Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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Nah, I just think the Cleriths are going to rise from the ashes.

Speaking of FFNet, I'm itching to make a good Cloti, but I don't have the time at the moment with everything that's going on. I might make one nearer Christmas, so I'll make sure to post it here as well.
Oi, and I still have far to go in terms of finishing the Cloti one I've got up now. But school is making it slow. >( dumb school.
Nah, I just think the Cleriths are going to rise from the ashes.

Nah. They claim they don't 'waste time' in the LTD because they have 'lives'. Some life to spend it typing pointless essays that nobody cares about. :zip:

I wish the LTD thread would open up again. I'm itching to debate, hahaha. I'm never rude when I debate so, I don't think that'd be an issue.

Oh, and yes, very suggestive! ;D
I may be up for a debate, but at the same time I'm not up to arguing against the silly arguements stolen from Destiny Fulfilled. That maybe the only thing CloAe fans are relying on though.
The Cleriths must be doing something then! They can't be hidden forever! And yes, I'm itching to debate as well. :wacky:
The Clerith are scared, I don't think they'll come to debate,I mean they will never change their minds, they are convinced of the canonity of their pairing and will resort to the most twisted logic to prove their points.
Well nobody pay much attention to them now anyway, they are happy in their pinl fortress and we are happy without them.
Haha, I agree with you Cloti.
They're already talking about FFForum Cloti's a bit already in their big pink Zerith themed haven. x'D

Pretending that they're crafty. :jon:

FF_G even left a nice message.

I know.
They claim we're "hiding" in here, but the truth is we're just sick of hearing the same old bullshit over and over again.
It doesn't do a bit of good to spoon-feed logic and facts to people that delusional and downright ignorant. So why bother?

Laughable, isn't it? I know I giggled.
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I was wondering, I don't remember if I've asked this or not, what are everyone's perceptions on Barret's role in the family? I would start a separate thread for it, but I'd rather it not turn into a LTD war thread ;)

Anyways, it kind of seems to me that Squenix seems to alienate Barret from Cloud and Tifa's little family. To me, this is a little awkward, because he is Marlene's father; yet Square consistently puts Cloud and Tifa in the mom/dad position, while Barret is sort of left to the side.

We all know Marlene sees Tifa as mom and Barret as dad, but what is Cloud to her? Uncle Cloud? Dad#2? :P

I put this up because of a) I like Barret but after FF7, Square hasn't really portrayed him in the ideal fatherly role like in the original game; and b) Commonly to negate the Cloti family unit, certain rabids tend to try and squeeze Barret into the picture, even though he's barelt around.

Another point: DOC website character profiles indicated Cloud and Tifa still live in Edge, but Barret's whereabouts are unspecified - thus showing that he does not play an active role in the family.

Thoughts, opinions?
Well, Barret referred to Tifa as Mom to Marlene... saying "take care of mom" I believe is the quote. So a lot of Cleriths try and pretend that Tifa and Barret have a thing. not that I have a problem with that fanon, but it's quite obvious whose heart lies with Tifa. =]

Anyway, the creators themselves say that throughout the course of AC, Cloud is just like a big kid. It was kinda shown when Aerith and Zack joked about Cloud being too big to adopt. So, I assume Barret sees Cloud as another kid. xD That's just what I think, though.

Barret was always telling Marlene to take care of Cloud and Tifa. xD And Barret only tells Tifa to take care of Marlene. He never seems to address Cloud... so that's why I consider him as a kid himself... that grew up by the end of AC. ^.^

I think Barret has a lot of other work to do. So he entrusts Marlene to
Cloud Tifa and Denzels family. =)
*runs back with delusion-rabid-boosting candy---hoping to feed entertainment*

I was just gonna ask. You guys make it sound like the Cleriths are always in hiding. Is there a pattern to their public emergence or something? :confused:
Back to CloTi.
Anyways, it kind of seems to me that Squenix seems to alienate Barret from Cloud and Tifa's little family. To me, this is a little awkward, because he is Marlene's father; yet Square consistently puts Cloud and Tifa in the mom/dad position, while Barret is sort of left to the side.

That's why rabids will never win. Square is obviously a CloTi supporter.

We all know Marlene sees Tifa as mom and Barret as dad, but what is Cloud to her? Uncle Cloud? Dad#2? :P

Does she? Tifa considers Marlene her daughter, but we don't specifically know how she sees Cloud and Tifa, individually or as a couple. Although to me it is quite obvious she admires Tifa as a maternal figure and Cloud as a paternal figure, judging from her actions and speech (touching Tifa's ass and all and holding Cloud's hand). Also quite obvious, that however she sees Cloud, she regards Cloud's status to be equal to that of Tifa's, based on her drawings of them and its relative positions in her room. Whereas, thank the rabids for noticing, Barret's drawing is way on the other side...No seriously though, people need to take a hint that the creators spent some time on the design of that room for some good reasons....And Tifa being the "mother" of Cloud's family kinda makes it sound like Cloud and Tifa are on equal footing IMO.

Judging from AC, to me at least, Tifa's role came off as semi-big sister, semi-mother. I thought the same for Cloud in the paternal sense. Although really, I don't think it matters whether Marlene views Cloud as either uncle, dad, or brother. Still a paternal figure. And I hate how some people like to simplify feelings, Tifa's for instance with the maternal feelings and all.
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I was just gonna ask. You guys make it sound like the Cleriths are always in hiding. Is there a pattern to their public emergence or something? :confused:
No, I just state that because the Clerith club hasn't been active for ages.
Oh, I see. Did it start with AC? Were they really that active before AC was released? I'm just curious to know. I mean, was it really that ambiguous whom Cloud was paired with, just with the game alone?

Of course, I say no. Besides the LS and HW and other eye-opening events, the ending of the game did showcase Cloud and Tifa constantly together for the little amount of time that was offered. And I mean, if we're suppose to expect a concluding romantic confirmation like a kiss, one has to wonder why it is necessary if the survival of the world was the most immediate concern.

But still, I'd like to believe they had good reasons to believe in what they believe. So far, their reasons on the net have disgusted me. But I have a hs friend who believed in CxA, I think I'll ask her why over the holidays. :wacky:
no the Clerith were very active inmediatly after AC was released. The hand reaching scene, the final scene and Calling were for them the "Final" confirmation of the Clerith love, still Cloti was seen as the winning side(I remember a poll in AC.Net in which Cloti won by a landside) then Maiden Who travels the Planet was released and was for them the final stone on the Cloti's coffin(and they still believe it's canon now).
But with Crisis Core and the overwhelming amount of Cloti and Zerith in the Ultimanias they have decided to hide, and build their world based on the non-existant Clerith evidence.But if a LTD ensues, don't doubt they will come and give you a good laugh with their arguments.
Oh. Thanks Cloti. That is interesting. It's also a shame because I think the creators over-estimated some of ther fans' intelligence. I mean, it's actually quite easy for the casual observer to believe in CxA. But at the same time, I guess it's also a good thing. I mean, because AC was kinda ambiguous, I think it drew people to the game, for me at least, because I was curious why the characters acted the way they did. When I first watched it, it certainly didn't scream clerith for me when I thought it was suppose to. It also didn't scream Cloti all the way, but it did leave me wondering. So then I found out about the novellas. I hope ACC won't be that ambiguous, but whatever.

Speaking of the LTD. I want a good laugh :P
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yeah I hope we get to see some Cloti goods in ACC, however I doubt there will be.
Maybe in that short movie taking place 2 years after the end of AC? it will be ,chronologically, the last piece of the compilation, we might see how the family is doing.
Speaking of a LTD "" wich is offering the Ultimania translations opened a forum and there is already a LTD topic... it's just a matter of time for it to become really popular.
Yes of course. The movie was never really meant to be romantic. I'm just glad there will be more of Denzel and Marlene, albeit not much. And I noted that some people wanted to see a kiss between Cloud and Tifa. Personally though, I don't really care, I just wanna see Tifa's motherly kiss for Denzel and Marlene! :neomon: But of course, I'm just dreaming. At least it happened in CoT. :hug:

As for the LTD. I just noticed that myself as we're speaking. The LTD never dies does it. Awesome.
oh a motherly kiss will be so cute! I love Tifa as a mother she is so young yet so caring, lucky kids!
Yes you are right the LTD will never die.Even if we get a Cloti kiss, the Clerith will argue that Aerith was Cloud's true love and he just moved on...
I know. Lucky Cloud too (dunno if her deserves her though :P). Tifa is an ideal woman. Strong, yet tender. Gorgeous face, sexy figure. That's why the motherly kiss would be both cute and HOT xD. I bet Cloud thinks so. That's why I like the theme of the movie being family and not romance. No really, Cloud and Tifa passed the romance stage and seeing Tifa in a maternal role and Cloud in a paternal role is just too cute.
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yeah I love the family dimension in their relationship it's amazing that some Clerith Believe that Tifa feels a motherly bond to Cloud, some rabid one even said it was confirmed
I guess they don't read the Ultimanias....
from Aerith Profile:"Showing up in front of people feeling pained and confused,
Her figure seems like a loving mother"
"For Cloud, and the world once again faced with danger, she reaches out and offers her aid. In that sense she is like a mother watching over the entire planet, and it gives the feeling that she lives in every part of the world"

in Tifa profile there is no mention of her maternal bond to Cloud, again OWNED.
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