Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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Aww, you people are brilliant to keep this club alive. And I agree with the whole opinion of Clerith being legal and not bashing.
Well, I don't see the point in bashing. The Cloti/Clerith wars are ridiculous. :D Some people act like "Cloti" and "Clerith" are different races that can't get along, lol. Why can't people just debate civily, and have a bit of fun with it already? ;O

Anyways, I have plenty of Clerith friends. And we don't hate one another because we disagree on a fictional pairing. Why, that would be ridiculous. ;D
I'll promise I'll never let this club die! I remember the times in Advent Children Forums, the Cloti Club there had more than 1000 pages! I hope this club can reach the same amount.

About the Cloti and Clerith battles... I can't deny I dislike some cleris fans(specially the ones in the clerith forums) their ability to invent information,mistranslate,twist facts and omit information is uncanny. When I was younger I really got upset about it now I don't take it too seriously but it still bothers me.
I remember to have read somewhere that the cleris and cloti shipping war is one of the biggest along with the Harry Potter shipping war and the Avatar's one.
Oh, how I miss Faith on <3 Right when I got into the swing of things, they closed down. =(

I admit that I don't like some Clerith fans either. Simply because they have come to me, specifically insulting me simply because I do not agree with their opinions. (CxA Forums have some nice members, but 98% of them are corrupt. I used to be there as a 'friendly Cloti', but apparently I was kicked out because I 'stabbed them in the back' -diez of laughing- It's a long story. :/ And involves lots of interweb drama that they seem to be obsessed with causing.)

Haha, I'd believe it. O_O;
I wonder what would be their reaction if Cloud and Tifa kiss or something finally sealing their "canonicity" I bet many of them will cry(the level of obsession that some have over the pairing is amazing) I have also fought with a lot of them(they are experts in Tifa bashing)
but well.. I hope we can get along someday, they must learn to behave because the compilation is definitely taking a Cloti route.
Well, Cloud stroking Tifa's face lovingly, or comforting Tifa as she cried in his arms (If you count Maiden) . . . A kiss really does seem to be what they need, ahaha. You'd think something like the HighWind Scene or the Lifestream scene would be enough. : / Some of them come up with such outrageous twists of events/words. Like the ribbon Aerith is wearing not being Zacks. Everything about Aerith relates to Zack pretty much. Even the color pink that they so adore. (Which sucks because that's my favorite color.)

Some of them seem to center their lives on wasting time typing up essays on how someone else's opinion is wrong. :'D I understand debating because it's rather fun, but is just ridiculous.

Pardon me. :/ This is a Cloti thread, not go off on a tangent about the crazies. ;)
Wow, you guys are from! That's awesome cause I am too ^^ What were your usernames on there?

As for a kiss, I definately think it's time they did it already. I mean at the end of AC I was just praying that when Cloud rose out of the water that Tifa would run to him and he'd spin her around and then they'd kiss, but it didn't happen :/
Yeah I was in my username was master cloti.

Tifa face at the end of AC was definitely inviting Cloud to something.....
I bet they didn't show it because the movie would have been rated R...xD
I actually can't remember my username there. I think it was LunarSchemer. I'm pretty sure. But, I wasn't there for long. I had like 50 posts or something.

AC was so sweet. I hate the denial by Clerith fans of the smile Cloud gives to Tifa. :/

It's so obviously cute, and meant for her. =]
::Ninja Appear::
Moreover, the script says it's in response to her smile, and Uematsu wrote the theme 'Cloud smiles' because of the smile he gives to Tifa.
::Ninja Vanish::
it's great to have a confirmation about Cloud smile to Tifa
I have this complicated quotes Cleris often bring to protect their arguments, let's discuss them
Both of them share feelings for Cloud. Tifa was close to Aerith, who can also be called a love rival. With that point in mind, they were also good friends. Nevertheless, it is not hard to imagine that she carries complex feelings as a woman toward Aerith, who had built up a special bond with Cloud that was different from Tifa's.
Tifa's complicated feelings continue even in AC, two years after Aerith had departed the world. This was due to the fact that Cloud, succumbing to the notion that Aerith's death was his fault and condemning himself, construed that Denzel was "the child which Aerith brought here" and took care of him. In addition, Cloud had also gone away to the church that Aerith had been in. The thing which she is unable to hide her irritation towards Cloud is the fact that he isn't merely dragging the past around, but because that reason might perhaps be related to Aerith. (Final Fantasy VII 10th Anniversary Ultimania- Tifa's Profile)

Seeing Cloud and Aerith developing their world together before her eyes, she inadvertently lets slip her peevish feelings. (Final Fantasy VII 10th Anniversary Ultimania- Tifa's Profile)
what do you think?
Hey, Ryu the ninja, come on back. ;D I have a question. So if that statement was made, where was it made? I'd really like to know. Also, why was Aerith's theme incorporated in Cloud's smile, and not Tifa's? Is it because his smile at Aerith and Zack is where Cloud says "yeah" to Aerith's "Everything is okay now, right?"

Ohh. I'm getting Itadaki street soon! <3 I guess this game is something Cleriths go crazy over because of Cloud walking with Aerith in the opening? And she's next to him in the character selection screen (Which actually is not true. Cloud is between Aerith and Tifa). I wish I knew Japanese, though. I won't be able to understand what the characters are saying. : / I'll only be able to understand the menus. DX

Edit: Here's what I think, Cloti.

Both of them share feelings for Cloud. Tifa was close to Aerith, who can also be called a love rival. With that point in mind, they were also good friends. Nevertheless, it is not hard to imagine that she carries complex feelings as a woman toward Aerith, who had built up a special bond with Cloud that was different from Tifa's.

It's not until this last line, that things get "fishy". Of course both of them share feelings for Cloud. That much is true. Aerith can be called a love rival, but that doesn't necessarily mean she is one. She is considered that way for obvious reason, but she poses no threat. (Tifa thinks otherwise. She doesn't know Aerith and Zack's history.) The statement, "Aerith acts the way she does around Cloud because of Zack" clears up any love rival issues. Again, Tifa doesn't know the same facts we do, and so it appears to Tifa that Aerith is a love rival. Aerith does have a different bond with Cloud, but no-where does it say that this is a bond of love. Aerith is other worldy, that's my impression of other bond.

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that's what I thought too,Aerith different bond doesn't necessarily mean love.Of course their bond is different,they ARE different women.
The second quote is even fishier, Aerith and Cloud building their "world"....
maybe that was the perception of Tifa? she probably felt left out and the jealousy sparked in her.
Hey, Ryu the ninja, come on back. ;D I have a question. So if that statement was made, where was it made? I'd really like to know. Also, why was Aerith's theme incorporated in Cloud's smile, and not Tifa's? Is it because his smile at Aerith and Zack is where Cloud says "yeah" to Aerith's "Everything is okay now, right?"

Actually, Tifa's theme is in there too. Anyways, he says it in the distance making of special. Seriously, people need to watch that thing. All of it. The timestamp is minute 29. He speaks of reading the script and seeing the line 'Cloud smiles', the line in question regards Cloud's shy smile in response to Tifa's. And I really would not call that flat expression at the end a 'smile.' While he's not unhappy, he's not smiling. Now, when his mouth actually turns upwards, like to Tifa and in the photograph past the credits, that I would consider a smile.
Ohh. I'm getting Itadaki street soon! <3 I guess this game is something Cleriths go crazy over because of Cloud walking with Aerith in the opening? And she's next to him in the character selection screen (Which actually is not true. Cloud is between Aerith and Tifa). I wish I knew Japanese, though. I won't be able to understand what the characters are saying. : / I'll only be able to understand the menus. DX

They should enjoy that opening and select screen, because that's about all they get. Aerith interacts with Angelo (DQVIII, not FFVIII) a lot more than Cloud.
Edit: Here's what I think, Cloti.

It's not until this last line, that things get "fishy". Of course both of them share feelings for Cloud. That much is true. Aerith can be called a love rival, but that doesn't necessarily mean she is one. She is considered that way for obvious reason, but she poses no threat. (Tifa thinks otherwise. She doesn't know Aerith and Zack's history.) The statement, "Aerith acts the way she does around Cloud because of Zack" clears up any love rival issues. Again, Tifa doesn't know the same facts we do, and so it appears to Tifa that Aerith is a love rival. Aerith does have a different bond with Cloud, but no-where does it say that this is a bond of love. Aerith is other worldy, that's my impression of other bond.

Well, even if she was aiming for Cloud for Cloud, she would still be a 'love rival'. It requires no action on Cloud's part for her to be Tifa's rival. For an aside, Ranma and Kuno are rivals for Akane's affection, in that they are both interested in her, even though Akane can't bloody well stand Kuno in the slightest.

::Ninja vanish::
Can any recent members present their usernames to me? I need to update the list since I've been putting it off. Rach was the last one on the list.

I'm in love with this picture. SE is showing the viewers that there's defenetly something going on between them two. The music and everything. God, will they ever kiss?!
Actually, Tifa's theme is in there too. Anyways, he says it in the distance making of special. Seriously, people need to watch that thing. All of it. The timestamp is minute 29. He speaks of reading the script and seeing the line 'Cloud smiles', the line in question regards Cloud's shy smile in response to Tifa's. And I really would not call that flat expression at the end a 'smile.' While he's not unhappy, he's not smiling. Now, when his mouth actually turns upwards, like to Tifa and in the photograph past the credits, that I would consider a smile.

Oh, it is? To be honest, I've only heard the beginning of Cloud's Smile. Just because I wanted to see if the beginning statement was true or not. =P And it was. XD 'distance making of special'. I certainly will watch, because I wasn't aware of it. Which is weird for me. xD I know, Cloud really does look... well. Not enthused, lol. To me he looks a bit shocked. But I wouldn't doubt it was a bit of an awkward sort of smile. The one to Tifa however I thought was clear, though Cleriths say that he's smiling at everyone/the children. Even though they focus on Tifa and then on Cloud and THEN, it shows the children. Odd. :./

They should enjoy that opening and select screen, because that's about all they get. Aerith interacts with Angelo (DQVIII, not FFVIII) a lot more than Cloud.

Really? *Crack pairing senses start to tingle* So, I take it you've played Itadaki Street? I can't wait to, myself. ;D

For an aside, Ranma and Kuno are rivals for Akane's affection, in that they are both interested in her, even though Akane can't bloody well stand Kuno in the slightest.

That is so true, good comparison. x'D I've seen that entire series so I know exactly what you mean.

@Laro- I love that entire scene. Would you believe that Cleriths insert Aerith into that scene? She's just "invisible" -giggle- Apparently she's laying there right there with them. :'D

Not. >_>
about merging themes, remember the end of Final Fantasy VII? they merged Tifa's theme with the main theme(considered by many as Cloud's theme)
after hearing "Cloud smiles" I definitely think it has bits of Tifa s theme in it.
I loved the scene Laro posted it was another one of Square-s subtle hints....
they kinda form a ying yang don-t you think?
I actually mentioned Tifa's theme being merged with the overworld theme, and someone told me it wasn't considered Cloud's theme at all. So, was it stated somewhere that it was? ;O

I definitely think it's a bit like a yin-yang =] But I just think in general it's sweet.
I do not have a statement or anything but I know it is widely considered to be Cloud`s theme, If you search in youtube "Cloud`s theme" you always get it.
anyone know where I can find translations of the Ultimanias? was the ideal spot, but now that is dead I don`t know where to find them.
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