Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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Exactly. She even said that Cloud reminded her of "the first boy she ever liked."

And aside from that, we've got the game guide and Ultimania(s) stating that as fact.

On the topic of Cloud being jealous/possessive over Tifa,

This reminds me of Cloud and Tifa's promise. I don't mean to steer away from your subject, but I'd also like to know what everyone thinks about it. Even though Tifa "strong-armed" Cloud into the promise, it becomes very important to him. *Some* people think that his dedication to that promise faded by the time AC rolled around. Others think that if the promise was so important, he wouldn't have forgotten it in the beginning of FFVII.

Thoughts? ;O

Also I'd expect Cloud's behavior to be similar to Tifa's

Agreed. <3

Oh, and did all of you see that the LTD thread is opened again? : )
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This reminds me of Cloud and Tifa's promise. I don't mean to steer away from your subject, but I'd also like to know what everyone thinks about it. Even though Tifa "strong-armed" Cloud into the promise, it becomes very important to him. *Some* people think that his dedication to that promise faded by the time AC rolled around. Others think that if the promise was so important, he wouldn't have forgotten it in the beginning of FFVII.

Thoughts? ;O

The promise. He did forget it, but with some reminding from Tifa, he remembers what he promised before he left to join the Shinra troops. I'm guessing it means something to him after the fact, because he even goes and rescues her in the beginning of the game, but I can't remember his name... x.x It proves that he cared for her.
That Cloud "forgot" the promise is the first major clue in the game that he's forgotten who he is, but we wouldn't know this on the first playthrough. We're meant to be a bit misled at first; we're meant to think that the promise was a bigger deal to Tifa than Cloud, until the Lifestream scene turns this perception on its head. Like any good story with a plot twist, we don't realize the significance of certain events until we look at them in hindsight. We discover later on how very important the promise is to him, which reflects just how messed up he is at the beginning.

And let's not forget: What's the last heroic thing Cloud does in the game? He rescues Tifa from falling off the cliff, thus resolving a plot thread that was opened when he failed to rescue her from the bridge in Nibelheim. Interesting how Cloud's final act, his final arc resolution involves being Tifa's rescuer, eh? That they'd make this his final act of the game shows the importance that the story gives Cloud's promise.
Yeah, that's what I've always thought regarding the ending and conclusion. That is, although Cloud was characterized as weak throughout the entire game, I felt like he finally did become Tifa's hero. And then waffz, AC made Cloud EMO. :P

Edit: Oh. The LTD thread is reopened, and we already have -->:ohshit:<--
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Very nice explanation, Serene, and I absolutely agree. Cloud's memories all revolve around Tifa in the lifestream scene. This scene is even said to be a "feasible" point by the creators.

And, I'm sure there will be plenty more -->:ohshit:<-- to come! : )
Very nice explanation, Serene, and I absolutely agree. Cloud's memories all revolve around Tifa in the lifestream scene. This scene is even said to be a "feasible" point by the creators.

I'm not sure 'feasible' is quite the right word there. Got the original source handy? I get the nagging feeling something's slightly off kilter with the use of 'feasible'.
I got it from ACF's site, though they've transferred everything now, of course.

Here's the full quote:
As to her realising that 「Cloud had rushed over when Tifa was in a pinch」- Note that the explanation that「Both of them regained the lost memories of that time when they were inside「FFVII」's Lifestream」becomes a feasible point.

Sorry, the way I worded it is what made it awkward. XP
LTD reopened!



and feasible does seem to be an awkward word to put in that sentence considering the sentence is trying to point out how critical that scene was. "Pivotal" or "critical" would have worked better to get the point across, but I don't know anything regarding about what the translation may be. Feasible sounds kinda weak, imo.
Yeah, it did. They're talking about the differences in LO as opposed to the previous scenes being feasibly explained that they recovered lost memories while they were in the lifestream.

Ah, LO. SE seems hell bent on keeping you attached to the continuity in some way or another, don't they? You've appeared in the 10th Ulti, the CC Ulti, and the 20th Ulti, even though you got re-retconned in CC.

Addendum: It took me a split second to realize that was a picture of a real Lion, not Nanaki. That's kinda hilarious.
I found a very good song for the couple. It kind of reminds me back in the game when they were running from everything that came at them such as the AVALANCHE stuff, hence the title of the actual song itself.
I think Cloud was the first boy TIFA ever liked. I was referring to Aerith.

Sorry about that, I wasn't paying attention very well aren't I?
True. The first boy acted and somewhat looked like Cloud when it comes to her. You know being protective and stuff just like Zack. I'm not creating a Clerith thing here, I'm just pointing out some similarities here. Besides, Cloud knew that Zack knew Aerith.

"If you see Aerith, say hi for me!"
- Zack Fair
Sorry about that, I wasn't paying attention very well aren't I?
True. The first boy acted and somewhat looked like Cloud when it comes to her. You know being protective and stuff just like Zack. I'm not creating a Clerith thing here, I'm just pointing out some similarities here. Besides, Cloud knew that Zack knew Aerith.

"If you see Aerith, say hi for me!"
- Zack Fair

Except he didn't. At least not at that time. Cloud had wrapped himself in the lie of being Zack, and did not at that time Remember Zack, much less his final words.
Well, I thought he did after receiving the Buster Sword and saying that he is Zack's living legacy. Did he went to Aerith afterwards?

And maybe the reason why they say Aerith loves Cloud more than Zack is because Zack never wrote back to Aerith after giving him 89 letters which he never received. Can this be the reason? If so, Aerith would like Zack better if he received and wrote back to those letters... Just guessing...
They claim that after Aerith's final letter, she moved on. Which clearly, she didn't. Also, apparently Zack's feelings for Aerith are those of a siblings, and he has a secret longing for Cissnei. :highfive:

I don't get it either.
Doesn't anyone find it funny how I sensed a debate war and THEN the Clerith fan club reopens? The irony! :wacky:
Doesn't anyone find it funny how I sensed a debate war and THEN the Clerith fan club reopens? The irony! :wacky:

You were so right. From now one, I put all my FAITH in you. :wacky:

It is FUNNY though. :P

Maybe they've been lurking around in this club and got annoyed by "cloti." :P
Haha, you did say that! And I totally doubted you. I'm sorry. T.T

It's because we're big meanies! D; :ohshit:
You guys still accepting new members? If so, sign me up. I've been into Cloud and Tifa as a couple since the game first came out.
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Ergh, I double posted...Oh well, I edited so it wouldn't say the same thing, at least. Just ignore this.
welcome to the club! wow I've been absent for a few days and a lot of stuff hapenned!
time to read everything I missed.
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