember debating the LTD waaaayyy back in the day of the multitudes of anti-sites, flames wars etc. God, I'm glad at least it's not completely like that anymore, though it's still surprising that this is STILL going on. I mean, sheesh, I admit FF7 alone was a little ambiguous but I think it's *pretty* obvious that the rest of the compilation has been nailing down on Cloud/Tifa and Zack/Aeris.

Oh, I guess introductions are in order. I am Looneymoon, formerly RydiaoftheMist at (didn't post much so you probably won't recognize me) and formerly Mayumi any time before that :D Just thought I'd drop by, as Cloud/Tifa is my favourite FF couple right next to Zidane/Garnet. Would it be ok if I joined this little club? :)
looneymoon, welcome to the club! I've added you along with some of the new active members.
welcome to the new member! I like ZidanexGarnet a lot too.
Celes what is this Destiny Failed site? I would love to read it.
Yay! another person from! Welcome to the club :monster: Your username sounds really familiar, so I may have known you. I was sector7blossom btw everyone

Celes what is this Destiny Failed site? I would love to read it.
I would as well!
welcome to the club! wow I am reading "Destiny failed" now and it's an amazing site xD
it has really made me laugh quite a few times, I don't want to be mean but the clerith have great, great "imagination".
Whoops! Thanks for posting the link for me, hehe.

Yes... very over-active imaginations indeed. :D

It's not like all Cleriths are like those CxA Forum goers. xD (Thank god)
Nowadays, I really hate reading anything in regards to the LTD. It just makes me frustrated how people can get so catty in regards to something so trivial. (Refering to both sides though no one in particular) I mean, I understand getting personally invested in fictional characters, but some get down-right mean.

It's quite evident that, if you follow the compilation consistently it all points to Cloud/Tifa (and to a lesser degree Zack/Aeris). The problem with the Cloud/Aeris interpretations are that they totally negate the character's personailty. It undermines Cloud's intelligence, and assumes that he's so frustratingly blind that he cannot realize that the he spent most of his life with CLEARLY has romantic interest in him. Or, the alternate, that he's simply a heartless bastard for lack of better words, for realizing this girl loves him; yet, he still selfishly tortures her by maintaining friendly/familial relationship while living under the same roof and pining for another girl. If it were the case that he wanted to live out his life "searching for Aeris" why would he settle in a permanent residence with THE girl that clearly loves him more than anything?

C/A also undermines Tifa's emotional strength in assuming that she'd take all that bullshit. I seriously DOUBT it was Squares intent to make their characters this unlikeable and pathetic when creating FF7.

.... and don't get me STARTED on what preseumptions it makes to subdue the Zack/Aeris dynamic in Crisis Core AS WELL AS the original FF7.

For srz. This is how it's meant to be. Since Square keeps presenting it, I think it's time that everyone accepts it, agreed? ;)

guh, I just needed to get that out there. I haven't had proper venting on this topic in YEARS.
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^^ I’d have to agree with everything you said up there. Though I also have to confess that I contributed to the ‘cattyness’ of the latest LTD. :mark:

And I think you bring up a good point about how the C/A interpretations undermine Cloud’s and Tifa’s character, including the former’s intelligence and the latter’s emotional strength. I especially, especially agree on the part regarding how you (and anyone who is familiar with ff for that matter) can question why Square would intentionally create such a character (more than that, a heroine) that is pathetic the way many C/A supporters like to portray Tifa. I’d also like to add some insights.

My understanding is that many CxT or ff7 fans here have been fans for years and years, yeah? I, however, did not get into ff7 until just some months ago. To be exact, I’ve only been a fan for just about 6 months, and I’ve never debated over fictional characters and pairings before; this LTD was the first and hopefully the last, because honestly, I did feel kinda silly :cassy: . So I’d like to defend why I had the impulse to even engage in such silly discussions (Note, I’m aware no one accused me, I’d just like to point this out :wacky:)

You see, I’m actually not a die hard ff fan. But the fact that I’ve even played one ff game, I’m bound to hear about ff7, right? It’s like this, I play a particular ff game and then I discuss what not about it with my friends, particularly how I was amazed about the plot of the game, etc, etc. Until I notice a recurring theme that such discussions always bring about: “You thought that was great. You should check out Final Fantasy 7. It’s the greatest out of all the final fantasy games.”

How could I not be curious? Now, I don’t remember the precise keywords I googled up, because this must have been four or some years ago, but what I recall is that I keep on bumping into CxA sites (I think it was DF) or sites discussing the LTD (particularly neoseeker I think it was). Not knowing anything about the characters and plot at the time, I gave whatever information I absorbed the benefit of the doubt (even though at the time, I had a strange feeling it was mostly information based on fallacy, I just can’t trust my instincts though; fortunately now I know for a fact they are based on fallacy). What exactly summed up the information I got? –There is a love triangle in ff7. The OTP is Cloud and Aerith. Aerith is the beloved heroine who dies. Tifa is the sad b***** (forgive my language, but it is how my first impression can be described) who lives and who is in love with the protagonist, but Cloud is an ass who never reciprocates that love because CxA love conquers death. To put simply, my impression was pure….DISGUST. Being a reasonable and romantic fangirl that I am, I just cannot get into a game with such pathetic, tragic characters who according to what I read at the time, ended up the way they did for the dumbest reasons…at least that’s the impression I got from reading the reasons justified by DF and such…See, I don’t think CxA supporters realize that by spending so much time bashing character A or negating the relationship between character A and Character B, they cheapen whatever love they’re advocating between character B and character C.

Yeah, so basically I’ve heard of the famous ff7 and the LTD for approximately four years and it was not until this year that I got into it. My involvement in this game was held back for the silly reason that as a fangirl, I just cannot tolerate such…I don’t know the word….baseless romance…insanity? Well, I’m just glad I found the truth about the LTD and can appreciate the complexity of the whole plot now. Blah blahbleele I didn’t expect to type up such a long reply. I just wanted to express my first impressions regarding the LTD. And wanted, I guess to point out that even when I wasn’t attached to any particular character or pairing at the time, the CxA cult really irked me. I don’t think it’s exactly the emotional attachment that causes ‘clotis’ or anyone for that matter to get all worked up in the debate, but its’ the logical fallacy that one senses from the other side. I mean, put simply, I consider it an intellectual CRIME to mislead information.

I won't rant anymore. :D

More on topic. I love the CxT pairing for many of the same reasons already stated. Particularly because it is subtle and realistic. And more. xD
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lonestar, you have been added. I'm very happy to see the activity of this club shoot right up! Where are the Cleriths now, eh? :P
^^ I’d have to agree with everything you said up there. Though I also have to confess that I contributed to the ‘cattyness’ of the latest LTD.

Don't worry about it, I think I probably have to back in the day. Itall becomes this he-said-she-said fiasco and all spirals down into chaos and madness :gasp:

As for DF... I remember when that site first sprang up a few years before AC's release, and since everyone was all excited it gave fuel to start up the LTD once again (they'd kinda gone dead for a while before that). It spoke of weird Japanese culture symbolism that made no sense (from an unreliable source I might add) and told of how Cloud rejected Tifa under the low version of the Highwind scene (which, I may add, is very difficult to get - I've tried it). Then the most ridiculous one I thought was the list they compiled comparing amount of times Cloud talks about Aeris vs. the amount of times he talks about Tifa. Uhm... why would he talk about Tifa when through the majority of the game he's travelling alongside her? Aeris is DEAD so obviously he'd refer to her in past tense. That arguement was just so awkward.

Needless to say I haven't visited the site since it's initial emergance, so I honestly don't know if there's been any revisions since then or what new things have sprung up.

...This is a good procrastination method when you wnt to avoid writing term papers o_o
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