Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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Word choices. Perplexed instead of Dubious. 'Where I was', various other wording differences. I didn't give the text too much of an inspection, as it was a friend who purchased AC:SE, but I can double check once I get back in town and can catch up with them.
it is funny how the majority of the word changes make it even more Cloti....
"my place" so used by the Clerith when it was simply "where I was" and perplexed it's a better word choice than dubious.

The On the Way to a Smile novellas were much better since they weren't really written with alot of high description. It was much more to the point and concise. I get the feeling that Nojima is simply a better writer than Benny Matsuyama (?). Of course, only people who could fully read the original Japanese have the most valid opinion on the writing skill of the two.
I don't like Benny writing style too... well none of the two authors are incredible writers but Nojima is better.

My post... well, whatever.

Yeah, at the end of the game(RE3) it also had Carlos and Jill on a cruise looking out into the sunset. xD I'm not really sure of what is canon when it comes to RE, (Besides LeonxAda, BillyxRebecca, and StevexClaire... WeskerxBirkin xD) but most fans seem to support Chris and Jill together after playing the first game.
I am one of those people. I liked Carlos, but he's just one of those fun minor characters.
I never understood why people support ClairexLeon, I think it has no base and LeonxAda is so much better anyway.I like CarlosxJill too, I loved when you play as him and he does everything to save Jill from the virus.
I agree that perplexed is a much better word to use than dubious, though I thought dubious made it clear enough.

I never understood why people support ClairexLeon, I think it has no base and LeonxAda is so much better anyway.

Well, they'd especially support ClairexLeon after seeing the Degeneration Movie. >>; It kind of hints Leon and every girl except Ada, who doesn't appear in the movie. (Bummer) But, I never got that pairing either.

Well, they'd especially support ClairexLeon after seeing the Degeneration Movie. >>; It kind of hints Leon and every girl except Ada, who doesn't appear in the movie. (Bummer) But, I never got that pairing either.

I read that degeneration Hints at LeonxAshley... creepy.
I didn't know Ada didn't appear! I love her so much what a pity! I don't want to see the movie that much after this... but I`ll see it anyway.
O_O How does it hint Leon and Ashley? I didn't see that anywhere. He totally bombed her date in RE4, and I still have the confetti that I threw over that left over. -throws more-

It kind of makes sense since Wesker wasn't around, but still... xP I think Leon's just getting a little restless waiting. ;))

Er. On topic, I found this cute Christmas picture:


I also found this, and it made me giggle. :D


Do you think Cloud loves Tifa and he just hasn't realised yet,because that's what I believe.He opened his heart to her ,as seen in the memories too,and I don't see the point of making that scene if they were just friends.

Lovely pics Celes *Saves*
cute fanarts Celes! I just love them together

Do you think Cloud loves Tifa and he just hasn't realised yet,because that's what I believe.He opened his heart to her ,as seen in the memories too,and I don't see the point of making that scene if they were just friends.
I think he always loved Tifa,his feelings never went away during Disc 1 he was just confused.When Tifa helped him to discover his true self he realized that Tifa is her soulmate and the woman he always loved...
Then(as every other couple) they have their problems but they are happy until Cloud contracts Geostigma and doesn't want to be a burden.But it all has a happy ending.
a lot of things Cloud says to Tifa are so romantic.. and obviously something you wouldn't say to a friend... remember that SE has said ,explicitly, that Tifa is the only woman Cloud has ever opened his heart to... is that can't be considered something you do with your loved one, then what it is?
Hey, maybe ACC will have a nice "I love you" between the two. 8D That is highly doubtful, just because it's such a bold statement, but I think it'd be so romantic for someone as shy and introverted as Cloud to say something like that. <3

I believe that Cloud has always loved Tifa as well, and it's Tifa who didn't realize it until after Cloud left her in Nibelheim. There's that saying: "You don't realize what you have until it's gone". :)

Say that to all those who support that Cloud loved only Aerith(i was reading something like that and made me really mad,I wanted to punch the screen)
I understand your frustrations.

But, it'd be hard for Aerith to love a stranger, and likewise for Cloud. The whole time he was with Aerith, he wasn't the real him. Even the supposed special laugh between Cloud and Aerith, has the quote after it: "When Jenova was still in control of Cloud's mind."

So, I can see these two being close friends. Perhaps if Cloud was himself the whole time that they met, they could have been more. I just think Aerith was really hung up over Zack.
She does look better with Zack,I really love them together and most Clerith fans say that she loved Cloud more cause Zack is kinda of a lady's man,because of the thing he has with Cissnei,which is only an excuse because Cissnei didn't exist before CC.
yeah they didn't know each other that well, Aerith cared deeply for him and I think she was initially attracted to him.. but she later realized that it was only an infatuation caused by the similarities Cloud and Zack shared.
Actually, Cissnei did exist before CC. ^^; She was shown in BC. Even so, what Zack and Cissnei had was not romantic. It seemed to me he saw her as a friend, or perhaps a little sister. Cissnei seemed to have a crush on Zack, but I never saw him returning those feelings. Zack might be a ladies man, but that doesn't mean he's a cheater or that he's incapable of true love. :/ It means a lot of women are attracted to him, and he doesn't mind. xD He's a flirt by nature, but there's a special bond he shares with Aerith and it's made pretty clear. I just get really irked when people claim that Zack is a player. That's just not who he is at all.

Ah, that's the perfect word choice, Cloti! Infatuation is exactly what Aerith had for Cloud Imo.

Tifa has loved one man her whole life, and that is just astonishing. <3 With how beautiful she is, I bet she's had offers from many different guys. (Unless Barret scared them away to protect her. xD) I can see Barret as the father of Tifa, and any man being afraid to anger him by trying anything with his 'daughter'.
yeah I hate when people bring Cissnei into the equation... she and Zack barely interacted romantically... can we compare Zack and Aerith scenes and Zack and Cissnei scenes?
Yeah I think the same about Tifa! practically the whole sector 7 was in love with her(for the conversations you have with them before meeting Tifa) that is why I don't understand how can people be so mean to Tifa? she is a beautiful,selfless heroine and Cloud is the love of her life! she has loved this man since she was a little girl, she was willing to sacrifice everything for him, and to Have this guy in love with a dead girl is just cruel to Tifa. That's other reason why I think the compilation is Cloti and Zerith,everyone is happy.
Now it's time for her role in KH II.To confirm that I wasn't wrong Tifa is something like Cloud's light while Sephiroth repressents the darkness inside of Cloud's heart.
Doesn't that mean that Tifa is the only one who can truly save him?But he somehow is "afraid" to face that fact since he's running away from her?
I think Tifa is Cloud's light.. it's something very pausible(I am not saying completely true)
but Nomura himself gave some sort of confirmation by saying that"if Sephiroth is his darkness,then Tifa is his light" we know Sephiroth is indeed the darkness...
Yeah Nomura said that Cloud was running away from something "warm" and that was Tifa.I wonder what happened between KH I and KHII, there the Cloud-Tifa connection should have been stablished... she became that something "warm" that Nomura described.
In fact I've noticed that Cloud runs away from Tifa in the movie too,that's they've become distant.
yeah for the same reason "the happier that Cloud gets the lonelier he becomes.."
after he contracted Geostigma, he doesn't think he deserve the happy life he is leading with Tifa and the kids, so he isolated himself, he doesn't want to be a burden.Is in that point when his guilt starts to manifestate.When he received the forgiveness,he is able to continue with his happy family life(and we Clotis want to see more of it)
(i'll be trying to find more evidence)Maybe KH is leading us to what really happens in the end,I mean with who he gets to end up.
I remember the scene where they're on the bike in AC and they're just so perfect.
Tifa is the only one who can understand that's why she's still waiting patiently for him to make his first move towards a fresh start.Who could that the way Tifa does.

-Need to find more Tifa x Cloud fanart*goes to search*
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