Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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I'm sorry to keep coming back. I'd actually like to join because I am starting to like CloudxTifa more after Aerith's death. I just want to make that clear. I think people are allowed to like both Clerith and Clifa...

Anyway, one minor thing I wanted to point out about Aerith; she did not go into denial about Zack's death. If you noticed, Aerith liked to keep to herself about things. She never ever told Zack she was Ancient/Cetra. Aerith hears and speaks to the planet constantly, so she knows Zack died. Aerith always knew when somebody close died. I think Aerith just didn't want to tell anybody about Zack, that she dated him, her feelings for him and that he died. She was just a to-herself type of girl.

Anyway, there are some sweet little Clifa moments in Crisis Core, but I don't want to spoil anything for anyone ^_^

First off, welcome to the club! I knew you'd join us eventually :P And I'm sorry for any negative comments about Cleriths I made. Sometimes I get a little carried away..

We're not really debating Zack and Aerith in this club, but I just want to put my two-cents in about it. First off, I agree that Aerith is a girl that keeps to herself about things, but I'd like to point out her reaction to meeting Zack's parents in Gongaga. She admits to Cloud that Zack was her first love and that she had heard he had gone missing on a mission, and that he had probably left her for someone else since he was such a flirt. So the two things your saying contradict each other. You say that she knows he's dead, but yet she's not in denial? When she directly tells Cloud that he is probably alive somewhere else with someone else? That just doesn't make sense to me.

Also, their love in Crisis Core is somewhat of a "puppy love" in the beginning, but it does develop into something much stronger. Aerith writes him 89 letters over the course of 5 years, she wears the ribbon he gave her everyday, and she gives him her 23 wishes, #1 being that she can spend more time with Zack. On Zack's part, his whole reason for returning to Midgar is so he can see Aerith again, and then he literally dies on her doorstep. One of the creators also stated that since they didn't have alot of time to play out Zack and Aerith's relationship, that he made it so it seemed that they just immediately fell into love.

As for Aerith not telling Zack that she's an ancient, I believe Aerith didn't tell him because she didn't take it seriously and she thought she'd grow out of it. She admits in FF7 that she thought that if she ignored everything she heard, that it would just go away. Plus she was always under the constant watch from the Turks, even when she was with Zack, so she didn't want to do or say anything that would once again have her locked in a tube as an experiment.

ALL that said, I don't mind if you don't like the Zack/Aerith pairing, or the Cloud/Tifa pairing as much as the Cloud/Aerith one. I just wanted to show you that Aerith is actually in denial about Zack's death, and that explains why she acts the way she does in FF7.

And the game is awesome so far!! I just got to the Nilbenheim scene today, so I can't wait to see Tifa save Cloud's butt :P I really wish they had made her outfit more like in Last Order though because the whole cowgirl thing is a little out there lol
Well, I certainly couldn't see Aerith telling any boyfriend of hers about what she heard. Can you imagine?

"By the way, Zacky dear... I hear the voices of dead people. I think it's the planet trying to speak to me, but my mother always sai--Zack? Where are you going?!"

not pretty.

Anyways, here comes the storm of Clifa pics! (You have no idea how long it took me to find and load these pictures! Enjoy them!!!)

Now, I think this should be the club logo pic:


But that's just me. Everyone has to vote.

Cuteness on an epic scale ^


And this one is just for lols!

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(Dragon Mage, the pics aren't showing :O)

Okay, here's some other ones I found and was able to link XD






OMG Fusionist! I absolutely LOVE that first one you posted!!! <3333 and Dragon dear, I can't see any of the ones you posted o_O
@Dragon Mage: Just post the URLs then, and we'll click it ourselves :)
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*kicks forum* You dirty bastard! You know how hard I worked, how many hours I spent, getting those pictures!

Urls, I shall post. give me five minutes.

Edit: URL's are up. Don't worry, I put up only the really good ones! ;)
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I noticed that the forum doesn't show the pics from DeviantArt and Photobucket, which sucks 'cause they're treasure troves of a variety of pics.

Although I WAS able to show pics from my own personal Photobucket album, so I don't know.
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Wow great pics Dragonmage and Fusionist! They all showed up for me.. But does this mean the ones I posted from DeviantArt didn't show up either?

I heard someone saying the other day that when Tifa and Cloud are in the church on the floor they're suppossed to a yinyang symbol.. Anybody think it's true?
That was what I thought of when I first saw the scene.

In KH2, Tifa says she'll be Cloud's "light" and Sephiroth constantly says Cloud is the "dark" so there's that I suppose.
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The amount of times I see Cloud and Tifa together in AC ... god, it clearly defines Cloti.
@ yingyang thing, I dun't know. Seems quite plausible.

I reallllllly friggin' hate the music at that part though. I've become an expert at timing hitting the mute button, so even on my worst day, I hear only the first note. Everytime I hear it, I want to gnaw my ears off. ><
Really? I liked the music. It was quite pleasant to my ears. It was a nice remix of Aerith's theme ^^

But still Cloud/Tifa ftw XD
lol, of course! Clifa can be said by anyone who lisps and they won't embarass themselves, so kudos for Clifa! Can't do that with 'clerith'. Heehee:P
I always figured that Cloud and Tifa had Aerith's blessing to be in a relationship,
so that's another reason why I'm for Cloud/Tifa ^^
Hey you guys :P I'm Tifa now as you can see (teehee) and my hubby (who is also a member on this forum and WAS Nxaiver) is now Cloud on here! xD We're like the only official FFF married couple and we're Tifa and Cloud! xD Isn't it cute? <3
*huggles Tifa*

That's awesome!

Now you two stay that way forever :wacky:
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