Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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Question: May we still point out when certain arguments are flagrantly incorrect, or is this a complete cease and desist of discussing the other side?

Because I think the latter will only lead to stress and strained tempers. I've seen it before.

That's fine, I'm just saying tone it down a bit. There's no need to try and make Cleriths seem like they don't know what they're talking about just because they have a difference in opinion and the same can be said for the Cleriths in regards to the Clotis.
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I think you know what I want to say to the above post, but I shall zip it for your sake. : )

Alright then, I can respect your wishes to that extent. However, if you want proof of where she instigated me, I can give you it. I will try to ignore it, but she's done it to me in the past in other Forums. If you have no need of the proof at this time, that's fine too.

Wow, a CloudxTifa picture I have never seen. That sure is strange, but it's also adorable.
*saves and adds to photobucket. >;D*
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For my sake? I'd appreciate it if you didn't challenge me. I came in here with nothing but respect, same for Cleriths just asking you to please tone it down so as to avoid any upset between the two groups.
For your sake meaning, that I wasn't going to try and challenge what you were saying, that's all.

I meant no disrespect.
I appreciate that, thank you. Please continue to carry on and enjoy the loveliness that is CloudxTifa!
I just had a totally random thought, but it's fair to say that Tifa and Cloud's outfits are a tad similar in the AC movie, right? Maybe they went shopping together or something and chose the outfits xD

Probably strolling along sector 6, hell, maybe even that dress store in Wall Market, and went inside and browse around. And Cloud's a closest pervert (obviously :P), he probably bought a silk teddy for Tifa to wear without her knowing xD
Well, their outfits are made to be balanced after all. :)

I always had the idea that maybe Tifa made them. x] Strife delivery clothing line?
Oh there's a thought. The woman already cooks, cleans and takes care of the kiddos, doing things with clothing would fit her stereotypical role...

...Okay, I gotta say it xD

Tifa probably got Cloud to be in just his briefs and feels him all over for measurements :wacky:

Oh Hyne, I'm such a perv online ;D

EDIT: That'd be cute, Denzel would want to ride Fenrir to do deliveries and Cloud's all possessive of his vehicle or something :P
Speaking of clothes and randomness, was there ever any official answer as to why Tifa's attire actually included more covering up? I had an idea maybe it was just to fit with her more maternal role as well as maybe Cloud asking her to cover up more :wacky:, for his sake. What do you guys think? Does Cloud strike you as a possessive guy despite his rather timid demeanor towards Tifa?
I'm not sure about anything official concerning her covering up, only about her dressing less in Crisis Core to impress a certain someone. ;D

But I assumed for the fighting scenes of her flying around and such, they didn't want any pantie shots.

(Oh darn! XD)
Even though I don't post/frequent Strifeheart, there was this one cute little roleplay I found there when I was being a dirty sneaky lurker :wacky:

To paraphrase, Cloud gets mad at all these guys at the bar looking at Tifa, so he buys her really baggy jeans. When Tifa asks him about it, he responds "because it gets cold sometimes." I thought that was cute :monster:
That DOES sound cute. It sounds like the kind of thing that Cloud will do, but it seems like he could be afraid to admit he has this crush on her.
Even more, rarely would one admit to being jealous. Though this is really all speculation, it's fun to think about xD. It's also not implausible given Cloud harbored insecure feelings before what with his crush and the jealousy in my room scene and all. Reminds us again how similar Cloud and Tifa are, both being shy and insecure and stuff.
I agree, very cute. <3 I could see a random person hitting on Tifa, and Cloud kicking the crap out of them. x'D Then again, Tifa would probably get to them first.

Unless she was a little sneak and pretended to be vulnerable to get her 'knight' to save her. xD
More like, Cloud never agreed to that date. No matter how many times she asked. Even if you get her for the date scene, he was still forced into it.

And, she liked the Zack in Cloud. So technically, there was nothing about her loving "Cloud".

Yeah, I know he neevr agreed with it. And I never did get her for the date scene... I always got Tifa.

Exactly. She even said that Cloud reminded her of "the first boy she ever liked."
On the topic of Cloud being jealous/possessive over Tifa, gotta remember, his mental age is still rather young. After Tifa helped him find himself again in the lifestream bit in Disc 2, while his physical age is 20, he's still got the mentality of his 16 year-old self. so in AC, he just barely grazed adulthood by then. Coupled with the fact that males are known to be less mature than females age-wise to begin with...It's a wonder Chocobo-head isn't as brattish as he could be xD

Given that, I wouldn't be surprised if Cloud was somewhat "unreasonably" emotional over Tifa as a lover.

Although I'd be loling if the guy seriously just glomped our girl and said "all mine!" xD
Aa, I almost forgot the 5 years gap between Cloud's mental and physical age. Yeah, that adds to the plausibility of him being capable of feeling the somewhat unreasonable emotions regarding his koibito. Although it's quite sexist to assume such a thing. :monster: Also I'd expect Cloud's behavior to be similar to Tifa's. I doubt he'd be open and confrontational about his basic insecurities regarding the object of his feelings.
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