Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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lol,exactly like you said it Faith.Only a blind man wouldn't notice Tifa.

And Cloud seemed to care more of what Tifa thought of him rather than Aerith.
So let's put this into words.

Cloud is cold and horrible; he needs to listen to Tifa more and see how hawt she is.

Amem, brother.
Lol XD

Tifa needs to open up more; she needs to see Cloud is soooooo bringing sexy back.

Indeed, indeed :cool:

And welcome to our newest member, Rach! :P

Thank you XD Feels good to be here! Cheers!

Edit - Aie! Having loads of fun reading those profile notes! Thanks guys =*
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So I was watching Advent Children last night, and I caught something I haven't the past few times I've seen it.

At the part where Cloud and Tifa are in the bedroom of 7th heaven, she says "Which is it? A memory or us?" Now I never really paid attention to this line before, but to me it sounds like shes asking Cloud to choose between living in the past and moving on with her.

What did you guys think the line meant, because it could just be that my love for Cloti is clouding my mind :wacky:
Well, personally, to me it rang of the fact she was asking him to choose between chasing a dead person (yuck) or continuing the already existing between Cloud and herself. This clearly means that they two are openly together in some way, shape, or form. Probably not like 'boyfriend-girlfriend' kinda deal, but in a way that it was obvious to the world. So if any asshats say they were never together, you have all rights to smack them. With a herring.

Faith said:
But of course, praise to you all! Maybe I should become a Cloti prophet.

Oh, my benevolent priestess, please tell me this:

Will Cloud and Tifa's first child be a boy or a girl?

^(sorry, I couldn't resist :P)
I don't know, but I keep thinking it'd be a boy. Imagine this: a tall young boy with brown spiky hair, blue eyes and knows martial arts as well as carrying a sword around.
Oh snap, I lost five cents. (I bet girl)

Well, we know there's plenty of room for other kids, you know. I can definitely see Cloud and Tifa having a litter. :nudge:
I could imagine Cloud and Tifa getting up to a lot of dirty tricks, with Tifa being the one suggesting them. :P
Nuuuuu....Tifa is a homely gal; that's why I love her character design. She looks like a hooters workers, but she's still more of a shy village girl :P

Take into account Cloud's mentality, especially since it's held back a couple of years; I'm sure he's a bundle of raging hormones by the AC time line >_<

I read such a sweet and erotic fanfic oneshot between the two, but I can't find it again! :gasp:
Fusionist said:
Take into account Cloud's mentality, especially since it's held back a couple of years; I'm sure he's a bundle of raging hormones by the AC time line

Even better! That means Cloud is willing! So instead of this:
Tifa: Stay here while I get the chains and chocolate sauce.
Cloud: O_O
It's more like this!:

Tifa: Stay here while I get the chains and chocolate sauce.
Cloud: Hell yeah, it gonna be a wild ride tonight!! :woot:

kinky. ;)

I read such a sweet and erotic fanfic oneshot between the two, but I can't find it again!
Can you remember one solid phrase from it? If you can, Google search that EXACT phrase on with the advanced search and you'll find it.
Cloud's reaction would normally be O_O, but I think that would be his reaction when he realises he loves Tifa the most!
LOL at the earlier posts!

about a child,
it would be neat a baby boy named Zack!

and hoorray, another version of Advent Children coming up! Featuring FF13 videos, and looks like there will be 30 extra minutes in the movie! Anyone has any more info on that Squenix event that happened this weekend?
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