Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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read the above link, and while I agree with most of what it says, but I have some issues with the way it was written. I think some of the cases could be elaborated, as some of the points don't really make the full conclusion. Plus, it seems the article was merely written to debunk the specific Cloud/Aeris article it refers to. It may have been a bit more encompassing had it not taken little sections of an article and argued against them. I kind of find that type of argueing annoying tbh

Hm.. you know, you gave me a new insight to this essay, and re-reading a few parts of it I must agree with you. There are some parts that aren't making the full conclusion as you said. And now that you mention it, countering a specific CxA quote with an argument shows a lack of creativity and personal effort. ^^; I think that when essays like this are typed out they should only have quotes used to support their claims, which they did have thankfully. Otherwise, it's just like arguing with no-one! :randompoke: I also think that a Cloti essay should be enough to shall I say, PWN the Clerith ideals just because of what it says... you don't need their original exact post/essay to prove your point, you only need to mention the certain ideals. :)

It seemed a little discurteous to post it in the C/A LJ club aswell, but that's just me. To me, that's just asking for teh dramaz.

Oh, I didn't know that. o_O; Yeah, I suppose quite a bit of drama would ensue if that happened. =P I say that Cleriths and Cloti's keep to their respective clubs/sites unless their LTDing in a certain thread or friending outside of their pairing. (-gasp- It can really happen. I love my Clerith friends. Of course, they don't spend countless hours typing out useless nonsense. xD Fun to debate with, though. :D )

Thanks Celes, for sharing the link. Like looneymoon said, there were some things that could have been elaborated on, but an interesting read, because I also didn't realize Cloud gave a smile to Tifa in the Bahamut scene....I like it!

The thing I hadn't noticed, was that Cloud was still looking at Tifa when Rude and Reno turned to leave from the room! That was my pleasant surprise. x3

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The thing I hadn't noticed, was that Cloud was still looking at Tifa when Rude and Reno turned to leave from the room! That was my pleasant surprise. x3

I noticed that one. There are countless scenes, subtlely hinting at the importance Cloud gives to Tifa. But this all counts for naught.

Because Cloud can't possibly WUV Tifa! Where's theee baby??? LULZ
I like how Zack doesn't matter either, haha. Zack and Cloud are obviously the canon. :) It has everything Clerith's believe in!

Zack made Cloud laugh and no-one else in the game did, so that totally means they're in love! =D They even had a hand-reach scene! That definitely confirms it.
Cloud cried over Zack dying! And Cloud crying over someone dying, definitely means he's in love with that person! Not to mention, he has flashbacks/dreams about Zack which totally = teh canonz. :D
I haven't thought about that! yeah they do have all the aspects that Clerith present as proof... the smile argument is one of their favorites, funny how the Ultimanias almost discard it by saying"Cloud was still under the influence of Jenova..."

One of the things I liked about Cloud/Tifa is that they're relationship felt very real. It wasn't just portrayed to be a simple copy paste romance you see in RPGs where the hero has his lover (kind of like Squall and Rinoa from FFVIII). Romance wasn't a high priority in the game, but we see enough subtle moments within to see that, yes, there is something there.
it is one of the things I love the most about them, their relationship is not "in your face" like other couples, but they still have those moments that make you squee! date scene and highwind scene anyone?

Cloud smiles before Tifa propels him to Bahamut. I actually popped in my disc to check this one out - it's there! Subtle, but it's there. Am I the only one who missed this?
I never noticed that! wow we have two smiles, according to Clerith logic they must love each other very much...

Because Cloud can't possibly WUV Tifa! Where's theee baby??? LULZ
I remember that was in an essay written by the queen isn't it? xD
I think even Final Fantasy characters know about birth control....
By Clerith logic, we should have an over-population crisis, because people sex everyday :monster:

Anywho. I detailed this on my previous previous post, but it's better to provide visual images.


Notice Cloud-Tifa is singled out together again.





Notice Cloud's reaction (his lip parts). Very subtle.

Just curious. Do they still argue that Cloud's smile was for Aerith and not Tifa? Because we have images and the script stating Cloud's smile was for Tifa. Are these official evidence just our delusion???O_O??
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yep, they still think Cloud's smile was for Aerith, they disregard the script completely citing one or two moments that are in the script and aren't in the movie.... but it's quite obvious.
I love that image of Cloud holding Tifa's hand at the end of Final Fantasy VII!.

Edit: this is the commercial that Clerith bring in their arguments.... it is utterly ridiculous to bring it it's old and you can't consider it an official source I doubt the people of Square-Enix created it,do they know anything about marketing? They make such a big deal about the word love mentioned in it...
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If you guys like the hand hold, you should love the butt pat. :P


Truth is, Cloud and Tifa are inseparable throughout the entire ending.
Truth is, Cloud and Tifa are inseparable throughout the entire ending.

Very true.


The man's practically obsessed with Tifa.

yep, they still think Cloud's smile was for Aerith, they disregard the script completely citing one or two moments that are in the script and aren't in the movie.... but it's quite obvious.
I love that image of Cloud holding Tifa's hand at the end of Final Fantasy VII!.

Double standards. There are inconsistencies in MOTP. They do not disregard that. Don't you just wuv them and their unbiased justice.
Speaking of that and the other thing you said about KH, I've seen Cleriths mention that Kairi and Aerith both wear bright pink colors, but Tifa is too dark and depressing. *lol*

It's worth pointing out here that the Sora/ Kairi pairing is also one with childhood friends who make a promise to each other, are subsequently separated for a time, and are later reunited, and their romance is also rather subtle, occasionally overshadowed by thoughts of their mutual friend.
But that's just me and comparing and contrasting story elements. Silly me, I ought to have looked at the COLORS!
Too bad Sora doesn't wear Blue...

As for the ending, yeah, Cloud and Tifa are all over each other, and Cloud's holding her hand. Doesn't he remember he rejected her?
Doesn't he remember he rejected her?

I guess not, because then he lives with her and raises a family! Although, Cleriths made me see the light because apparently Tifa forced Cloud into that. :tighthug: He just couldn't stand being with her anymore, and so he left to go die with Aerith. :D Makes perfect sense.

do they know anything about marketing?

Lol, apparently not. I think they need to finish High School, or at least take a course in any economics class. ;O

and the script stating Cloud's smile was for Tifa.

Can I have this quote? Because I'm sure I've read it at one point, but I just don't remember.
Can I have this quote? Because I'm sure I've read it at one point, but I just don't remember.

I can give you the last two pages of the script (you don't have this stuff? O_O):



Cloud's smile for Tifa is confirmed. Nowhere does it mention him smiling for Aerith or Zack. Also, so much for spiritual sex in the flowerfields when it is stated that Cloud drives away from Aerith.

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You're not going to believe this ...

Some fools have restarted the Clerith club. :wacky:

And nice confirmation! Ha! Take that, Cleriths!
(you don't have this stuff? O_O):

No, sadly. Not physically, that is. Luckily enough, I have friends that have the Ultimania's and share their scans with me. And thankfully there are translations all over the web.

Thanks for posting that. I like how there isn't even a mention of Cloud smiling at Aerith anywhere.

Some fools have restarted the Clerith club.

And one of them is someone who flamed me in the past, and called me "a rabid TiClo". Why does this not surprise me? ;))

Oh, TiClo= "Tifa should be placed in front of Cloud because it's a one-sided love, lolz I'm so clevar!"
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Oh yes. Let the passive aggressive cold war begin![/sarcasm]

BTW, if you're listening, over in the pink club, Aerith was wearing a green ribbon in the flashback you linked to, Cloud and Zack hit different parts of roof (even assuming Aerith never patched the thing in 7 years time), and Aerith was obviously not telling the truth, and that can be determined in FF7 alone, when she makes that statement.

Even if there were contradictions, have you never heard of a retcon?
Aerith was wearing a green ribbon in the flashback

I never remembered her wearing a ribbon in the past, so I clicked the link. Watching it, all I had in response to it was :ffs:

Even if the ribbon were pink, it was gone in CC.

have you never heard of a retcon?

'Big' words are confusing to them.

BTW, if you're listening, over in the pink club,

I'd also like to say something to them.
Please stop saying that Crisis Core is Fanon! You're embarrassing yourselves. :/
I'd also like to say something to them.
Please stop saying that Crisis Core is Fanon! You're embarrassing yourselves. :/

lol. No, don't be so nice. Let them continue with their immaturities. It's dead week and I need something nonsensical to laugh about. :randompoke:
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OMG! I don't know why I visited the re-started Pink Club.... pooor rabids and their delusions.
Crisis Core fanon... let me laugh! the only fanon thing is your maiden and all of the twisted facts you present.
And stop saying Barret is part of the family! he is a very special person to everyone(specially Marlene) but he is not part of it.Don't you listen to Square's words? they haven't mentioned Barret once as a member of the family.
And why would SE think of stating Barret as part of the family anyway? He isn't around enough. He left Marlene under Cloud and Tifa's care. : /
Clerith think we are cruel for letting Barret out when he is ,of course, the father of Marlene.
But facts are facts and he is not part of the family.
I don't know why we spend our time arguing anyway..xD I know is stressful to read all the crap their write but we should start to ignore them by now.
I mean clerith please MOVE ON you lost end of story.You don't have half of the proof we have.. in fact you barely have any.Try to support your couple with your scarce evidence and not to disprove ours.Thank you
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