Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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Damn, I thought you were going to say you had it finished :gasp:

and wtf happened to this smilie?! :gasp:

@ to answer your question about the LTD....It was closed yet again yesterday because the mods felt things were getting way to heated in there and that both sides were just going in circles. They didn't want people at each other's throats, thus, it was closed permanently.

@Aerith, I'm going to be first in line whenever you do make one!
Damn rumors! I can't believe it, I want to cry. </3 Will it be a tragic love story? T^T Kind of like Claire and Steve were? I hope not, I love Jill... and I love tragedies, but I really do not want Jill to be dead!
(Googled the image... it's so sad. I hope the rumor really is a rumor. T.T I also want to turn that picture into a pretty sig. <3 )

Yeah I know! Jill was my favorite character in the series, this is really sad.
Did Jill and Chris really had something going on?I remember the ending of Resident Evil 3 that showed Jill and Carlos in Romantic situations.

They are definitely worth reading. Though I don't like using Maiden as proof or think it's official, I really did enjoy reading it. CoT is also very sweet. Case of Barrett is alright.

I love Case Of Tifa! is my favorite novel of the bunch and I think I prefer it even to AC(obviously because it's focused on my favorite character),Maiden was alright but I thought Aerith acted way out of character, I don't consider it canon either.

@Stella:Thank for the birthday wishes!
welcome to the club 7th heaven! post lots and keep the club active as always,we are the biggest club by far! and we keep growing.
I know this isn't my stomping grounds at all, and I probably won't ever post in a Club on here unless it has to do with discount pricing at KFC or Under Armour clothing, but yes, I stand by that final statement.
Anyway, Cloud belongs with Shera. She cheated on Cid because Cloud has a bigger package. The end.

When you go into Rocket Town on the 3rd disc of the game you will see a small cut-scene if you walk around the place where the Tiny Bronco is/used to be. You will them be warped back to about 8 years ago when Cloud was still trying to be like Zack.

Cloud walked into an abandoned house because he heard a soft voice whisper his name; it was Cid. He searched the whole house and when he got to the upstairs bedroom, Cid came out of the closet (no pun intended). Cid wept bitterly of his true feelings for Cloud, and shockingly enough, Cloud revealed to Cid that he had been 'porking' Shera for months.

Cid got pissed, got hopped up on Shrooms, made a few bad decisions with Eiko and her twin cousin Nehemiah, and is now sitting in a prison cell for 2 counts of statatory rape. Shame too, I used to like Cid.

As for Cloud though, he's happy with Shera. She may not put out like she used to back in her mechanical-bull riding days, but she makes one hott Nurse which is Cloud's #1 Fantasy. Yeah, that's right, even Cloud's favorite Final Fantasy isn't FFVII. His is Shera dressed up as a Midnight Nurse from Jersey.
My post... well, whatever. :argh:

Did Jill and Chris really had something going on?I remember the ending of Resident Evil 3 that showed Jill and Carlos in Romantic situations.

Yeah, at the end of the game(RE3) it also had Carlos and Jill on a cruise looking out into the sunset. xD I'm not really sure of what is canon when it comes to RE, (Besides LeonxAda, BillyxRebecca, and StevexClaire... WeskerxBirkin xD) but most fans seem to support Chris and Jill together after playing the first game. ;)) I am one of those people. I liked Carlos, but he's just one of those fun minor characters.

I love Case Of Tifa! is my favorite novel of the bunch and I think I prefer it even to AC(obviously because it's focused on my favorite character),Maiden was alright but I thought Aerith acted way out of character, I don't consider it canon either.

I loved CoT too, because it had drama. :D It had ups and lows, it was very interesting seeing Cloud and Tifa work things out. This just shows how strong of a relationship they have, and how relatable it is. Anyhow, I agree. Aerith was really out of character in that book. :/ Not to be offending, but I thought she was a total bitch when it came to Zack, lol. That's why, it doesn't make sense compared to Crisis Core. (And some other inconsistencies that aren't formed from my opinion) So people saw her as flirty, but I thought she was being a total icequeen. And that just is not Aerith.

It's not that I don't like it because it's 'supposedly Clerith'. I'm more concerned about poor Zack. He's my favorite. </3 There really needs to be a Case of Cloud and a Case of Zack. Especially Cloud, I want to see more of what's in that boys head.

Or maybe a Case of Clack. 8D Oops, this is the Cloti club. *Oh well!*
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I loved CoT too, because it had drama. :D It had ups and lows, it was very interesting seeing Cloud and Tifa work things out. This just shows how strong of a relationship they have, and how relatable it is. Anyhow, I agree. Aerith was really out of character in that book. :/ Not to be offending, but I thought she was a total bitch when it came to Zack, lol. That's why, it doesn't make sense compared to Crisis Core. (And some other inconsistencies that aren't formed from my opinion) So people saw her as flirty, but I thought she was being a total icequeen. And that just is not Aerith.
Well Aerith always expressed her feelings more freely and without any fear compared to Tifa who was more shy and kept them locked inside of her.
I believe Aerith does flirt in the game too,I mean doesn't she flirt with Cloud by saying she's gonna pay him with a date for being her bodygard?Or outside of the honey bee inn with all those guys around her.But I didn't really find that so bad,except for the part when she said she's gonna go on a date with Cloud.
Oh, well flirting isn't a bad thing. :) You know, I bet sometimes it just comes naturally for Aerith. Some people are just like that, which makes her similar to Zack I suppose. x'D I still believe that the whole 'date' thing was due to her initial attraction to Zack, mixed with a bit of denial.
And if you notice in the movie the one she's leaving with is Zack.And Cloud realises he has his friends to support him,that he's not alone,and judging from his smile he has also forgiven himself.
Well Aerith always expressed her feelings more freely and without any fear compared to Tifa who was more shy and kept them locked inside of her.
I believe Aerith does flirt in the game too,I mean doesn't she flirt with Cloud by saying she's gonna pay him with a date for being her bodygard?Or outside of the honey bee inn with all those guys around her.But I didn't really find that so bad,except for the part when she said she's gonna go on a date with Cloud.

Ok we can all see that Aerith flirts with Cloud but i think that she is doing this only because inside Cloud she sees Zack in a way....They are almost the same because Cloud was a SOLDIER too and maybe because Cloud shares Zack's memories.....And outside the honey bee bar it isn't obviously if she flirts with them or them with her.....
I wonder about the moment that Cloud gave her that ring... It must have been so special to her! I imagine Cloud as a dork with words, so I bet he just putted the ring on and blushed!

Interesting continuity note in AC: The ring does not exist until AFTER the scene in which Cloud wakes up in the kid's room and talks with Reno and Rude, which ends with him looking at Tifa and waiting in the room til she wakes up, and the ring IS there when she wakes up. If one wishes to be extremely continuity Anal (much like the explanations put forth for the missing gloves), Cloud must have put the ring on her while she slept.

♥Aerith♥;465820 said:
Just to make it clear, not on this forum they won't. If they want to debate the LTD, then they should go join an actual LTD forum, which I know there is one out there somewhere. We're not allowing anymore arguments of the LTD here in general, because the mods agreed it's just senseless arguing over pixels that does nothing but go around in circles and cause bad blood on our forums, that which we would prefer to avoid as much as possible.

Technically, ALL of this, the forums, everything is going on over pixels, or overlain polygons if we want to be pedantic. As for 'actual LTD forum', I know of only one, and it's particularly poor.

Are the novel pieces really worth reading? I'm lazy, so I get my info and perspectives from playing the games, aside from watching Advent Children and Last Order :P

I know it's a sad scene, but mmmm...Those two look good all drippy and wet xD

The Cases are quite amusing. Especially Case of Barret. Tifa wears the pants indeed.

I love Case Of Tifa! is my favorite novel of the bunch and I think I prefer it even to AC(obviously because it's focused on my favorite character),Maiden was alright but I thought Aerith acted way out of character, I don't consider it canon either.

Well, it's not what you think that makes it canon. You have no say in the canon. SE does, and has basically been ignoring it, so it's probably not canon. Now, if it were and you wanted to exclude it, that would be your personal fanon.

you can read it here.It is good and it has it cute Cloti moments.

Keep in mind that's the unnoficial fan translation, and isn't EXACTLY the same as the official version.

I know this isn't my stomping grounds at all, and I probably won't ever post in a Club on here unless it has to do with discount pricing at KFC or Under Armour clothing, but yes, I stand by that final statement.

When you go into Rocket Town on the 3rd disc of the game you will see a small cut-scene if you walk around the place where the Tiny Bronco is/used to be. You will them be warped back to about 8 years ago when Cloud was still trying to be like Zack.

Amazing, since 8 years is before he even left Nibleheim, much less met Zack. Is Cloud a Time Lord? Where's his TARDIS? Which regeneration is he on?

Cloud walked into an abandoned house because he heard a soft voice whisper his name; it was Cid. He searched the whole house and when he got to the upstairs bedroom, Cid came out of the closet (no pun intended). Cid wept bitterly of his true feelings for Cloud, and shockingly enough, Cloud revealed to Cid that he had been 'porking' Shera for months.
Which was really akward for the pig, if we're honest.

Cid got pissed, got hopped up on Shrooms, made a few bad decisions with Eiko and her twin cousin Nehemiah, and is now sitting in a prison cell for 2 counts of statatory rape. Shame too, I used to like Cid.
But Eiko is actually 37 years old. She just looks like an eight year old due to a rare genetic disorder. It made her first three kids a reall rather akward affair.
For the record, I mean the moogles.

As for Cloud though, he's happy with Shera. She may not put out like she used to back in her mechanical-bull riding days, but she makes one hott Nurse which is Cloud's #1 Fantasy. Yeah, that's right, even Cloud's favorite Final Fantasy isn't FFVII. His is Shera dressed up as a Midnight Nurse from Jersey.
I thought it was the number with the nighty and the chains.
My post... well, whatever. :argh:

Yeah, at the end of the game(RE3) it also had Carlos and Jill on a cruise looking out into the sunset. xD I'm not really sure of what is canon when it comes to RE, (Besides LeonxAda, BillyxRebecca, and StevexClaire... WeskerxBirkin xD) but most fans seem to support Chris and Jill together after playing the first game. ;)) I am one of those people. I liked Carlos, but he's just one of those fun minor characters.

I thought Chris and Rebecca was being hinted at, but I never cared all that much about romantic subplots.

I loved CoT too, because it had drama. :D It had ups and lows, it was very interesting seeing Cloud and Tifa work things out. This just shows how strong of a relationship they have, and how relatable it is.
What? A realistic relationship in a fantasy story? Say it ain't so!

Anyhow, I agree. Aerith was really out of character in that book. :/ Not to be offending, but I thought she was a total bitch when it came to Zack, lol. That's why, it doesn't make sense compared to Crisis Core. (And some other inconsistencies that aren't formed from my opinion)
Hojo's death date, Year she met Zack, Details of her use of Lifestream (alone or helped, all or part, natch), and I even think her aiding Tifa is contradicted in the ultimania by saying Cloud brought her inside to protect her from mako poisoning.

So people saw her as flirty, but I thought she was being a total icequeen. And that just is not Aerith.
If you accept Maiden, it has to be interpreted as 'punishment' with a flirty nature to fit her character and the rest of the compilation. And it's not like Aerith hasn't been bitchy elsewhere.

It's not that I don't like it because it's 'supposedly Clerith'. I'm more concerned about poor Zack. He's my favorite. </3 There really needs to be a Case of Cloud and a Case of Zack. Especially Cloud, I want to see more of what's in that boys head.
Starts with 'T'.
I didnt really like MotP because th writing style was really bad IMO. This is most likely due to translation issues. I doubt it sounded nearly as awkward in Japanese as it did in English. Unfortunately, I can only understand the English translation, which is incredibley strange to read.

What I'm refering to is the descriptive language. Maiden was full of it, but alot of it didn't sound very "poetic" in English as it may have in Japanese. The line about likening Cloud's mind to egg yolk or something seriously made me LOL a little. This is the reason I've only read Maiden twice, once when it was released and again after Crisis Core came out to see the big deal of all the inconsistencies.

The On the Way to a Smile novellas were much better since they weren't really written with alot of high description. It was much more to the point and concise. I get the feeling that Nojima is simply a better writer than Benny Matsuyama (?). Of course, only people who could fully read the original Japanese have the most valid opinion on the writing skill of the two.

Hojo's death date, Year she met Zack, Details of her use of Lifestream (alone or helped, all or part, natch), and I even think her aiding Tifa is contradicted in the ultimania by saying Cloud brought her inside to protect her from mako poisoning.

Dear god, where is the quote for the last part. That sounds so dirty.
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Interesting continuity note in AC: The ring does not exist until AFTER the scene in which Cloud wakes up in the kid's room and talks with Reno and Rude, which ends with him looking at Tifa and waiting in the room til she wakes up, and the ring IS there when she wakes up.

I saw in a particularly pink Forum, that the ring actually did appear before this scene... I don't believe a screen shot was provided though, and I have no idea where to find the quote again. I've seen AC quite a bit though, and I haven't seen the ring anywhere else. And it makes sense, you know? They zoom in on the ring and you're like: "Hey, when did that get there?!

I thought Chris and Rebecca was being hinted at, but I never cared all that much about romantic subplots.

I always thought that pairing was cute. Well, I get really into pairings. Maybe it's my girly nature or something. x'D
@Everything else you said: All I can say is that it's all too true. ;))

I saw in a particularly pink Forum, that the ring actually did appear before this scene... I don't believe a screen shot was provided though, and I have no idea where to find the quote again. I've seen AC quite a bit though, and I haven't seen the ring anywhere else. And it makes sense, you know? They zoom in on the ring and you're like: "Hey, when did that get there?!

I wonder about the ring too... but it is probably a continuity error,just like the flower in the kids's room(that the Clerith thinks Cloud brought leaving Tifa alone and unconscious)

Keep in mind that's the unnoficial fan translation, and isn't EXACTLY the same as the official version.
what changes does the official version have?
I wonder about the ring too... but it is probably a continuity error,just like the flower in the kids's room(that the Clerith thinks Cloud brought leaving Tifa alone and unconscious)

If he did though, consider what he did. He went out, went to get the flower, and immediately came back to GIVE IT TO TIFA, and then returned to watching over her til she woke up. When people are hurt, you get them a gift. Like a flower. Seriously, if Cloud went to get a flower, it was to brighten up the room FOR TIFA.

what changes does the official version have?

Word choices. Perplexed instead of Dubious. 'Where I was', various other wording differences. I didn't give the text too much of an inspection, as it was a friend who purchased AC:SE, but I can double check once I get back in town and can catch up with them.
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