Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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yeah, and when she asks if Tifa is Cloud's girlfriend too. :3

-"Is Tifa.. a.. girl?"
-"She's your.. girlfriend?"

then you can answer: "No way!" (like he's embarressed XD) or "Yeah, that's right."

i don't remember exactly what they said, correct me if i'm wrong. ^-^
I always say the second.At the beginning when I buy a flower from Aerith I give it to Tifa.
Yeah, even the optional dialogues seem to hint at pro-CloTi. I mean you don't have the option to call Tifa a slum dunk for instance....That was what you can call Aerith, if I remember correctly. o_O lol I forget. But Cloud has an option to say Tifa's his gf. ;D
Oh,I never noticed that and it's so true.Thanks for pointing that out ariesmoon.Another + for CloTi.
slum dunk!! i remember that lol XD there are alot of hints in the game.. but i have never understood this when Cloud says: "Aerith, it is too dangerous for you!" then she says: "Ohhh, so it is okay for Tifa to get hurt then?" and Cloud's like: "No.. I don't want her to get hurt either." i don't know, does it have something to do with Cloud's "Zack personality" because that dialoge is in the beginning when you're going to save Tifa from Don i think o.0 anyways, have you ever thought of that when Cloud and Teef is in the lifestream, Cloud's mind is full of Tifa! *o* (his beloved) and of course Sephiroth (his enemy) and Zack (his best friend) and i know Clerith's try to make their point that Aerith herself let Tifa into Cloud's heart. but i dunno.. Aerith has a ability to do that. and Tifa was the only one who could save Cloud, she knew the REAL him. and Tifa is the answer to the REAL Cloud, i guess that's another point of the CloTi loooove ;)
*brushes dust off of self* Yeah, I'm still here. I missed four whole pages. 8D (I'm kinda glad, eh heh...)

Well, I think her profile said she took interest in the love triangle.

And why shouldn't she be? She saw the Zack in Cloud, so naturally she was attracted to him. Seriously, I don't see how she could not have been attracted to Zack when she saw Cloud. There are three quotes stating she saw him throughout the course of the entire game. Then, if you look at Maiden, she thinks of Cloud, awakens Zack, and then admits that she never knew the real Cloud.

Yeah, even the optional dialogues seem to hint at pro-CloTi.

My favorite is:

Tifa: Did you sleep well?
Cloud: Next to you, who wouldn't?

nd i know Clerith's try to make their point that Aerith herself let Tifa into Cloud's heart.

All she did was protect Tifa from Mako poisoning. She didn't open up Cloud's heart, and literally lead Tifa into it.

yeah.. but i think it is in "The Maiden Who Travels The Planet" novell. there Aerith leads Tifa into Cloud's heart/mind. buuuut Aerith is a Cetra, she has the ability. it dosen't have to mean that she is the only woman who can get that close to Cloud's mind. o.0 that would be kind of wrong if you think about it.. and it also stands that Tifa is the one that will live and take care of Cloud. and Aerith says: "I'm kind of jealous.." or something XD

Actually, I was referring to Maiden. It actually says that Aerith protected Tifa from Mako poisoning. Aerith wasn't able to enter Cloud's heart and mind, because Tifa is the only person who can do that. Though she did help Tifa get there in a sense, she didn't help Tifa in any form with Cloud's heart or mind.

Yes, Aerith says she's jealous and she also entrusts her feelings for Cloud to Tifa. Not only that, but she admits to not knowing who the real Cloud is.
SLUM DRUNK. That made me lol so hard. One of the best lines in the game :monster:

and Cloud tends to have really flirty optional dialogue with Tifa, while with Aeris it tended to be more cutesy and sweet. I always thought the Tifa lines (calling her your g/f, "Next to you, who wouldn't") was just to make Cloud seem more like a stud than he really is :monster:

It's cute and all but I usually don't count disc1 fakeCloud's affections by rule, you have the option of calling Barett your lover o_O We all learn the truth in disc2 in the Lifestream sequence!

and yeah, there are options of being blatantly rude to Aeris (slum drunk, zomfg) while Tifa you can outright say she's your girlfriend. I think the most straightforward optional dialogue like that regarding Aeris is the "Let's hope so" line when Marlene says something like "I think Aeris likes you, Cloud!" Also the "(jealous... envious)" one, maybe. Those one are note quite as definite as straight-up calling Tifa your girl, though.

Some weird/interesting stuff about the date mechanics:
How the hell does Aeris get so many points (+10 point) if you take her to see Dyne with Barett? That is so weird.
If you say "I can't hang on much longer" hanging off the bridge, Tifa will like you more. Tifa is... weird.
Tifa likes you more when you express more concern for saving Aeris in Don Corneo's love den (in the evnt that Don chooses Aeris). Awww, what a sweetheart Tifa is!
Yuffie likes you more for giving her drugs (tranquilizers) :wacky:

edit: OMG 100 pages guys!
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How the hell does Aeris get so many points (+!0 point) if you take her to see Dyne with Barett? That is so weird.

I'd assume it's just because she's the default date. x'D Oh, I had forgotten all about that (jealous...envious...) line. Long ago, it's that scene that spurred my hatred for her character. 8D
Haven't read MoTP, but going by the general idea that Aerith was out of character by being a cold bitch to Zack, I don't wanna read it. I don't wanna see Aerith act like that to Zack after playing Crisis Core T.T

And where do you guys get these numbers for affection? o_O

Well, not that I was mean to Aerith, but I was always nice to Tifa, so I always got her as my date. Except for the last time around when I did try to actually get Aerith's date and had her in my party in like every event possible, and lo and behold, I got the Aerith date.

I think in general, odd things get's you odd results. I wanna say an example from FFVIII, but that's probably too off topic...
Aw, just mention it now, I'm curious. And pfft i think a good 20 pages of this thread is OT :monster:

oh, i got the affection numbers from the date mechanics guide on Gamefaqs :P
Well, if at least one person will appreciate it; and it's not like there's a post count here anyways xD

Alright, this is probably gonna get me in trouble with the fans, but when it comes to the Squall/Rinoa pairing from FFVIII, I'm not a fan of it at all. It's why I cringe when people couple Cloud/Tifa and Squall/Rinoa as awesome pairings, 'cause I don't wanna say no to Cloud/Tifa but wanna screech about Squall/Rinoa. At one point I would honestly say that I hated the idea of those two together, but I've settled on dislike of the concept given how they came together so abruptly only after she goes into a coma when there was nothing there between them before that, except for their contract that Squall didn't even want to do. For a game surrounded by their romance, it's base was pretty damn weak.

I'm not gonna argue about them here with any fans. No matter what, I'm not gonna change my mind about them, but I'm not gonna barge into the Squall/Rinoa fanclub and force my own opinion on the matter on anyone either, 'kay? Just 'cause they're a canon pairing doesn't mean I have to like them >_>

And no, it's not because I rather see Squall get screwed by Seifer :wacky:

Anyways, in my last playthrough, I pretty much ignored Rinoa as much as I possibly could. Never talked to her, kept her out of my party if that even effected anything, did nothing beyond canon things with her. I even sent her to the missile base team ;D

However, when the gang held that concert for Squall and you see her and him alone together, I saw her in a totally new light for that one scene and I can admit that I liked her for that short time and could possibly see that she could be good for Squall. She was sweet, kind, telling Squall that she and everyone loved and care for him O.O

Every other playthrough of FFVIII where I didn't ignore Rinoa and tried to make her happy, acted nice to everyone even, when I had to see that scene, she was always such a whiny, brattish bitch to him D=<

So how is it that by me being, in sense, a bitch to Rinoa, that she's suddenly very sweet and kind to Squall? o_O

Back on track...

This is something my stupid perverted brain was thinking about, but if Cloud and Tifa ever got physical, would Cloud handle Tifa's strength? I know he's pumped up on Mako and his own strangth, but Tifa's got some wicked awesome chi in her, yeah? I doubt they would cancel eachother out.

She could probably carry around him and his buster blade like they were light as feather. I always figured if she handling the children, she's very careful and can supress her strength, but let's say she lost control under "certain situations", would Cloud suffer for it? xD

And here's a pic (don't know if it was shown before or not though...)
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lright, this is probably gonna get me in trouble with the fans, but when it comes to the Squall/Rinoa pairing from FFVIII, I'm not a fan of it at all. It's why I cringe when people couple Cloud/Tifa and Squall/Rinoa as awesome pairings, 'cause I don't wanna say no to Cloud/Tifa but wanna screech about Squall/Rinoa. At one point I would honestly say that I hated the idea of those two together, but I've settled on dislike of the concept given how they came together so abruptly only after she goes into a coma when there was nothing there between them before that, except for their contract that Squall didn't even want to do. For a game surrounded by their romance, it's base was pretty damn weak.

I'm not gonna argue about them here with any fans. No matter what, I'm not gonna change my mind about them, but I'm not gonna barge into the Squall/Rinoa fanclub and force my own opinion on the matter on anyone either, 'kay? Just 'cause they're a canon pairing doesn't mean I have to like them >_>

And no, it's not because I rather see Squall get screwed by Seifer

Anyways, in my last playthrough, I pretty much ignored Rinoa as much as I possibly could. Never talked to her, kept her out of my party if that even effected anything, did nothing beyond canon things with her. I even sent her to the missile base team ;D

However, when the gang held that concert for Squall and you see her and him alone together, I saw her in a totally new light for that one scene and I can admit that I liked her for that short time and could possibly see that she could be good for Squall. She was sweet, kind, telling Squall that she and everyone loved and care for him O.O

Every other playthrough of FFVIII where I didn't ignore Rinoa and tried to make her happy, acted nice to everyone even, when I had to see that scene, she was always such a whiny, brattish bitch to him D=<

So how is it that by me being, in sense, a bitch to Rinoa, that she's suddenly very sweet and kind to Squall? o_O

Omg, is this seriously your honest feeling? If so, you're awesome. This describes exactly how I feel; it's nice to see someone else with the same opinion on Squinoa/Rinoa for once. :> I don't think Cloud and Tifa are anything like SquallxRinoa. In fact, Squinoa reminds me of of Twilights Edward and Bella. . . Random, no development, it just happens. Quistis was so caring and considerate towards Squall, and he acted like a complete asshole to her. Then Rinoa waltzes in, and because she's the "pretty princess that always gets her way" she wins the guy? I think that's a load of bs, and it should not have happened that way. I think Squall and Rinoa are both very selfish characters, and I have never liked either of them much. Squall I can tolerate to a very small degree, but Rinoa I cannot stand at all. In fact, she almost made VIII unbearable in my opinion.

would Cloud suffer for it? xD

Lol, Domanatrix? XDDD
Back on track...

This is something my stupid perverted brain was thinking about, but if Cloud and Tifa ever got physical, would Cloud handle Tifa's strength? I know he's pumped up on Mako and his own strangth, but Tifa's got some wicked awesome chi in her, yeah? I doubt they would cancel eachother out.

She could probably carry around him and his buster blade like they were light as feather. I always figured if she handling the children, she's very careful and can supress her strength, but let's say she lost control under "certain situations", would Cloud suffer for it? xD

And here's a pic (don't know if it was shown before or not though...)
Well Cloud doesn't die easily so I don't think we should worry about them.He has been attacked from Sephiroth so many times and yet he's not missing any part of his body(yet).
We're reaching 1000 pages.:ohshit:
not to change subject right away.. but what do you think being a CloTi fan and a Aerith lover like me? i've been called "fake CloTi" and stuff because Aerith is my favorite character. of course i love Tifa too, lol i love everything about her. she's carrying, a kick-ass fighter, beautiful, HAWT!! XD i just adore how she acts in AC, like a mother. she's just so sweet, and Cloud too when he is around the kids. :3 i think he handles Marlene pretty well even thought he's unsure how he should act (like he says in On A Way To A Smile) lol ANYWAY. i just can't wait until ACC comes out :D Square Enix MUST put some CloTi in there, or else i will kill 'em D:
I didn't mind Rinoa at all. Squall annoyed me. That's all I'll say.

As for Cloud and Tifa sleeping together, I think it'll be like when Edward and Bella sleep together in Twilight. She'll be full of bruises and stuff, but I think she won't be in as much pain as Bella was - you have to consider her strength, too.
I'm too much of a Squall fangirl, so I hated Rinny, and I saw him more as a victim in the game in terms of how everyone demands things from him when we know he just wanted to be alone. So him being a unwilling cold jerk instead of the typical nice guy hero is justified for me ;D

lol, dominatrix Tifa xD

I think that was brought up already, but it could happen, I suppose :P

I see Tifa too much as a homely gal with a conventional sex life though, despite how much porn and hentai based on her character design there is -_-

Well, I'm sure Tifa handle herself, but I was talking about Cloud get roughed up too much; so Cloud would be like Bella instead xD

And I am an Aerith fan as well and still like Cloud/Tifa. It's kind of hard to hate the girl in pink, especially when she dies so early in the game. You get to know her enough to like her, but she didn't stay long enough for you to get any dislikes of her, at least that's how I think.
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