Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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funny how they consider Crisis core and Maiden as canon, a novel written by an outsider and published only in Japan in only one book with no mention afterwards, or a game translated to multiple languages and a top seller.....
and about that thing of the original concept.. that is one of their favorite arguments funny how the creators have mentioned that they decided "to kill Aerith and bring Tifa" and that Aerith was also a chilhood friend in the beggining.
"I've always been a Tifa fan, you know. One of my friends is an Aerith fan, and I've actually gotten into an argument with him about who the better woman is. Since she grew up with Cloud, and there's this subtle balance between her outer appearance and inner self, I think Tifa is pretty special. I'm quite the simple man, aren't I?"
Takahiro Sakurai, Final Fantasy 7 Reunion Files

Seems as if Sakurai likes the Tifa. I wonder which couple he prefers... :monster:
You know, when I read that, I couldn't help but think: man, if he had prefered C/A, the Cleriths would probably use that as proof against CloTi. LULZ!!!! :wacky:
cloti is the best pairing in any ff ever, just the way its so obvious gives it that sentimenalty that always stays with you if anyone understands?
Seems as if Sakurai likes the Tifa. I wonder which couple he prefers... :monster:

Haha! But since he's not Nomura, it doesn't mean anything. =P -eye roll- While there is some hint of truth to that, as stated, if he had liked Clerith the Cleriths would have spazzed and used it as proof! As they already do with their fake Japanese interviews. ^^

Translated by people who can't actually translate! =O ;))
Haha! But since he's not Nomura, it doesn't mean anything. =P -eye roll- While there is some hint of truth to that, as stated, if he had liked Clerith the Cleriths would have spazzed and used it as proof! As they already do with their fake Japanese interviews. ^^

Translated by people who can't actually translate! =O ;))

that interviews are hilarious... WacDonald's xD
I really think Square is taking the right route, they aren't afraid to confirm Cloti anymore, they know we are the majority.
Also Zerith has turned very popular, specially in Japan from what I heard so expect more Cloti and Zerith goods.
that interviews are hilarious... WacDonald's xD
I really think Square is taking the right route, they aren't afraid to confirm Cloti anymore, they know we are the majority.
Also Zerith has turned very popular, specially in Japan from what I heard so expect more Cloti and Zerith goods.

Yeah, I browse Japanese fanart sites so... I really noticed that there are a TON of Zerith sites now! ^^ And even some new Cloti ones. Though, the Cleriths claim (since they understand Japanese) that these sites REALLY support Clerith and are just making fun fanon sites. Riiiight.

Not saying my computer is 100% reliable, but it has an automatic translator and I'd trust it much more than them.
In Japan Cloud/Aeris is the understand canon, don't you know :monster:

It's fine, I can't blame you for ignorance :sad: I'll be happy to inform you misinformed little Clotis!

Sakurai doesn't not support Cloud/Aeris (the obvious canon) he just likes Tifa. Square Enix can't help that fact that the actor they picked for Cloud happens to be a boob man. Despite liking Tifa (and getting into silly Tifa vs Aeris arguments that DO NOT in any form resemble most ignorant western debates), it's for sure he understands the truth about Cloud/Aeris' love, just like any other person in Japan! :monster:

Fanart sites show nothing about how fans percieve the story, silly Cloti. Lol, DISCREDITED!!!1

edit: My curiousity got the better of me, and I ventured into their little forums. I... am at a loss for words.
In Advent Children, did you not see the way Tifa cares for Cloud? How she worries for him day and night? Asks him to be careful.
Did you see how concered Cloud was after Tifa was beaten up by Loz? And in the end how they both looked at each other with smiles on their faces?

It's obvious that they like each other. Se doesn't need to prove that.
In Advent Children, did you not see the way Tifa cares for Cloud? How she worries for him day and night? Asks him to be careful.
Did you see how concered Cloud was after Tifa was beaten up by Loz? And in the end how they both looked at each other with smiles on their faces?

It's obvious that they like each other. Se doesn't need to prove that.

To the majority, no, they don't. But we speak of a rather obstinate minority that has a vested interest in refusing such a thing.
edit: My curiousity got the better of me, and I ventured into their little forums. I... am at a loss for words.

hahaha I haven't visited that pink place in a long time.. and I hope to don't visit it anymore, leave the pink people at peace with their delusion.

In Advent Children, did you not see the way Tifa cares for Cloud? How she worries for him day and night? Asks him to be careful.
Did you see how concered Cloud was after Tifa was beaten up by Loz? And in the end how they both looked at each other with smiles on their faces?

It's obvious that they like each other. Se doesn't need to prove that.

Yeah it's pretty obvious but as mentioned a minority refuse to see the truth. The Cloud they build is a cruel man who would spend his life in flowerfields and in Aerith church searching for her while leaving heartbroken Tifa and the kids at home... is that the man they want their beloved Aerith to be with? a selfish man who doesn't care for anyone but her?
a new generation of C/A fans being produced? Little children

Isn't it sad that most of them age-wise are grown adults? x'D It's a shame their minds didn't develop with them. :(

between blond boy and pink girl

Speaking of that and the other thing you said about KH, I've seen Cleriths mention that Kairi and Aerith both wear bright pink colors, but Tifa is too dark and depressing. *lol*

edit: My curiousity got the better of me, and I ventured into their little forums. I... am at a loss for words.

Haha, I'm surprised you didn't go blind first from their Zerith themed Forum skin! It's every shade of IN-UR-FACE pink!

And speaking of them liking Cloud when he's a jerk.. Ugh, I just can't stand that! They make it seem like Cloud doesn't care about Tifa even as a FRIEND, for that matter, all of his other friends are nothing compared to his undying love for Aerith. >_> I hate how OOC they make Cloud... If he were a selfish jackass, I wouldn't like him. I dealt with his guilt/angst which was understandable since two of his close friends died right in front of him but the idea that Cloud wanted to ditch his family and DIE of Geostigma to be with Aerith is outrageous.

I like how Zack doesn't matter either, haha. Zack and Cloud are obviously the canon. :) It has everything Clerith's believe in!

Zack made Cloud laugh and no-one else in the game did, so that totally means they're in love! =D They even had a hand-reach scene! That definitely confirms it. :se7: Cloud cried over Zack dying! And Cloud crying over someone dying, definitely means he's in love with that person! Not to mention, he has flashbacks/dreams about Zack which totally = teh canonz. :D
Haha, I'm surprised you didn't go blind first from their Zerith themed Forum skin! It's every shade of IN-UR-FACE pink!

INORITE. Shiz, they need some contrasting colours up in there. I mean, they should at least make it pink&blue to coordinate with the characters. But no... it's glaring pink. Flamingo style. I feel like I crept into a 11-year old girl's bedroom.

And like I've said a couple of times: Cloud totally rejects Tifa's feelings under the Highwind scene. The next day he decides to live a new life + start a family with her, lolz :monster:

Zack made Cloud laugh and no-one else in the game did, so that totally means they're in love! =D They even had a hand-reach scene! That definitely confirms it.
Cloud cried over Zack dying! And Cloud crying over someone dying, definitely means he's in love with that person! Not to mention, he has flashbacks/dreams about Zack which totally = teh canonz. :D

People fail to notice that during the original ShinRa basement flashback scene, when Zack unclothes Cloud there are strange slapping noises. I'm not even joking. Was anyone else disturbed by that??


I like how Zack doesn't matter either, haha. Zack and Cloud are obviously the canon. :) It has everything Clerith's believe in!

Zack made Cloud laugh and no-one else in the game did, so that totally means they're in love! =D They even had a hand-reach scene! That definitely confirms it. :se7: Cloud cried over Zack dying! And Cloud crying over someone dying, definitely means he's in love with that person! Not to mention, he has flashbacks/dreams about Zack which totally = teh canonz. :D

Works for me :wacky:

One of the things I liked about Cloud/Tifa is that they're relationship felt very real. It wasn't just portrayed to be a simple copy paste romance you see in RPGs where the hero has his lover (kind of like Squall and Rinoa from FFVIII). Romance wasn't a high priority in the game, but we see enough subtle moments within to see that, yes, there is something there.

Did that make sense :huh:

EDIT>:(looneymoon: Oh, that "slapping" sound during the part where the clothes are being changed, I think it really is the sound of clothes being changed, nothing more; I doubt Zack would do any kinky stuff with Cloud when the poor boy is barely conscious. Where's the fun then xD

And here's a piccy :3

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Ah, Cloti have good times. ;)

I heard nothing but clothing being changed as well. (What a shame. XD)

That's one of my favorite pictures, Fusion. =)

Oh, and I just visited Childhood Love on LJ and found this essay:

It's pretty good, and all about Cloti if anyone is interested in reading it. ^^
EDIT>:(looneymoon: Oh, that "slapping" sound during the part where the clothes are being changed, I think it really is the sound of clothes being changed, nothing more; I doubt Zack would do any kinky stuff with Cloud when the poor boy is barely conscious. Where's the fun then xD

*rustle rustle, rustle rustle**pause**SMACKSMACK* = that's what I hear. I always thought it was funny XDDDDDD

I read the above link, and while I agree with most of what it says, but I have some issues with the way it was written. I think some of the cases could be elaborated, as some of the points don't really make the full conclusion. Plus, it seems the article was merely written to debunk the specific Cloud/Aeris article it refers to. It may have been a bit more encompassing had it not taken little sections of an article and argued against them. I kind of find that type of argueing annoying tbh - quote little sections to point fallacies - it often loses track of the generality at hand (mind you I didn't read the artcicle this was written against, it would probably help to both... but I'm lazy). Some of the points lacked explanation - had it been presented in an actual arguement I could imagine the other side saying "HOW DID YOU REACH THIS CONCLUSION" or "WHAT IS YOUR POINT? SO WHAT?" It could've been a little more clear in that regards. (Though of course we all know better ;) )

Also with the MotP section - there are valid points to debunk Cloud/Aeris theory in that short story, but the author merely ignores it calling it "fanservice." While that maybe true as it wasn't written by the creators, the author grounds the fact that she thinks it is canon, but still simply ignores the issue it raises as a canon piece to the compilation. It seemed a little lazy, and a bit of a weak case IMO.

It seemed a little discurteous to post it in the C/A LJ club aswell, but that's just me. To me, that's just asking for teh dramaz.

Then again, this is my school brain talking. It's a pretty well put together and a worthwhile read; you can tell alot of effort went into it. Heck, it even pointed out some stuff I never noticed before.
Cloud smiles before Tifa propels him to Bahamut. I actually popped in my disc to check this one out - it's there! Subtle, but it's there. Am I the only one who missed this?
Truthfully, when I first watched the movie and saw how everyone was doing some wicked awesome move to help Cloud up Bahamut, and all Tifa did was just toss him up, I was like "aww, no flashy moves D:"

But then I was like "wait! meaningful stare at each other! :gasp:"

And then there was also that fact Tifa had her own fight scene, so there was enough flashiness on her part in the movie then ^^

lol, getting excited over the little things xD
Then again, this is my school brain talking. It's a pretty well put together and a worthwhile read; you can tell alot of effort went into it. Heck, it even pointed out some stuff I never noticed before.
Cloud smiles before Tifa propels him to Bahamut. I actually popped in my disc to check this one out - it's there! Subtle, but it's there. Am I the only one who missed this?

That's the thing about Cloud's and Tifa's relationship--it's SUBTLE.
And unfortunately, that's the reason why the rabids exist against CloTi.
They demand something explicit and continue to imagine what's not there for C/A.

@Fusionist. Your previous post made perfect sense.

Thanks Celes, for sharing the link. Like looneymoon said, there were some things that could have been elaborated on, but an interesting read, because I also didn't realize Cloud gave a smile to Tifa in the Bahamut scene....I like it! :wacky:
And actually adding to that, I can even recall other subtle scenes between Cloud and Tifa that may or may not have went unnoticed. The ending in FF7 when Cloud was still holding onto Tifa during the mako explosion and the last scene in AC where 1) We see Cloud smiles 2) Tifa smiles back 3) Cloud still smiling but after seeing Tifa smiles, Cloud's lip parts a bit to just a slightly more obvious smile (hinting that her smile is important to him).

...Yerp, the theme is subtlety.

Truthfully, when I first watched the movie and saw how everyone was doing some wicked awesome move to help Cloud up Bahamut, and all Tifa did was just toss him up, I was like "aww, no flashy moves D:"

Also notice how they didn't show Cloud's face, but we do see Tifa's.
They tease, they tease. One must be observant to notice the meaning behind Cloud's facial expressions when it is actually shown.
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