Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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Basically poor Tifa getting kidnapped. I know, she's like uber strong and everything, that's why the people getting her aren't normal humans, you know? >_<

I was also thinking maybe she was protecting the children in her care and couldn't totally protect herself, or something :/

Gah, so frustrating. The story is all nicely laid out in my head, but I can't put words to it -__-
That sounds perfect and it's in Tifa's nature as well, considering she protected Marlene from Loz at first when he came into the church.
Nah, we're just talking about fanfiction story ideas, that's all :P

You know, if Cloud and Tifa did get married, I wonder who would be the best man, bride's maid, and all the other roles in the whole procession?

Actually, I can't really imagine a big fantastic wedding, just a small quiet ceremony.

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if it was just the two of them exchanging vows in the church and Aerith and Zack acting as the witnesses beyond the grave :3

Marlene would probably be pissed she couldn't be the flower girl xD
I could imagine it being a quiet ceremony, but then Yuffie turns up to make a big thing of it.

Vincent would probably be Cloud's best man and Marlene would want to be a flower girl or a bridesmaid. I could imagine Barret being annoyed at not being the best man as well as Yuffie's face when she'd have to wear a dress for the wedding. :wacky:
Well after he get's miffed at not being the best man, he'll get all bashful when Tifa asks him to give her away xD

I can imagine Barret walking alongside Tifa as the father giving away the daughter at least. He seems like a very protective figure to Tifa, and his fatherly affections for Marlene is very clear.

Vincent would be an interesting choice as best man I admit. He and Cloud do have that scene in AC where there seems to be an understanding between them. But at the same, Vincent seems like an introverted person until DoC at least. I can see him more as lurking in the shadows while watching the whole thing.

I can see Cid being the best man and telling Cloud a bunch of perverted advice for the wedding night though xD

Denzel might be the ring bearer too :3

I suppose because it looks like a Christian Church in FFVII I'm thinking of a Christian wedding for them. It would also be cute to see them in kiminos for a Shinto Wedding too :3
Better response, meh.

The Weiss thing ... that's a good idea, that. The ending of Crisis Core and of DoC
when we clearly see Genesis rising again
has also give me ideas. Genesis might play a role in this. I've yet to decide.
Oh my... Genesis is one of my cloti fic characters XD all those Tsviet things and so on... Well I guess everything's in vain in there. I'm trying to get rid of this OOC stuff >_<
Sorry, just couldn't help mention^^
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I honestly have to say I hate people that make all the characters OOC. It's why I don't really read any fics on -_-
I honestly have to say I hate people that make all the characters OOC. It's why I don't really read any fics on

Same here. :/ Though I have read a few good ones- and man, were they hard to find, haha.
So this CloTi story I was talking about? I said I'd start it this week, but I'm going to put it off for a few more weeks until I know exactly what I'm going to write about.

"Cloud declared that “I’ll be a SOLDIER” to a village girl, Tifa, whom he dimly fell in love with, and made a promise to protect her."

it is a bit like the one, but this is made by a Clerith i think :eek: anyway, have any of you seen the NEW ACC trailer yet? *o* Tifa fight monsters and Cloud looks sooo hawt XD
I can find a lot of songs that would determine CloTi, but I've been looking at a lot of new material lately instead of the usual stuff. I love Kelly Clarkson's new song, called My Life Would Suck Without You. It's kind of a pop-ish song, but I like it. Watch it here and note the lyrics. It really does define their friendship and a relationship - if one was possible!

"Cloud declared that “I’ll be a SOLDIER” to a village girl, Tifa, whom he dimly fell in love with, and made a promise to protect her."

it is a bit like the one, but this is made by a Clerith i think :eek: anyway, have any of you seen the NEW ACC trailer yet? *o* Tifa fight monsters and Cloud looks sooo hawt XD

its funny how they straight up tell you he fell in love with her in this quote.. and yet these people still deny it?!!?

the Clerith dont know/deny? that the Japanese kanji "dim" used there actually makes sense to mean "secret" not faint... I know read this somewhere ..can someone elaborate more?
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That's very strange, considering they say that, but continue to deny it. The statement is clear. It's why I support CloTi for many reasons. She was his first love, the first girl he'd ever liked. I never thought that Cloud had romantic feelings for Aerith after she died because he just felt guilt. Maybe part of Zack could have made him like Aerith because we all know Zack liked Aerith before he died.
Well, first, who does these translations? o_O .....Which reminds me, my memory is fuzzy, but if I recall correctly or heard correctly, the Japanese dub of AC where Cloud was having flashbacks about Zack, I thought I heard Zack say Tifa's name, whereas in the Englisg dub, there is no such mention of Tifa's name. o_O I may be wrong, because I only took one year of Japanese and it's been a longgg while>.<, but well, we're talking about translations. Oh yes, speaking of that flashback with Zack in AC, I think it's similar to the scene in CC where Zack and Cloud were at the inn and Zack reassured Cloud that Tifa was safe. And well, if I heard correctly and since AC was released before CC, I can only wonder that Square is deliberately giving us subtle hints toward if maybe FF7 wasn't apparent for some already. And this is not even counting the "...." line taken as rejection. All these translation errors just seem to marginalize CloTi, imho.

Edit: In the Japanese dub, I believe Zack says "Tifa wa, doo da". Which I think can be translated as, "Tifa's fine". Me thinks. Though correct me if I'm wrong for those who know better.
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