Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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I'm glad to find that out,thank you Lightning for the information.I think Cloud was a little excited over Aerith but didn't love her like he loved Tifa.He just hadn't realized his feelings for Tifa because he thought of her as a friend.Don't they say only when you lose something you appreciate it?
If Cloud loved Aerith, it was not in a romantic way; after she died, it was a reverence of a holy being. Aerith had been elevated to a level of being a goddess to Cloud.

Well, that's what I think anyways -_-

And besides, the main thing that can't be ignored is that Aerith DIDN'T love Cloud. At first she was intrigued because he reminded her so much of Zack (her true love), but she only cared for him as a friend.

I should know better though; this is a club about Cloud/Tifa, not so much about trampling on Cloud/Aerith; even though I absolutely LOATH (yes, I used the word "loath") the idea of that pairing.

I wonder what a kid conceived by Cloud and Tifa would look like...
Maybe if it was a boy,black spiky hair.Haha.
Wouldn't it be cute?
I always thought that if they had a boy they should name it Zack :)

My biggest dream is to see Tifa and Cloud kiss ;D
Mine too! I was hoping that he would kiss her at the end of Advent Children, but he turned away shyly instead >_<

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And besides, the main thing that can't be ignored is that Aerith DIDN'T love Cloud. At first she was intrigued because he reminded her so much of Zack (her true love), but she only cared for him as a friend.
Exactly! Cloud was under the presence of Jenova Cells the entire time he was with her, so how could she really and truly love someone she didn't know?

Also, people who ship the Clerith pairing always use MOTP as proof because she said she loves Cloud more blah blah blah. The thing is that when she's in the lifestream and thinks about all of the things that she loved about Cloud, Zack shows up :P <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
You know something else? I'm fed up of Clerith lovers that say that, "It doesn't matter if Aerith is dead, their love lives on." I don't like bashing pairings normally, but hello! Aerith is dead and there is no kind of spiritual love there. As stated, Aerith saw the things about Zack the most when she thought about Cloud.

And nice evidence of Cloti by the way. I love you guys even more now. :P
Exactly. Aerith is dead and Cloud must move on, even though I'm not sure there was something between them anyway. Tifa always loved Cloud and she was there for him.
There was never love between Aerith and Cloud.Plus,if she loved him she'd be the one to help him instead of Tifa.Where was Aerith when Cloud lost his self?Who was the one that brought him back from the lifestream?It was Tifa.Aerith never saved Cloud.(except that she encouraged him which is much more different)
There was never love between Aerith and Cloud.Plus,if she loved him she'd be the one to help him instead of Tifa.Where was Aerith when Cloud lost his self?Who was the one that brought him back from the lifestream?It was Tifa.Aerith never saved Cloud.(except that she encouraged him which is much more different)
Exactly my point. The dead cannot live on the same plane as the living. Which means Tifa was the only one who could help him considering she knew him better than anyone else did.
Hiya guys!

I've been reading some posts here for a while, but actually never joined the forums. So well, why the hell not joining this time, i guess? So, hiya, name's Rachel, i'm 23 years old, blahblablah.

I'd just like to say that i'm like a die hard cloti fan, and with tons of arguments to talk about for hours if you ask me haha! Ah hell, i even met my boyfriend due to that, but getting back to the thread..

I'm very impressed by what i've read so far (loved to read the staff interviews! really! i love those backstage things), and i'm glad to see so many arguments from so many people.

Oh yeah, i've played Crisis Core, already beat the game (now i'm in a senseless will of getting the missions in 100%, but that's kinda... absorbing my life and i'm still 86%...), and i know it's not the main conversation here, but Zack and Aerith are something very strong in that story. Specially on the final playable scene, when you get to see that last DMW shot. If Zack wasn't deeply in love, than i really don't know how to explain that. And like lightning mentioned, 89 letters is not something you just write for someone you kinda care, it's someone you deeply care for, isn't it so?

about the scar,
hm, it's quite a dramatic scene in last order, isn't it? And boy oh boy, you get blood spilled in that OVA... The scar would fit to that line.
I guess the staff didn't pay much attention to that detail when working on the game, but anyway, just my thoughts. Not to mention the low res 3d models, and all that N64-PSX port made in the last minute, yadda yadda yadda...

I promise i'll post something more in the forums, and may i ask to join the club as well, pleeeeeeeease?

btw, forgive me if i write something nonsense and/or typos everywhere. English is not my main language =)
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I'm really glad you decided to join Rachel ^^ Now, I'm not the only one who has played Crisis Core!

I'm glad you saw the same thing I did between Zack and Aerith because some people like to write their relationship off as nothing more than a "puppy love". It's so clear though that they cared very deeply for one another, and that it their love went far beyond that of an immature first boyfriend/girlfriend thing. I don't see how people can play Crisis Core and still say that Aerith loved Cloud..

Anyway, welcome to zee club! I look forward to hearing more from you ^^

And don't worry about any grammar errors you may make. English is my main language, and I still make mistakes 24/7 :neomon:
Well it seems that they don't wanna admit that Aerith loved Zack even if it's so obvious and that's probably because Cloud's the main character after all.

Do you think Tifa will ever confess to Cloud because I don't think she ever did they just feel like it.In another game(can't remember it's name) she almost confess to Cloud.But he didn't hear it though or she didn't complete the phrase.
@ Lightning: Ahaha I'll keep that in mind, bout the typos and all!

And no one can deny the crisis core story! Such a beautiful love story... I cried like a little girl when i watched the ending. Shame on me!

Aaah and Tifa's mails to zack, haha one of the best parts of the game! "just don't tell anyone in soldier, ok?" Lol!

@ Atif: Well, i dunno, but the AC story for me... hm, how can i explain... from One way to a smile to the movie story, their relationship is yet unspoken, but it's like it already happened. Am i making any sense? The life they live, it's like a married couple, i'm trying to explain better. The way they treat each other, the way they react to Marlene and Denzel, and how the story goes along.


to hell with those japanese style love stories, it's always like that, 16 manga books/140 tv episodes/80 hours of gameplay, so that then, the main couple can at least hold hands. OH COME ON! hahahah!
Do you think Tifa will ever confess to Cloud because I don't think she ever did they just feel like it.In another game(can't remember it's name) she almost confess to Cloud.But he didn't hear it though or she didn't complete the phrase.
Didn't she already do that during the Highwind scene in FF7? She says, "Deep in my Heart I heard you calling my name.." Then she bows her head and drops her hands..

Plus, in the Ultimania it states:
She and Cloud came to realize their feelings for each other in the end of the story, and live together in AC and DC.
To me that confirms it ^^

So once they both realized they had feelings for one another, it's as if the rest came naturally. They started living together, took in two children, and opened a business. The thing about Cloud and Tifa is that neither one of them have to flat out say "I love you" to get the point across. The things that Tifa does for Cloud and the way she acts around him show him that.. And it is very obvious that Cloud cares very deeply for Tifa as well, despite coming off cold towards her at times..
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Besides, Cloud and Tifa took in an orphan which happens to be Denzel. Now, they're probaby not thinking to have babies yet... They're dfeenetly a pair bu SE does not show that so that it wouldn't start arguements between Cloti and Clerith fans.
So let's put this into words.

Cloud is cold and horrible; he needs to listen to Tifa more and see how hawt she is.

Tifa needs to open up more; she needs to see Cloud is soooooo bringing sexy back.

And welcome to our newest member, Rach! :P
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