Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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Zack would feel regretful if he ever lost Aerith during Crisis Core, wouldn't he? He even goes far as to
protecting her from the robot that comes into the church (the scene where the Angeal copy protects them both.)
I think it's something to do with Zack in general, but I could be wrong.
I've always felt that Cloud's reaction to Aerith's death and the guilt he felt had something to do with the Zack in him as well. I mean the real Cloud obviously felt guily too, since Aerith was a very dear friend to him, but I think a part of him was playing off Zack's emotions as well. That's just my personal interpretation of it.

Here's a cute cloti fanfic I found. Some of you may have already read it, but I still think it's worth sharing.
I really love your new CloTi set Stella.
After watching Last Order again,I noticed that when Cloud rescue Tifa he had a happy expression on his face and he was slightly smiling.
er.... well....

Uh, revision is posted? For those that don't know?

In any case, a funny thought occured to me the other day. I asked myself, what if Cloud and Tifa went to a theme park or something? I could totally see Tifa just screaming in delight and throwing her hands in the air on all the roller coasters, but for some reason Cloud, sitting right next to her, looked as though he was trying to fuse his butt to the seat and his fingers into the bars that hold you down.

It was a very funny image. He may be able to jump/fly insane distances, but I don't think roller coasters would be something he'd enjoy.

Dunno why. :\
I'm the same actually. I'd imagine Tifa being happy, but Cloud being all edgy and not wanting to sit right next to her, so that he'd be touching her. This might be due to the fact that he could be embarrassed or just because he might have an accident.

His face colliding with her boobs anyone? :wacky:
Haha xD BEWBPLANT :gasp:

I've started trying to draw something naow. Might take me a while. XDD Cos I tend to procrastinate :wacky:

Also, Tifa and Cloud at a fairground <3 Can you see him winning her a giant plushie or something on those hoop games? :gasp:
He'd totally win a big plushy chocobo for her.

I can see it.

And then she'd say that his hair kinda looks like the chocobo's...... ;D
hahah what a cute moment it would be.. I don't imagine Cloud so strong,he will probably vomit or something while Tifa takes care of him xD.
I love your Cloti set Stella! that is the most gorgeous pic of Tifa ever.
I've gotta agree with Cloti,he gets sick whenever he's on a moving "thing",like a car or something.
We don't discuss anything Cloud and Aerith or Clerith related in the clubs or the forums period anymore, butterfly, so please refrain from asking those questions here. Take it to another forum. We've had nothing but problems when we allow LTD discussions.
I dont even know what this LTD thing is, can you enlighten me on MSN or something someone? XD

Poor Cloud :P Such a warrior yet can't hold himself in fairgrounds. hehe
♥Aerith♥;473697 said:
We don't discuss anything Cloud and Aerith or Clerith related in the clubs or the forums period anymore, butterfly, so please refrain from asking those questions here. Take it to another forum. We've had nothing but problems when we allow LTD discussions.
Deleted. I'm sorry, again. I don't know why I keep messing up...
lol You don't keep messing up. You're new, so you're bound to make mistakes. I made my fair share of them as well, so don't worry so much. ;P Just enjoy yourself and have a good time, okay? ^_^
er.... well....

Uh, revision is posted? For those that don't know?

In any case, a funny thought occured to me the other day. I asked myself, what if Cloud and Tifa went to a theme park or something? I could totally see Tifa just screaming in delight and throwing her hands in the air on all the roller coasters, but for some reason Cloud, sitting right next to her, looked as though he was trying to fuse his butt to the seat and his fingers into the bars that hold you down.

It was a very funny image. He may be able to jump/fly insane distances, but I don't think roller coasters would be something he'd enjoy.

Dunno why. :\

Motion sickness. When he controls the motion, he's fine with it, but otherwise...
Okay, now that I've read the last few pages I missed...

Nice Cloti set, Stella! <3

It was a very funny image. He may be able to jump/fly insane distances, but I don't think roller coasters would be something he'd enjoy.

There's a roller coaster (roller coaster feels like it should be one word to me. D<) on the Gold Saucer date. They should of said something about Cloud's uneasy stomach. xD

And, just because I can... I love Garakuta art.

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Hey there, welcome newbie. Don't double post because it's against the rules.

Edit: I've come to notice that everyone loves to claim that CloTi is the cutest pairing. However! I've decided that to fully support their love for each other, the first post has been changed.

Welcome, welcome, to the hottest fan club going on FFF! There are many people that wish to saviour the beautiful CloTi (Cloud/Tifa) pairing, no? Well, you've come to the right place. All you must do to pass into the club is ask to join, obviously. But to be a fully-fledged member, you must proclaim a passage from the CloTi Bible in your very first post here.

I hereby declare myself a CloTi
I shall worship CloTi for as long as I live
Cloud is the protector of Tifa
Tifa is the angel of Cloud
I will praise their beautiful romance
And proclaim The Word of CloTi

So I would like all existing members and new ones to proclaim The Word of CloTi!

Just to show dedication and crap. :wacky:
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LOL. Now we're becoming a religion as well, eh? xD

The Cloti are fierce.
Of course CloTi... I mean, it's not CloYu, and CloAe worshippers, HA! Cloud and Tifa are meant to be together... obviously
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