Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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Hey you guys :P I'm Tifa now as you can see (teehee) and my hubby (who is also a member on this forum and WAS Nxaiver) is now Cloud on here! xD We're like the only official FFF married couple and we're Tifa and Cloud! xD Isn't it cute? <3
Another name change?

Wow, I'm gonna have to keep up to date with this. Loving the new username and the official FFF married couple being Cloud and Tifa! 'Tis cute.
I finally found this pic I saw a long time ago ^^

..! Holy shite! There aren't many pics of these two here in this club!

EDIT: Umm..I'm a allowed to post this many pics in one post? If not, please tell me; I don't want to screw up anything!

I'm not really into shojo designs, but it's pretty nice ^^)

(They're both coppin' a feel :P)​

That's it...for now :wacky:

dang got enough!?!?!?! lol just messing with you

deleted images because too much space taking up- but talking about all of them lol
Cloud looks like he's saying: "Piss off, this is my woman, yo." Lol, that's what it looks like in the pic. :P
Here's a really gorgeous picure of Tifa by the creator of Dead Fantasy I and II. He has a scar drawn on her chest to show where Sephie hit her with his masumune I believe. Hopefully they show up!


And a close-up:


I really like the idea of Tifa having a scar, even though there is a huge debate going on about whether or not Sephie even actually gave her one. What do you guys think of it? For the sake of staying on topic:
Wow, nice pic! Oh, I can't wait until Dead Fantasy III appears!

But yeah, she WAS sliced with a powerful sword from a powerful man; the scar is evidence of Tifa's own strength for surviving the strike that should have killed her in that instant.

I always wondered about the positioning of the scar, but I think it's a good place, 'cause her shirt, while shows her mid-rift, covers her breasts and isn't low cut, so no one could say it's NOT there during FFVII. And then there's her more covered up outfit in Advent Children.

*blushes* I bet Cloud would kiss it...
Whoa. o.o That's hot! Even with the scar...actually that makes her more...I don't know what the word I'm looking for, but definitely unique in a character.

I didn't really think about the scar until now to be honest. I know that Sephiroth slashed her, but I never actually thought, "Oh no, she's gonna have an ugly scar now!" That is something to ponder about though.

Well, I guess it would make more sense that she has one. I know that is it just a game, but in FFVIII, they did show Squall and Seifer with scars on their face just to add that hint of realism of the situation. I'm guessing it's probably the same for Tifa.

I don't know, it's hard to say though. I'd like to know what others' views are on this.
Well, people are arguing that in CC, Tifa is merely thrown down the stairs and is not actually cut by Sephie. And to back it up further, they say that no scar was visible when Tifa wore the revealing purple dress to Don Corneo's mansion. I think that's silly, seeing that all we have to go off of is a pixel figure.


The biggest argument is that Tifa would have wanted to hide a scar in order to find favor with Corneo, and that this dress has a hole cut out right in front, so a scar would be visible. It just looks like a design on the front of the dress to me, but meh.

I just thought it'd be fun to spark up some discussion in the club, even though it doesn't really have alot to do with the Cloti pairing. :P
Well, people are arguing that in CC, Tifa is merely thrown down the stairs and is not actually cut by Sephie.

Hmm...interesting. I could've sworn that I saw Sephiroth bust out his sword and even heard the sound of "slash". And Tifa being thrown down the stairs shouldn't have made a big impact on looked as if she was having a hard time breathing when Cloud finally got to her. I don't know, I'll have to look more into this...

Yikes, sorry if we're going a little off-topic here. xD

On topic, I really can't wait until I finally get to see Tifa and Cloud in Crisis Core.
Hmm...interesting. I could've sworn that I saw Sephiroth bust out his sword and even heard the sound of "slash". And Tifa being thrown down the stairs shouldn't have made a big impact on looked as if she was having a hard time breathing when Cloud finally got to her. I don't know, I'll have to look more into this...

In Last Order it depicts it that way, but Crisis Core does tone it down a bit. I don't want to spoil it for you, but when you get there I think you'll see what I mean. I still think it is possible for Tifa to have a scar though, because
they didn't show any blood during the Nibelheim scene, not even when Cloud got stabbed, so her clothes still could've been ripped.
I guess you'll have to read that when you get there :monster: If they ever make a remake, a scar on Tifa would be a nice thing to add in if it isn't there after all.

Yikes, sorry if we're going a little off-topic here. xD

On topic, I really can't wait until I finally get to see Tifa and Cloud in Crisis Core<!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

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The Cloud and Tifa scenes are really cute ^^! Tee hee, I'm having to hold myself back from saying any more.
I think it makes perfect sense that he drew a scar on her. Also, in Crisis Core, Tifa's wearing a top that shows some cleavage. If you've noticed, her top she wears in FFVII AND her newest one in AC, does NOT reveal her chest. Ever wonder SE's reason for doing that? I think it's to hide the scar she received from such a powerful sword.

Also, yes there was blood. If you watch when Zack falls down the stairs in the reactor in CC, there is blood covering the stairs, it's just extremely darkened in color.

But, with a remake we've already seen what Tifa's outfit would look like because of this picture: FFVII CG Tifa
No cleavage shot and you notice how high up that top is. Same thing goes for her top in Advent Children. I think they made her tops like that because of the scar she received from Sephiroth. I believe it's her way of hiding it, because if you think about it, most busty women tend to wear tops that show their chests a bit. Though if you had a giant scar from a sword on your chest, you wouldn't want to go flaunting your cleavage. That's my theory anyway.
I think it makes perfect sense that he drew a scar on her. Also, in Crisis Core, Tifa's wearing a top that shows some cleavage. If you've noticed, her top she wears in FFVII AND her newest one in AC, does NOT reveal her chest. Ever wonder SE's reason for doing that? I think it's to hide the scar she received from such a powerful sword.
That makes sense to me too, but the only thing is that the dress she wears to Don Corneo's mansion supossedly has a huge cut in the front and shows some cleavage. I can't really tell if it does or not, so that's why I mentioned we wouldn't really know until we saw her in that dress in a remake.

Also, yes there was blood. If you watch when Zack falls down the stairs in the reactor in CC, there is blood covering the stairs, it's just extremely darkened in color.
Wow, I didn't even notice. Thanks for pointing that out! :)

But, with a remake we've already seen what Tifa's outfit would look like because of this picture: FFVII CG Tifa
No cleavage shot and you notice how high up that top is. Same thing goes for her top in Advent Children. I think they made her tops like that because of the scar she received from Sephiroth. I believe it's her way of hiding it, because if you think about it, most busty women tend to wear tops that show their chests a bit. Though if you had a giant scar from a sword on your chest, you wouldn't want to go flaunting your cleavage. That's my theory anyway.<!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

I agree with your theory. Tifa never wears shirts that show any of her cleavage up top, besides that possible dress, and I think that could be the very reason why.
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Actually I thought the dress was higher cut, like this fanart suggests:
and an image from the game (it's so hard to see her >.< but you can see how high up her dress is...and now I kinda wanna draw Wallmarket Tifa xD)
See how it's drawn? It'd probably be drawn higher up in the front as well. I'm not really sure though.

I just...personally hate it when Tifa is done up as nothing but a sex symbol. I hate when people depict her as that. It just disgusts me. That's why I have so much respect for that recent drawing of her. So she's thin, curvy with a big bust. That doesn't mean she's automatically a slut. I hate it when people draw her half-naked with her boobs or ass hanging out. It just...disgusts me that people would ruin Tifa's sweetness with turning her into something like that *end rant*

Anyway, I think her dress is drawn up high enough to hide the scar. I still think that's why we never see Tifa in anything extremely revealing.
Off topic, but lol that Tifa changed her siggie and avatar XD

I think that Cloud and Tifa looked better together in Advent Children than in FFVII.

I mean, in the original game Cloud was a muscle-man type and Tifa looked like she worked at Hooters, so the pairing looked so visibly stereotypical

But in the movie, Tifa's looked taller and had broader shoulders, so her ample breast were more realistic in comparison to her body type, and Cloud's muscles looked more realistically attainable (barring the whole mako thing) and not bulging in random places.
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I just now noticed your signature, Mandi! =) I like! Now someone needs to nominate you for best signature of the year (my husband even agrees with me. xD)

Anyway, I found this on youtube:

It's actually a PC patch so we don't see any big-headed characters. See? Sephiroth clearly slashed her, and the way he slashed her (direction) is accurate to the picture. And very nice theory, Tifa. ;) It certainly does make sense.

My theory is kinda different though. xD I imagined that the scar probably was never actually a big concern (or if they even ever thought about it) to the designer of the characters because it was pixelated and therefore, we wouldn't really be able to see the scar and its detail anyway. So, I figured it was just one of those, "Tifa got slashed by Sephiroth, moving on..."

And then years later (I'm assuming no one really thought about this until later...?) we finally realize, "Oh hey, I wonder if she ever received a scar for that...?" And so debates sprouts up and finally someone makes a kick-ass picture to suggest the realism of the event at the time - because it would ONLY makes sense that Tifa had received a scar and so that picture was just some sort of verification.
Off topic, but lol that Tifa changed her siggie and avatar XD

I think that Cloud and Tifa looked better together in Advent Children than in FFVII.

I mean, in the original game Cloud was a muscle-man type and Tifa looked like she worked at Hooters, so the pairing looked so visibly stereotypical

But in the movie, Tifa's looked taller and had broader shoulders, so her ample breast were more realistic in comparison to her body type, and Cloud's muscles looked more realistically attainable (barring the whole mako thing) and not bulging in random places.

D= Why is that funny? I faved the pic way before this topic began in the club :P and just decided to make a siggy and avatar out of it.

Yeah, but you gotta remember how much different anime/cartoon-like art is compared to today's CG. Things have improved a lot in the last 10 years.

Tifa's posture is much better than what it was in FFVII, and her breasts are nowhere near as huge and disproportionate like they were in FFVII. Also, Cloud's muscle structure does look much better and of course more realistic than it did in the concept art of Nomura's.

Mitsuki said:
I just now noticed your signature, Mandi! =) I like! Now someone needs to nominate you for best signature of the year (my husband even agrees with me. xD)

*blushes* Thank you so much Suki! I made the set today :P
I just now noticed your signature, Mandi! =) I like! Now someone needs to nominate you for best signature of the year (my husband even agrees with me. xD)

Anyway, I found this on youtube:

It's actually a PC patch so we don't see any big-headed characters. See? Sephiroth clearly slashed her, and the way he slashed her (direction) is accurate to the picture. And very nice theory, Tifa. ;) It certainly does make sense.

My theory is kinda different though. xD I imagined that the scar probably was never actually a big concern (or if they even ever thought about it) to the designer of the characters because it was pixelated and therefore, we wouldn't really be able to see the scar and its detail anyway. So, I figured it was just one of those, "Tifa got slashed by Sephiroth, moving on..."

And then years later (I'm assuming no one really thought about this until later...?) we finally realize, "Oh hey, I wonder if she ever received a scar for that...?" And so debates sprouts up and finally someone makes a kick-ass picture to suggest the realism of the event at the time - because it would ONLY makes sense that Tifa had received a scar and so that picture was just some sort of verification.

I guess this doesn't really matter anymore since I agree with Mitsuki, but here is a better picture of the pixel Tifa:


I can't see any scar, but like you said, it just may have not been a priority, or it just wasn't possible.

Love the SigXAvi Tifa! You should set up your own shop
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