Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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not to change subject right away.. but what do you think being a CloTi fan and a Aerith lover like me? i've been called "fake CloTi" and stuff because Aerith is my favorite character. of course i love Tifa too, lol i love everything about her. she's carrying, a kick-ass fighter, beautiful, HAWT!! XD i just adore how she acts in AC, like a mother. she's just so sweet, and Cloud too when he is around the kids. :3 i think he handles Marlene pretty well even thought he's unsure how he should act (like he says in On A Way To A Smile) lol ANYWAY. i just can't wait until ACC comes out Square Enix MUST put some CloTi in there, or else i will kill 'em D:

Really? Whoever claimed you were a "fake Cloti" clearly had their head up their ass. A lot of Cloti fans adore Aerith, and I've met quite a few that even prefer her to Tifa. I love Aerith, I liked that she wasn't as 'innocent' and 'perfect' as some of her fans make her out to be. She was a sweet girl, with her share of flaws such as naivety.

So him being a unwilling cold jerk instead of the typical nice guy hero is justified for me ;D

Hm, interesting! When you put it that way, I almost forgive him. Then I remember who he got whipped by later on, and feel no remorse for disliking him. *lol*

Tifa too much as a homely gal with a conventional sex life though, despite how much porn and hentai based on her character design there is

I know, right? T^T Tifa has a very sexy look, but she's actually a very modest girl! I think that's so amazingly funny. Her heart is also set on one guy, which is also a plus. She never had a "Zack" to get confused with. She's always just had Cloud.
I know, I'm the same. I like Aerith and can still call myself a CloTi fan. Nah, I think Cloud's a lot stronger than Tifa and she'll be the one that gets hurt. But how would you take it carrying his child, I wonder? Lucrecia had enough trouble with Sephiroth.
Why would either one be hurt? They had sex under the Highwind, and neither appeared to be injured the next day.
...Umm...Does this mean there are some who's still not sure what happened under the HW scene? :unsure:...


Simple question! So, do you think IT happened between Cloud and Tifa? :wacky:
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

They must have had sex. Please, I hope it's real. :wacky:
Well, if at least one person will appreciate it; and it's not like there's a post count here anyways xD

Alright, this is probably gonna get me in trouble with the fans, but when it comes to the Squall/Rinoa pairing from FFVIII, I'm not a fan of it at all. It's why I cringe when people couple Cloud/Tifa and Squall/Rinoa as awesome pairings, 'cause I don't wanna say no to Cloud/Tifa but wanna screech about Squall/Rinoa. At one point I would honestly say that I hated the idea of those two together, but I've settled on dislike of the concept given how they came together so abruptly only after she goes into a coma when there was nothing there between them before that, except for their contract that Squall didn't even want to do. For a game surrounded by their romance, it's base was pretty damn weak.

I'm not gonna argue about them here with any fans. No matter what, I'm not gonna change my mind about them, but I'm not gonna barge into the Squall/Rinoa fanclub and force my own opinion on the matter on anyone either, 'kay? Just 'cause they're a canon pairing doesn't mean I have to like them >_>

And no, it's not because I rather see Squall get screwed by Seifer :wacky:

Anyways, in my last playthrough, I pretty much ignored Rinoa as much as I possibly could. Never talked to her, kept her out of my party if that even effected anything, did nothing beyond canon things with her. I even sent her to the missile base team ;D

However, when the gang held that concert for Squall and you see her and him alone together, I saw her in a totally new light for that one scene and I can admit that I liked her for that short time and could possibly see that she could be good for Squall. She was sweet, kind, telling Squall that she and everyone loved and care for him O.O

Every other playthrough of FFVIII where I didn't ignore Rinoa and tried to make her happy, acted nice to everyone even, when I had to see that scene, she was always such a whiny, brattish bitch to him D=<

So how is it that by me being, in sense, a bitch to Rinoa, that she's suddenly very sweet and kind to Squall? o_O

Oh wow, that is weird going by your descriptions. I haven't played FF8 in a really long time, so I kind of forgot how the date mechanics work and the differences of how this scene can play out.

IMO - FF8 was so much wasted potential in terms of story and characterization. I actually like the characters, and Squall/Rinoa would have been great if Rinoa was something like Sally was to Holden in the Catcher in the Rye... but guh, I just cry for all the wasted potential in that game :monster:


Anyways, as for Cloti sex, I kind of see Cloud trying to lead and not having a clue as to wtf he's doing :wacky: Then he'll feel all bad, Tifa won't blame him for anything, and he'll go and ask Cid for advice :monster:
They must have had sex. Please, I hope it's real. :wacky:
Uh,,, what do you mean by real? :wacky: They did have real sex.

Well, it's pixel-real sex, dat's fo sho :monster: We just don't get to see the deed. Now I hope we do get to see them at least hold hands in ACC. Or maybe the buttsmack again?!

So how is it that by me being, in sense, a bitch to Rinoa, that she's suddenly very sweet and kind to Squall? o_O

I think her reaction is supposed to be determined by the music you choose to be played in the concert. I think the 'nice' reaction is when you choose the 'folk' music.

Speaking of OT-ness though, I always though Rinoa was a nice name. No really. Oh and I always thought she was cute but there wasn't anything about her personality that made her special to me. Though I wasn't annoyed by her or anything. But well, maybe that's 'cause I like Selphie and people generally consider Selphie even more annoying than Rinoa, despite the fact that Squall and Rinoa basically took most of the screentime. Yeah, I agree, lots of wasted potentials. =_=
I admit that whenever I saw the Highwind scene, I never thought the two had actual sex, that they just snoozed beside each other, that's all xD

But I thought the thing with the scene was that only the original concept was that the two were implied to being having sex (Tifa supposedly would walk out of the chocobo stable on the ship and fix her hair or something with Cloud following behind), but was changed to be the more the kid friendly version it is now, right?

And the whole "could they get hurt during sex" is just hypothetical by applying these two video games characters in a more domestic setting really xD

I hope this doesn't sound sexually discriminating, but often guys will be stronger than women, but putting that concept between Cloud and Tifa leaves doubt. We've SEEN Tifa lift huge ass monsters with just one hand, slam Loz, a Sephiroth-wannabe of sorts, into the ground, so we know she's a helluva lot stronger than any normal man, and just how physcially strong is Cloud anyways? Take his sword away, and seriously, what does he got going for him physically against Tifa? ;D
Lol, now that I think about that scene ... gawd, it is real! Hurrah!

Srsly, that thing you said about the chocobo stable. I could imagine Barret catching them with Cid and being all gangsta. :wacky:
I admit that whenever I saw the Highwind scene, I never thought the two had actual sex, that they just snoozed beside each other, that's all xD

But I thought the thing with the scene was that only the original concept was that the two were implied to being having sex (Tifa supposedly would walk out of the chocobo stable on the ship and fix her hair or something with Cloud following behind), but was changed to be the more the kid friendly version it is now, right?

They toned it down from the original explicit version, but the version as is is still risque because of the dialogue, and that dialogue is only risque if it implies sex.

And the whole "could they get hurt during sex" is just hypothetical by applying these two video games characters in a more domestic setting really xD

I hope this doesn't sound sexually discriminating, but often guys will be stronger than women, but putting that concept between Cloud and Tifa leaves doubt. We've SEEN Tifa lift huge ass monsters with just one hand, slam Loz, a Sephiroth-wannabe of sorts, into the ground, so we know she's a helluva lot stronger than any normal man, and just how physcially strong is Cloud anyways? Take his sword away, and seriously, what does he got going for him physically against Tifa? ;D

Invulnerability. I'm not being facetious. Man fell over 50 meters and woke up only a few minutes later with nary a scratch on him.
errrh, i don't think they ever had sex. if they had, then Cid and Barret would be BIG PERVS. XD but i still find it cute that Tifa rests her head on Cloud's shoulder :3 i mean, if they were just "friends" i don't think they would sleep in a position like that 0.0 Cloud could have slept on the other side of the rock if he wanted LOL ..anyway~ i know this isn't any proof at all, but.. on the AC DVD cover you'll see Cloud holding Kadaj (and then the story/nformation about the movie) and then alot of squares with all the AVALANCHE members (include Sephy, Kadaj and Zack) and then there's a pic with Cloud holding Tifa in the flowerbed when she have been beaten down by Loz. (huh? how cool SE used that pic *o* no Clerith pic there either) and then all the Cloud and Tifa squares are related to eachother, and the Zack and Aerith pics are related. i just noticed o_o''

yahhh, sorry about my bad english ._.
Eh, your English is better than most people I've seen. :wacky:

Anyways, I think that they didn't have sex. But I would like to believe it! Really, I do.
AHA, I knew it! I sensed the lack of faith in CloTi smex in here. :wacky:

Anyways, I'm not going to try to argue about this, because frankly, I don't really care :monster:

But uhh... I am curious how some people explain certain things that were said and that happened if nothing risque was supposed to be implied, even after the creators have confirmed that the dialogue was risque and the original version was even more suggestive. I mean, like whether sex or no sex happened, we know Cloud and Tifa got intimate that night and that's enough for me to know Cloud and Tifa have a romantic bond. But so far, people who claim that they think sex didn't happen have nothing to back up their claims except "I didn't think it happened". I think I just want a better explanation.

What do you make of Tifa's line"Words aren't the only thing that tells people what you think" and then the embarassment the next morning?

Though, I don't think Barret or Cid or anyone were watching them if Cloud and Tifa did the deed. We didn't get to see the act, why should they? :monster: The point is, when sex is implied in any form of proper media, a movie for instance, we do not see it but we are aware that it happened.
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"What do you make of Tifa's line"Words aren't the only thing that tells people what you think" and then the embarassment the next morning?"

hm, you have a point there ariesmoon XD atleast i thought they got very close to eachother when Cloud got back to the "normal Cloud". really, you notice it. :3 he's always close to her in the end, holding her hand to keep her safe when Cid's Lady Luck is.. somewhat unstable. hehe, but BEFORE that when Cloud catches Tifa in the cave and he's holding her. then she's like.. hugging his chest o.0 (LOL i wanna do that to >:D) ummh, that seems somewhat familiar to the other Final Fantasy games. like when Rinoa and Squall is hugging eachother, and Zidane and Garnet, Tidus and Yuna. ANYWAYYYS, that's really sweet. and i don't think "friends" would do that either, hm? and i mean, i've found so many proofz in the Ultimania's too. i wish everyone would get it into their heads that CloTi is happening. and in AC i just noticed that when Cloud is reaching for Tifa's hand when he's about to defeat Bahamut. he smiles at her, and i found it so cute X33
Yeah, the sex might not be implied, but we can all have our little suspicions. :wacky:

I think on the similar lines with Tidus and Yuna. I bet you any money that they did sleep together on the night that they were at the lake. Heh, wouldn't be surprised if Kimahri watched. :P
Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case either. I always poke fun that people call Tidus and Yuina's lake scene their infamous "kiss" scene, bit it was a friggin' MAKE OUT SESSION xD

I guess all of Tidus' training as a blitzer gave him controlled breathing, eh? :wacky:

Imagining Cloud and Tifa in that kind of scenario would be interesting though. I probably mentioned this already, but remember reading a Cloud/Tifa fanfic about FFVII character with the FFX storyline, so there's that ^^
Yep, I'm still intending doing the exact same storyline, just a few things are going to be different. I read it as well, but the author took it down for some odd reason. Darn, I really enjoyed that one, too! It was full of CloTi goodness. And then they moved on to Soriku.
Nothing wrong with Riku/Sora :monster:

It's interesting that in KH2 that Tifa is the one that gives Sora the physically strongest keyblade in the game that seems more like a representation of Cloud than herself ^^

And I love that line. She's trying to find "her man" xD
No, it's not the fact they moved on to Soriku - it's the fact that they deleted one of my most favourite stories on FF.Net. :gasp:

I was utterly devastated. A shame really, you can't find many CloTi stories on there either.
Well, PERSONALLY, I think the two just made-out in that scene. I mean, who the HELL would want to get some freaky-deaky with your junk in the wind? I mean, come on! Talk about uncomfortable! And then the two just 'arranged' themselves in an completely innocent position for the last part? Bullshit. The two probably made-out and that's it.

In other news today, After AC has been updated! Rejoice! And Read!
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